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Judgment No. Session No. Full text
3312 117th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The disciplinary sanction taken by the Executive Head departing from the recommendation of a disciplinary board is cancelled for lack of sufficient reasons.
3311 117th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The Tribunal considers the complaint irreceivable on the ground that the complainant has not respected the time limits of the internal appeal procedure.
3310 117th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complainant asks for the recalculation of an education allowance by reference to the dependent handicapped child allowance (instead of on the basis of the dependent child allowance).
3309 117th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complainant contests the Administrative Council’s decision modifying the calculation method for the annual leave entitlement of employees on part-time sick leave.
3308 117th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complainant, acting as a member of the Staff Committee, impugns the Administrative Council’s decision modifying the power of the appointing authority to adopt a new recruitment procedure for Principal Directors.
3307 117th Session, 2014 EN, FR
After being removed from his post consecutively to a judgment of the Tribunal declaring his appointment invalid, the complainant seeks compensation for moral injury.
3306 117th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complainant contests the Administration’s interpretation and application of the opinion of the Medical Board regarding the end of his sick leave.
3305 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
Application for review of Judgment 2913 in which the Tribunal allegedly minimized the discriminatory and disproportionate nature of the sanction imposed on the complainant.
3304 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complaints are time-barred and, consequently, clearly irreicevable.
3303 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The application for review of Judgment 2990 is rejected in accordance with Article 7 of the Tribunal’s Rules.
3302 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complaints were dismissed for non-exhaustion of internal remedies under Article 7 of the Tribunal’s Rules.
3301 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complainant through five irreceivable complaints requested information concerning facts that occurred before his retirement for disability.
3300 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The Tribunal dismissed the complaint filed against the decision not to consider the complainant's disability as resulting from an occupational disease.
3299 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complainant successfully impugns a decision to keep in her personal file a warning letter and the non-renewal of her contract.
3298 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complainants contest the conditions of their reassignment and allege unequal treatment.
3297 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complainant was dismissed for misconduct following a disciplinary investigation, which found that he had forged and falsified documents.
3296 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complainant alleges that he has been harassed and that he was appointed only in 2006 to a post whose functions he had been fulfilling since 2001.
3295 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complaint concerning a disciplinary measure was dismissed by the Tribunal on the grounds that he had not demonstrated the existence of an error warranting the cancellation of the sanction.
3294 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complainant contests the decision to refuse to reclassify one of her former posts.
3293 116th Session, 2014 EN, FR
The complainant contests the amount of the reinstallation allowance which was granted to him.

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Last updated: 03.08.2024 ^ top