Les technologies de la construction (CTP)
CTP 168: Planning and
Implementing Local Infrastructure Works - Guidelines for Tambon
Administrations - PDF 1,813 Kb
ILO ASIST Asia Pacific. 2004. ISBN: 92-2-115460-2
CTP 167: Small Scale
Contracting - Strengthening Local Capacity for Sustainable Rural
Infrastructure - PDF 4,193 Kb
Aniruth Thongchai, ILO ASIST Asia Pacific. May 2004. ISBN
CTP 166: Labour-based Technology: A Review of Current
Practice: Labour-based Technology for Poverty Reduction, Volume II: Papers -
1,703 Kb
10th Regional Seminar for Labour-Based Practitioners, Arusha
, Tanzania , October 2003.
CTP 165: Labour-based Technology: A Review of Current
Practice: Labour-based Technology for Poverty Reduction, Volume I: Proceedings -
PDF 869
10th Regional Seminar for Labour-Based
Practitioners, Arusha,
Tanzania , October 2003.
CTP 164: Labour-based Technology: A Review of Current
Practice: Towards
Appropriate Engineering Practices and an Enabling Environment, Volume II: Papers
6,551 Kb
Ninth Regional Seminar for
Labour-Based Practitioners, D. Mason, Maputo, Mozambique, May 2002
CTP 163: Labour-based Technology: A Review of Current
Practice: Towards
Appropriate Engineering Practices and an Enabling Environment, Volume I:
Proceedings - PDF
3,833 Kb
Ninth Regional Seminar,
D. Mason, Maputo ,
Mozambique , May 2002.
CTP 162: Labour-based Technology: A
Review of Current Practice. The
New Millennium – Challenges for Labour Intensive Investments, Volume II:
Papers - PDF
2,185 Kb Eighth Regional
Seminar for Labour-based Practitioners. C. Allen, S. Wilson UK . Edited by The ASIST
Team, Cairo ,
Egypt, October 2000.
CTP 161: Labour-based Technology: A
Review of Current Practice. The
New Millennium – Challenges for Employment-Intensive Investments, Volume I: Proceedings
3,974 Kb
Eighth Regional
Seminar, C. Allen, S. Wilson UK . Edited by The ASIST Team, Cairo ,
Egypt , October 2000.
CTP 160: Labour-based Technology, A Review of Current Practice.
in Employment-intensive Works, Papers - PDF 803 Kb
Seventh Regional
Seminar, L. Sampson, Sampson Consulting and P. Loots, Executive Focus. Edited by ASIST
Nairobi, Lusaka, Zambia, May 1999.
CTP 159: Labour-based Technology, A Review of Current Practice.
in Employment-intensive Works, Proceedings - PDF 482 Kb
Seventh Regional Seminar,
L. Sampson, Sampson Consulting and P. Loots, Executive Focus. Edited by ASIST
Nairobi, Lusaka, Zambia, May 1999.
CTP 158: Labour-based Technology: A Review of Current Practice.
Right Tool for the Job – A review of Tools and Equipment for Labour-based
Infrastructure Works, Papers - PDF
5,673 Kb
Regional Seminar, Jinja , Uganda. S. Emorut-Erongut, Edited by A.
Kabiru-Kangethe, D. Mason & G. Sibanda, September/October 1997.
CTP 157: Labour-based Technology: A Review of Current Practice.
Right Tool for the Job – A review of Tools and Equipment for Labour-based
Infrastructure Works, Proceedings - PDF 1,482 Kb
Regional Seminar, Jinja , Uganda. S. Emorut-Erongut, Edited by A.
Kabiru-Kangethe, D. Mason & G. Sibanda, September/October 1997.
CTP 156: International training for small
contractor development – assessment of potential demand – assessment of DFR
training capacity
INTECH Beusch & Co., June 1995.
CTP 155: Discussion Paper: Labour-based rural roads
rehabilitation and maintenance programme in Cambodia
David Salter, Cambodia, November
CTP 154: Labour-based road
rehabilitation and contractor development in Cambodia
Peter Bentall & Bjorn
Johannessen, Phnom Penh, November
CTP 153: Road maintenance and the use of local resources in Cambodia
Geoff Edmonds, Cambodia, January 1996.
CTP 152: The Dhauligiri irrigation development
project, Final Project Evaluation, Main Report
Marc Van Imschoot, Nepal, May 1996.
CTP 151: Field manual for labour-based road
supervisors, Labour-based infrastructure rehabilitation programme
Bjorn Johannessen, Cambodia,
June 1994.
CTP 150: Labour-based rural road construction and
maintenance, Internal Evaluation, Final Report
Marit du Langaas, Laos, April 1996.
CTP 149: Koforidua training centre development
plan, Ghana
Claes Andersson, June 1997.
CTP 148: Contractual approaches for investing in
the poor, Construction contracts for irrigation development in Nepal
Nebuloni, November 1996.
CTP 147: Strategy document for
a labour-based road works programme in Lao, PDR, Vientiane
- PDF 536 Kb
Bjorn Johannessen and Geoff
Edmonds, December 1996.
CTP 146: Labour-based road contracting development
in Zambia, training curriculum, trial contract arrangements and training
Andreas Beusch, September 1996.
CTP 145: Labour-based
technology, A review of current practices, Papers - PDF 872 Kb
Fifth Regional Seminar, Accra, Jan Fransen, Angela Kabiru and David Mason, April 1996.
CTP 144: Labour-based
technology, A review of current practice, Proceedings - PDF 84 Kb
Fifth Regional
Seminar, Accra, Jan Fransen, Angela Kabiru and David Mason, April 1996.
CTP 143: Alternative
approaches to infrastructure development and transport planning: Prospects for
their integration into educational and research programme
Workshop for Asian Educational Institutions, AIT, Bangkok, 11-12 October 1995, Aniruth Thongchai and Marit Due
Langaas, 1995.
CTP 142: Labour and development in Cambodia:
Labour-based appropriate technology strategy for the National Programme to
Rehabilitate and Develop Cambodia. Final draft
Mike Shone, 1994.
CTP 141: Technology choice in civil engineer practice:
Experience in the road sector
John Howe and Han Bantje, August 1995.
CTP No. 140: Labour-based technology, A
review of current practice, Volume Two, Papers - PDF 604 Kb
Fourth Regional Seminar 16-20 January 1995,
Johannesburg, Kati Autere, Marit Due Langaas and David Mason, August 1995.
CTP No. 139: Labour-based technology, A
review of current practice, Volume One, Proceedings - PDF 65 Kb
Fourth Regional Seminar, 16-20 January
1995, Johannesburg, Kati Autere, Marit Due Langaas and David Mason, August 1995.
CTP No. 138: Management and supervision of labour-based road
construction and maintenance. Instructors’ Manual
Botswana MWTC Roads
Training Centre, INTECH Beusch & Co., August 1992.
CTP No. 137: Management and supervision of
labour-based road construction and maintenance. Training course notes for
technical staff of the District Council Road Units
Botswana MWTC Roads Training
Centre, INTECH Beusch & Co. and Rolf Johansen, August 1992.
CTP No. 136: Makete integrated rural transport
project - Bibliography
Liz Eyster,
August 1991.
CTP No. 135: Promotional action to incorporate the gender dimension
into selected mainstream projects in South Asia. Women in development study
for SPWP Nepal
(NEP/90/034 and NEP/86/M02/DAN), Susanne Backer, March 1992.
CTP No. 134: Workshop on technology choice in civil engineering, Nairobi, 12-16
March 1989. Summary of Proceedings
ILO, August 1989.
CTP No. 133: Labour-based Technology, A review of current practice,
Report of Proceedings - PDF 314 KbThird Regional Seminar, 27 September - 1 October 1993, Harare, Bjørn Johannessen,
January 1994.
CTP No. 132: LG-34 Labour Intensive Road
Programme. Final Report
Ulf Brudefors, March 1991.
CTP No. 131: Project ZAM/90/01M/FIN. Labour-based road rehabilitation
and maintenance in Lusaka Province. Final Report
Denis E. Johnson, September 1993.
CTP No. 130: Labour-based Contract Maintenance
Orientation Course for District Engineers, Course Notes
Intech Beusch and Co., April 1993.
CTP No. 129: Labour-based Technology: A review of
current practice: Report of Proceedings - PDF 912 Kb
Second Regional Seminar, 2-6 March 1992, Mohales Hoek, Lesotho, Gerrit Bosma and Bjørn
Johannessen, 1992.
CTP No. 128: Technology choice for the construction and
maintenance of roads in developing countries - Developments and guidelines
G.A. Edmonds and
J.J. de Veen, ILO.
CTP No. 127: La
préparation, la passation et la gestion des contrats de
travaux d'entretien routier par le secteur privé local utilisant les techniques
à haute intensité de main-d'oeuvre (HIMO)
Diame Dieng, ILO.
CTP No. 126: Women and rural development - Assessment of their role in
Sub-Saharan Africa
Irene Urasa, ILO, 1990
CTP No. 125: Rural Accessibility Planning in Aurora
Province - The Philippines
Carsten Sachse & Geoff Edmonds, ILO, 1991
CTP No. 124: Local-Level Transport in Rural Malawi - The
case for intervention
ILO, K. Dixon-Fyle & C. Relf, June 1988
CTP No. 123: Ghana - National Feeder Roads Rehabilitation &
Maintenance Project (NFRRMP): Consultancy on the labour-based component
April 1991
CTP No. 122: Labour-based Technology: A review of current practice
(Volume II - Report of Proceedings) - PDF 96 Kb
First Regional Seminar, Mbeya, Tanzania, 26-28 February, Jane
Ritchie, 1990.
CTP No. 121: Labour-based Technology: A review of current practice
(Volume I - Papers Presented) - PDF 125 Kb
First Regional Seminar, Mbeya, Tanzania, 26-28 February 1990, Jane
CTP No. 120: Project MOZ/85/007 -
ILO/UNDP Establishment of
labour-based road rehabilitation and maintenance systems in Mozambique - Final
M.C. Gupta, ILO, Geneva, June 1990.
CTP No. 119: International Course for Engineers and Managers of Labour-Based Road
Construction and Maintenance Programme: Follow-up impact assessment
Tanzania and Kenya, May 1990.
CTP No. 118: International Course for Engineers and Managers of Labour-Based Road
Construction and Maintenance Programme: Follow-up impact assessment
April 1990.
CTP No. 117 (RTP 25): Report of the District Planning Officers' Workshop on Integrated Rural
Transport Planning
Bulongwa, Makete District, Tanzania, 14-17 July
CTP No. 116: Project GHA/84/008 - Ghana Feeder Roads Project Labour-based
rehabilitation and maintenance - Final Report
P.H. Bentall, ILO, Geneva, May 1990.
CTP No. 115: International Course for Engineers and Managers of
Labour-based Road Construction and Maintenance Programmes - Market survey and
assessment of training needs in Ghana and Tanzania
Andreas Beusch, ILO, Geneva, May 1990
CTP No. 114: Makete Integrated Rural Transport Project: Development of
road network plan (Volume II: Annexes to Main Report)
P.J. Harrison, ILO, Geneva, March
CTP No. 113: Makete Integrated Rural Transport Project: Development of
road network plan (Volume I: Main Report)
P.J. Harrison, ILO, Geneva, March 1990.
CTP No. 112: The Development of a road network plan for Houaphan
Province, Laos (LAO/88/003), First Visit Report
P.J. Harrison, ILO, Geneva, March 1990.
CTP No. 111 (RTP 24): Rural transport planning in the Philippines, Report on work carried out during the period 7 October - 2 November 1990
Ian Barwell, ILO,
Geneva, March 1990.
CTP No. 110 (RTP 23): Rural transport planning in the Philippines, Report on
work carried out during the period 4 May - 1 June 1989
Ian Barwell, ILO, Geneva, March 1990.
CTP No. 109: International Course for Engineers and Managers of
Labour-based Road Construction and Maintenance Programmes - Reports of
Course I (3 October to 11 November 1988) and Course 2 (16 October to 24 November
Andreas Beusch, ILO, Geneva, March 1990.
CTP No. 108: Kingdom of Lesotho, Ministry of Works - Final Report: The
Labour Construction Unit, A proposal for development (Volume II: Training)
Arne Engdahl,
ILO, Geneva, February 1990.
CTP No. 107: Kingdom of Lesotho, Ministry of Works - Final Report: The
Labour Construction Unit, A proposal for development (Volume I: Roads upgrading
and maintenance programme)
John Marshall, ILO, Geneva, February 1990.
CTP No. 106 (RTP 22):A new look at transport in the rural areas of
developing countries
Kanyhama Dixon-Fyle, ILO, Geneva, December 1989.
CTP No. 105 (RTP 21): Workshop on Integrated Rural Transport Planning
held in Baler, Aurora Province, Republic of Philippines from 9th to 11th
February 1989
Organised by
the Provincial Government of Aurora in association with the ILO, Geneva, May
CTP No. 104: Ethiopia - Labour-Based Road Construction and Maintenance
Programme (ETH/01A/IDA)
J. Marshall, Geneva, June 1989.
CTP No. 103 (RTP 20): Makete Integrated Rural Transport
Project - The transport demands of rural households: Findings from a
village-level travel survey (Volume II: Annexes to Main Report)
Ian Barwell and Christina M.
Calvo, Geneva,
June 1989.
CTP No. 102 (RTP 19): Makete Integrated Rural Transport
Project - The transport demands of rural households: Findings from a
village-level travel survey (Volume I: Main Report)
Ian Barwell and Christina M.
Calvo, Geneva, June 1989.
CTP No. 101: Feeder Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance in
South-West Uganda (UGA/86/013) - Investigation of labour availability and
related policy aspects for labour-based maintenance operations
K.G. Vaidya and G.
Muksa, Geneva, June
CTP No. 100 (RTP 18): Footpaths in rural transport: A
Study of Makete, Tanzania
Kanyhama Dixon-Fyle and Irene Frieling, Geneva, June 1989
CTP No. 99 (RTP 17): Rural Transport in the Philippines: A case study of
Cebu and South Cotabato
Kanyhama Dixon-Fyle, Geneva, June 1989.
CTP No. 98: Guide to the training of supervisors for
labour-based road construction and maintenance - Instructor's Manual/2 - How to
develop a country/project - specific training course
L.S. Karlsson and J.J. de
Veen, ILO, June 1989.
CTP No. 97: Guide to the training of supervisors for
labour-based road construction and maintenance - Instructor's Manual/1 - The
setting up of training courses
L.S. Karlsson and J.J. de Veen, ILO, June 1989.
CTP No. 96: Development of Rural Roads Selection Criteria, RRM Project,
Tanzania - Preliminary Study
A. Airey, January 1989.
CTP No. 95 (RTP 16): Makete Integrated Rural Transport Project:
Transport services in Makete District (Annexes)
Javier Calvo, November 1988.
CTP No. 94 (RTP 15): Makete Integrated Rural Transport Project: Transport
services in Makete District (Main Report)
Javier Calvo, November 1988.
CTP No. 93: Supplement to the labour supply guide: Wage rates on
labour-based construction projects in the presence of high rates of inflation
and overvalued exchange rates
K.G. Vaidya, December 1988.
CTP No. 92: Tanzania, Ruvuma Rural Roads Planning
(ZOPP) Workshop:
Report with documentation, Workshop held in Morogoro, Tanzania from 10-15
1988, H. Moinuddin, 1988.
CTP No. 91: Vanuatu - Supply of tools and equipment for labour-based road
construction and maintenance
Ian Barwell, September 1988.
CTP No. 90: Indonesia - Second Rural Roads Improvement Project: Supply of
tools and equipment for labour-intensive pilot scheme
Ian Barwell, June 1988.
CTP No. 89: Philippines - Supply of Hand Tools and Equipment for
Labour-Based Projects
Ian Barwell, March 1988
CTP No. 88 (RTP 14): Makete Integrated Rural
Transport Project: Report on testing and development of low-cost vehicles
Michael Ayre & Christina
Malmberg-Calvo, September 1988.
CTP No. 87 (RTP 13): Makete Integrated Rural Transport Project: Transport
services in Makete District
Javier Calvo, September 1988.
CTP No. 86: Ghana Feeder Roads Project: Construction hand tools study
John Howe, July 1988.
CTP No. 85: Makete Integrated Rural Transport Project - Report of
12) Field Visit to Makete (10-28 February 1988)
Ian Barwell, May 1988.
CTP No. 84: Rural Access Roads
Programme, Kenya: An analysis of costs
and productivities
Steinar Hagen, produced 1985, reprinted May 1988.
CTP No. 83: Kenya Rural Road Maintenance Study: Final Report
Ove Arup & Partners, December 1987.
CTP No. 82 (RTP 11): Makete Integrated Rural Transport Project: Report on work
carried out in the UK (November 1986-March 1987) and Makete (7 April-15
May 1987)
Michael Ayre, July 1987.
CTP No. 81: The rational utilisation of available resources for
improvement and maintenance: Alternative approaches to road maintenance
Paper prepared for Fourth African Highway Maintenance Conference, Harare, J.J. de
Veen, December 1987.
CTP No. 80: Pilot project on labour-based road
maintenance in The Gambia: Project Supervision Report No. 3
August 1987, Howard Humphreys &
Partners, September 1987.
CTP No. 79 (RTP 10): Makete Integrated Rural Transport
Project: Report of First Village Survey - Volume 2: Makete District Data Base
Ian Barwell and Christina M.
Calvo, July 1987.
CTP No. 78 (RTP 9): Makete Integrated
Rural Transport Project: Report of First Village Survey - Volume
1: Main Report
Ian Barwell and Christina M. Calvo, July 1987.
CTP No. 77: Rural Roads Maintenance Programme in Tanga and Mbeya
Regions, Tanzania: Final Report
J.A. Marshall, July 1987.
CTP No. 76: Background
document for a labour-based feeder road training and production project in
Northern Province of Zambia
Steinar Hagen, July 1987.
CTP No. 75: Management Reporting System for the Kenya Minor
Roads Programme: Introduction to the use of the reporting forms and the
preparation of routine reports
Ove Arup & Partners, June 1987.
CTP No. 74: The District Road Improvement and Maintenance
Programme of Malawi - An evaluative study
C. Relf, S. Hagen, S. Akute, May 1987.
CTP No. 73: The Food-Aided Feeder Roads Programme
D.Stiedl, Lesotho, April 1987.
CTP No. 72: The Lao People's Democratic Republic: Labour-based road
construction and maintenance - Assessment of labour supply and project cost
K.G. Vaidya, April 1987.
CTP No. 71: Project review of the NORAD financed
MAG-003 rural road rehabilitation programme, Antsirabe, Madagascar
T. Borchgrevink, T. Wolden, S. Hagen, April
CTP No. 70: Feeder roads improvement and maintenance by contract -
Summary of training needs survey and proposal for the training at Wiawso of
contractors' and DFR staff - PDF 125 Kb
Tor Hernes, Ghana, March 1987.
CTP No. 69 (RTP 8): Transport and development - A discussion paper
G.A. Edmonds and Colin Relf, March 1987.
CTP No. 68 (RTP 7): Makete Integrated Rural Transport Project: Report of work
carried out in Makete (May 1986)
J.D.G.F. Howe, March 1987.
CTP No. 67 (RTP 6): Makete Integrated Rural Transport Project: Report of work
carried out in Dar-es-Salaam (March 1986)
Ian Barwell, March 1987.
CTP No. 66 (RTP 5): Makete Integrated Rural Transport Project: Initial synthesis of
data base
J. Howe, March 1987.
CTP No. 65: Socio-economic features of two villages involved in a
labour-based road construction project in Lamphun Province, Thailand - Findings
from a field survey
C. Lohmar-Kuhnle, March 1987.
CTP No. 64: Pilot project on labour-based road construction and
maintenance in Thailand - Compaction by labour compatible equipment
Lars Karlsson, March
CTP No. 63: Pilot project on labour-based road construction and
maintenance in Thailand - Tools and equipment for labour-based road construction
Lars Karlsson, March 1987.
CTP No. 62: Pilot project on labour-based road construction and
maintenance in Thailand: Findings and Recommendations
Lars Karlsson, January 1987.
CTP No. 61: Somalia: Identification of a district road improvement and
maintenance programme (SOM/86/025)
M. Knowles, January 1987.
CTP No. 60: Tanzania: Rural roads maintenance
programme in Tanga and Mbeya Regions
K.G. Vaidya and M.S.D. Bagachwa, December 1986.
CTP No. 59: Uganda: Feeder road rehabilitation and maintenance
Martin Nielsen, October 1986.
CTP No. 58 (RTP 4): Makete integrated rural transport
project: preliminary findings from village survey
Ian Barwell and Christina
Malmberg, October 1986.
CTP No. 57: Feeder roads in Zimbabwe and the use of
labour-based techniques
G.A. Edmonds and S. Murray, June 1986.
CTP No. 56: Republic of Guinea-Bissau - A low-cost approach to rural
road rehabilitation and maintenance in Caheu, Oio and Biombo Regions IRDP (Zona
R. Manoranjan, August 1986.
CTP No. 55: Minor roads organisation and administration in the People's
Democratic Republic of Yemen
R. Thurlow, July 1986.
CTP No. 54: The food-aided feeder roads
programme, Lesotho: Guidelines for
introducing improved construction and reporting procedures
D. Stiedl, July 1986.
CTP No. 53: A project proposal for a labour-based road improvement unit in
Southern Sudan
ILO, September 1985.
CTP No. 52: MOZ/83/01/M/SID -
ILO/SIDA Project of labour-based road
betterment and maintenance - Final Report
J. Boardman, March 1986
CTP No. 51: Pilot project of labour-based road maintenance in the Gambia, Project
Supervision Report No. 1
ILO, February 1986.
CTP No. 50: Rural roads and Markets Project, Bangladesh -
Pre-Appraisal Mission for the Investment Centre, Food & Agriculture
M.M.F. Knowles, July 1985.
CTP No. 49: Report of the Joint Government of Tanzania/Donor Agency Meeting on Rural Road Improvement and Maintenance, Arusha, l7-19 April 1985
CTP No. 48: Preliminary investigation for a feeder road project in
ILO, September 1985.
CTP No. 47 (RTP 3): Tanzania - Makete integrated rural transport
project - Preparatory Mission
John Howe and Tseggai Elias, August 1985.
CTP No. 44: Pilot project on labour-based road construction in Thailand
Lars Karlsson, May 1985.
CTP No. 45: Labour-based road construction and maintenance - technical
consultancy Equatoria Province, Republic of Sudan - Final Report
Peter Guthrie,
June 1985.
CTP No. 46: Haiti: Proposed IDA transport VII project - ILO mission
to study labour-based projects
Alan W. Brookes, July 1985.
CTP No. 43: Haiti mission to assess labour-intensive road maintenance
Alan W. Brookes, April 1985.
CTP No. 42: The use of donkey-drawn carts in labour-intensive
road construction in Botswana
Robert T. McCutcheon, February 1985.
CTP No. 41: Rural road rehabilitation and maintenance in Tanzania - A
background document for a Joint Government of Tanzania/Donor Agencies/ILO Rural
Road Meeting in Arusha, March 1985
Olav Ruud, January 1985.
CTP No. 40: Ghana: Feeder roads improvement and maintenance by contract
and community labour
J. de Veen, January 1985.
CTP No. 39: Labour-based construction and maintenance: Some
indicators of viability
Geoff Edmonds and Olav Ruud, November 1984.
CTP No. 38: Central African Republic - Report on road maintenance and the
use of small-scale contractors
John Henley, January 1984.
CTP No. 37: Report of the Joint Government of Zambia/Donor Agency Co-ordination Meeting
on Road Improvement and Maintenance, Lusaka, 27-30 March 1984
CTP No. 36: Lesotho - Report on assistance provided to Ministry of
Co-operatives and Rural Development for the establishment of appropriate
training programmes for technical supervisory staff linked to the feeder road
M. Knowles, April 1984.
CTP No. 35: Socio-economic impact studies of
non-gazetted roads in Botswana:
objectives and methodology
J. Howe, March 1984.
CTP No. 34: Lesotho - Project selection criteria for the food-aided feeder
road programme
J. Howe, March 1984.
CTP No. 33: ILO Activities on Construction Technology - 1974-1983
ILO, February 1984.
CTP No. 32: Appraisal of a pilot project for labour-based
rural road rehabilitation and maintenance in Zambia
C. Relf and J. de Veen, January
CTP No. 31: MOZ/79/Ol -
ILO/NORAD Pilot project of road improvement and
maintenance in Mozambique (Final Report)
J. Boardman, January 1984.
CTP No. 30: Labour-based road construction pilot project in Southern Sudan
(Technical Details)
P. Guthrie, December 1983.
CTP No. 29: Pilot project on labour-based road construction and
maintenance in the Lao People's Democratic Republic
Ian Barwell, December 1983.
CTP No. 28: Assessment of labour availability in the Lao
People's Democratic Republic
K.G. Vaidya and M.T.R. Sarma, November 1983.
CTP No. 27: Pre-construction planning for a pilot labour-based road
project in Thailand
J. Simpson, November 1983.
CTP No. 26: Southern Sudan: Tools and equipment for labour-based road
construction and local manufacture and use of animal carts
I.J. Barwell, November
CTP No. 25: Labour-based minor road construction and maintenance
programmes in Lesotho
J. Simpson, November 1983.
CTP No. 24: Minor road construction and maintenance in the Eastern
Province of Zambia
J. Simpson, September 1983.
CTP No. 23 (RTP 2): Programme outline on rural transportation in developing
ILO, September 1983.
CTP No. 22: Minor road rehabilitation and maintenance programmes in
J. Simpson, August 1983.
CTP No. 21: Guide to assessment of rural labour supply for labour-based
construction projects
K.C. Vaidya, August 1983.
CTP No. 20: Report on labour-based road maintenance in Maputo Province,
R.C. Petts, August 1983.
CTP No. 19
(RTP1): Conceptual framework for defining and evaluating improvement to
local level rural transport in developing communities
J. Howe, September 1983.
CTP No. 18: A study of
labour-based/equipment-supported road construction in the Philippines
(Volume One - Main Report; Volume Two - Technical Annexes; Volume Three -
Socio-economic Studies)
B. Nilsson, J. Simpson and K. Vaidya, Manila, August 1983.
CTP No. 17: District pilot project of labour-intensive road
construction and maintenance, Botswana - Final Report
R.T. McCutcheon, September
CTP No. 16: Nucleus estates and smallholders
(NES) projects in
Indonesia: Feasibility study on the use of labour-based methods for the
maintenance of NES roads and collection tracks
J.J. de Veen, June 1983.
CTP No. 15: Report on an exploratory mission to the Gambia
to assess the maintenance requirements and resources for feeder roads
R.C. Petts and P.
Roberts, November 1982.
CTP No. 14: Supply of tools and equipment for labour-based road betterment
and maintenance in Mozambique
I. Barwell, October 1982.
CTP No. 13: Road maintenance: Options for improvement
G.A. Edmonds and J.J. de Veen, August 1982.
CTP No. 12: The maintenance of rural access roads in Kenya - A discussion
R. Petts, July 1982.
CTP No. 11: Ethiopia: Training in labour-intensive techniques in rural road
construction and maintenance and appropriate technology
J. Howe, March 1983.
CTP No. 10: Report of the
ILO/SIDA/Ministry of Works and Communications, Botswana,
Regional Meeting of Senior Engineers on Road Maintenance, Gaborone, 11-19
March 1982
CTP No. 9: Productivity
and durability of traditional and improved hand tools for civil construction
J.J. de Veen in collaboration with J. Boardman and J. Capt, Geneva, December
CTP No. 8: Papua New Guinea - Training of supervisors for labour-based
public works
L. Karlsson, November 1981.
CTP No. 7: The application of appropriate technology
in road construction and maintenance: A learning methodology
G.A. Edmonds and
J.J. de Veen, March 1981.
CTP No. 6: Botswana - District pilot project on labour-based road
construction and maintenance - Study by Rural Development Consultant
P. Mould,
November 1981.
CTP No. 5: District pilot project of labour-based road construction and
maintenance, Central District, Botswana - Labour Economist's Report
K. Vaidya, October
CTP No. 4: Botswana - District pilot project of labour-based road
construction and maintenance - Tools and equipment study
J. Howe, September 1981.
CTP No. 3: Report of the ILO/DANIDA/Ethiopian Road Authority African Regional Seminar on
the Application of appropriate technology in road construction, Addis Ababa, 10-20 March
CTP No. 2: Appropriate transportation facilities for the
rural sector of developing countries
I. Barwell and J. Howe, January 1979.
CTP No. 1: Roads and resources: an evaluation of the factors affecting the
application of appropriate technology
ILO, January 1978.
