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    1. A propos du Programme HIMO
    2. Domaines de travail
    3. Pays concernés
      1. Afrique
      2. Amériques latine et Caraïbes
      3. Asie et le Pacifique
      4. Etats arabes
      5. Europe et Asie centrale
    4. Exécution du programme
    5. Publications
    6. Nouvelles
    7. Evénements


An ILO-executed regional programme of Advisory Support, Information Services and Training (ASIST) was initiated in 1991 to support projects in labour-based road construction and maintenance in SubSaharan Africa. The current phase of ASIST is cofinanced by DFID (United Kingdom Department for International Development), Sida (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency), NORAD (Norwegian Government), and DANIDA (Danish International Development Assistance) and follows earlier regional projects of support to labour-based road works. The programme is, at present, funded up to early 2005. The development objective of ASIST is to achieve widescale adoption of employment intensive approaches in national transport and infrastructure policies and programmes. The intermediate objective of ASIST is to achieve, in the programme's area of influence, an increased use of cost-effective labour-based methods with fair working conditions.

French language training materials for EIIP programmes have been prepared as a first step to establish the "ACTIF" (Appuis et Conseil aux Travaux d'Infrastructure et Formation pour l 'Emploi et l'Entreprise en Afrique) programme in French speaking Africa using DANIDA funding. The materials cover both technical and management subjects. Funding for the full ACTIF programme is still being sought.

Dernière Modification: 16.01.2007 ^ top