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Judgment No. Session No. Full text
3272 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complainant successfully challenges the decision not to appoint her to a vacant post due to procedural flaw and violation of her right to due process.
3271 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The application for interpretation of Judgment 2938 is rejected by the Tribunal, while the application for execution of the same judgment is allowed.
3270 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the date on which her classification in grade G5 took effect.
3269 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complainant alleges that she was submitted to harassment and denounces flaws in the inquiry relating to her harassment allegations.
3268 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complainant successfully impugns the establishment of a staff report containing negative comments.
3267 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complainant impugned the decision not to waive the time limit for lodging an internal appeal, claiming that his heavy workload constituted an exceptional circumstance justifying the grant of a waiver.
3266 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complainant successfully challenged the decision not to promote him on the ground that the standard used was too demanding (exceptional performance).
3265 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complainant having been allowed to contribute again at the full rate to the pension scheme, the Tribunal need not rule on his complaint seeking the cancellation of the decision to lower the contribution rate.
3264 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complainant successfully impugns the decision not to renew her contract after an extension of her probationary period and is granted damages.
3263 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The application for execution of Judgment 3032 was dismissed by the Tribunal.
3262 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complainant, who applied for the position of Legal Advisor, was offered the post, but at a grade lower than that at which it was advertised.
3261 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The Tribunal considered that the application for execution of Judgment 3036 was justified by the defendant’s delay in executing that judgment.
3260 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
After divorce proceedings with serious financial consequences, the complainant challenges the refusal to refer to the General Council of the WTO the issue of compatibility between the judgment of the Swiss Federal Court against him and certain provisions of the Headquarters Agreement and the Pension Plan Regulations.
3259 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The application for execution of Judgments 2830 and 3014 was rejected by the Tribunal.
3258 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complainants argued that their rights of staff representatives had been violated, but their claim for pecuniary compensation was dismissed by the Tribunal.
3257 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complainant successfully challenged the decision to offer him a one-year extension of his fixed-term contract rather than the two-year extensions he had previously received.
3256 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complainant contests the fact that he was not promoted in 2006 in accordance with the "age-50 rule", which had been abolished as from 1 January 2005.
3255 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The Tribunal allowed the complaint and ordered the cancellation of the competition in which the complainant had applied.
3254 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complaint was considered irreceivable on the ground that it was time-barred.
3253 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complainant impugns an unfavourable evaluation report. Her internal appeal having wrongly been rejected as irreceivable, the case is referred back to the internal appeal body.

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Last updated: 03.08.2024 ^ top