Publications généraux HIMO
- Bituminous Surfacing Options for Low Volume Roads Constructed by Labour-Based Methods.
1,378 Kb
Jon Hongve, International Labour Organisation, October 2006
- Rural Infrastructure Publication No. 4, Jobs or machines - Comparative
Analysis of Rural Road Work in Cambodia - PDF
1,258 Kb
Paul Munters, International Labour Organisation, 2003
- The Labour-based
Technology Source Book: A Catalogue of Key Publications - PDF 3,229 Kb
- Guidelines for the Design
and Construction of Suspension Footbridges - PDF 999 Kb
Emannuel Chipuru, 2000
- Designs and
specifications for a standard trailer and hitch for labour-based works -
PDF 2,427 Kb
Hamper and David Mason, 1999
- Training Course Notes
Surveying and Setting out - PDF 1,670 Kb
Bjorn Johannessen, International Labour
- Material Selection
and Quality Assurance - PDF 190 Kb
P. Paige Green, 1998
- Productivity norms for
labour-based construction - PDF 158 Kb
David Stiedl, 1998
- Technical Manual Labour Based
Road Construction Methods - PDF 1,795 Kb
Bjorn Johannessen, International Labour Organisation, 1997
Labour Based Road Construction and Maintenance Technology, Course Notes for
the National Polytechnic Institute - PDF 3,446 Kb
Bjorn Johannessen, International Labour
Organisation, 1997
- Technology Choice Man or
Machines including Case Studies from Lesotho and Zimbabwe - PDF 3,056 Kb
M. Lennartsson
and D. Stiedl (Employment Promotion Seminar), 1995
- Remuneration systems for
labour-intensive investments. Lessons for equity and growth - PDF 43 Kb
Steven K.
Miller, International Labour Review Vol 131, 1992
Quantification of Accessibility Levels of Rural Areas: A case study in the
Northern Province of South Africa - PDF 392 Kb
A. Sarkar and M Mashiri, 2002
- Rural Transport and
Local Government Units, How to improve rural transport for the rural poor -
PDF 424 Kb
Chris Donnges, published in United Nations Transport and Communications
Bulletin for Asia and the Pacific N0 71, p27-38, UN/ESCAP, 2001
- Meeting the Accessibility
Needs of Rural Poor - PDF 21 Kb
Ashoke K. Sarker and Dipak Ghosh, IASSI Quarterly,
Vol 18, No.4, 2000
- A Guide to Integrated
Rural Accessibility Planning in Malawi - PDF 698 Kb
Rob Dingen, 2000
- Household Survey Report
of Five Selected Sekong Villages - PDF 1,319 Kb
Nadia Guillin, UNDP/ILO, 1999
- Impact Assessment
Report IRAP Laos - PDF 46 Kb
Chris Donnges & Linda Deelen, UNDP/ESCAP/ILO, 1999
- Guidelines for
Transport Infrastructure Inventory, Preparation of Transport Network
Analysis - PDF 32 Kb
Chris Donnges, International Labour Organsiation, 1999
- IRAP Laos Issue Paper 4,
Integrated Rural Accessibility Planning and Community Participation in Rural
Infrastructure Development - PDF 127 Kb
Chris Donnges, International Labour Organisation,
- IRAP Laos Issue Paper 3,
Rural Road Planning, Recommendations fo Improving the Rural Road Network in
Lao PDR - PDF 155 Kb
Chris Donnges, UNDP/Sida/ILO, 1998
- IRAP Laos Issue Paper 2,
Guidelines on Integrated Rural Accessibility Planning, The Laos Experience
- PDF 260 Kb
Chris Donnges, UNDP/Sida/ILO, 1998
- IRAP Laos Issue Paper 1,
Access and Income Generating Activities - PDF 294 Kb
Chris Donnges, UNDP/Sida/ILO, 1998
- Políticas
de contratación pública y modalidades de organización legal en
Perú, Bolivia y Ecuador - Acceso de las micro y pequeñas empresas
a los contratos públicos para obras y servicios - PDF 264 Kb
José Yeng y Serge
Cartier van Dissel, Oficina Subregional de la OIT para los Países
Andinos, Lima, 2003
- Employment-Intensive Infrastructure Programmes: Labour policies and
practices - PDF
2,133 Kb
David Tajgman and Jan de Veen, 1998, ISBN 92-2-111034-630
Contractor's Handbook for labour-based road works - PDF 1,855 Kb
Roads Training School, Roads Department, Ministry of Works and Supply, Republic
of Zambia, 2004
Development of contractor registration scheme with a focus on small scale civil
work contractors - PDF 555 Kb
Uriyo, A., J. Mwila and L. Jensen, National Council for Construction and ILO,
September 2004
Manual for supervision of labour based road rehabilitation works
- PDF 5,896 Kb
Tembo, S. and F. Blokhuis, ILO, 2004
Training Guidelines on Small Scale Contracting - PDF 2,889 Kb
Bjorn Johannessen,
International Labour Organisation
The Urban Material Source Book - A guide for community managed and
labour-based upgrading of low-income urban settlements - PDF 131 Kb
George Simba and Jan Fransen, 2000
Contract documents for small contract in the road sector - PDF 53 Kb
David Stiedl, 2000
- Employment-Intensive Infrastructure Programmes: Capacity building for
contracting in the construction Sector
- PDF 2,936 Kb
Peter Bentall, Andreas Beusch and
Jan de Veen, 1999, ISBN 92-2-111581-X35
- Employment-Intensive Infrastructure Programmes: Labour policies and
practices - PDF
2,133 Kb
David Tajgman and Jan de Veen, 1998, ISBN 92-2-111034-630
- Basic conditions of employment act, 1997
– Ministerial Determination: Special Public Works Programmes
34 Kb
Government Gazette South Africa, January 2002, Government of South
- Basic conditions of employment act, 1997
– Code of good practice for employment and conditions of work for Special
Public Works Programmes
51 Kb
Government Gazette South Africa, January 2002, Government of South
CTP 70: Feeder Roads Improvements and Maintenance by Contract - PDF 130 Kb
Tor Hernes, 1987
- Community contracts in urban infrastructure
works – Practical lessons from experience
- PDF 1,920 Kb
Tournée and W. Van Esch, 2001.
- Organisation, contracting and negotiation in development programmes and
projects - A study of current practice at the community level - PDF
1,893 Kb
Peter Oakley, 1999
Employment-Intensive Infrastructure Programmes: Capacity building for
contracting in the construction Sector
- PDF 2,936 Kb
Peter Bentall, Andreas Beusch and
Jan de Veen, 1999, ISBN 92-2-111581-X35
Training Material Source Book: A Guide for Trainers in Labour-based Works -
PDF 80 Kb
Andreas Beusch, 2000
- Trainers Toolbox for Training of Trainers - PDF 133 Kb
David Mason, 1995
- Sustainable community-managed and labour-based upgrading of urban
low-income settlements
Handbook - PDF 884 Kb
Workbook - PDF 373 Kb
Trainers' Notes - PDF 1,265 Kb
Jan Fransen, Hamish Goldie Scot, Wilma van Esch, ILO ASIST Africa,
International Labour Office, Geneva, 2002
- Site Supervisor Course for labour-based and community-managed upgrading
of urban low-income settlements
Basic Course Manual - PDF 2,954
Skills Course Manual - PDF
6,771 Kb
Supervisor's Site Reference Handbook - PDF
3,905 Kb
Andreas Beusch, Marie Winsvold, ILO ASIST Africa, International Labour
Office, Geneva, 2002
- A
global programme: Investing in employment for poverty reduction and local
economic growth - A Programme document of the Employment-Intensive
Investment Branch 2003-2007
1,525 Kb
ILO, 2003
ASIST-AP Programme Document
1,132 Kb
An Evaluation of The Advisory Support, Information Services and Training
Programme - Asia-Pacific Region (ASIST-AP)
286 Kb
Sarah Ladbury and John Howe, December 2004
ASIST-AP Intermediate Progress Report November 2004
579 Kb
ASIST-AP, 2004
ASIST-AP Annual Progress Report May 2003 to April 2004
756 Kb
ASIST-AP, 2004
- ASIST Africa Strategy Document - Targeting Investments for Working Out of
Poverty 2005-2007
ASIST Africa, May 2004
- ASIST Africa Programme Document 2005-2007
ASIST Africa, May 2004
- ASIST Africa Programme - Self evaluation report July 2003 - June 2004 -
311 Kb
ASIST Africa, 2004
- Programme document for
ASIST Africa 2001-2003
171 Kb
ASIST Africa, 2001
