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About us

ILO Vision on
Gender Equality

This website is managed by the Bureau for Gender Equality, which is part of the Geneva-based Secretariat of the International Labour Organization (ILO). The ILO considers gender equality a key element of its vision of Decent Work for All toward social and institutional change to bring about equity and growth. Gender equality, along with development, has been identified by the ILO as a cross-cutting issue of the strategic objectives of its global agenda of Decent Work.

The ILO's two-pronged approach to gender equality is to mainstream gender concerns in all its policies and programmes. This includes gender-specific interventions, based on gender analysis, which may target only women or only men, or women and men together.
ILO Bureau for
Gender Equality

The Bureau for Gender Equality, which reports directly to the Director-General of the ILO, is the Organization's central gender unit. Its mandate is to promote equality between women and men throughout the organization. The Bureau acts as advisor, catalyst, advocate and communicator for mainstreaming a gender perspective in all ILO policies, programmes and activities. This includes supporting and coordinating implementation of the ILO's Action Plan on Gender Equality and Mainstreaming which also encompasses the first Office-wide Gender Audit, managed by the Bureau.

The Bureau's roles and responsibilities include facilitating the establishment of institutional mechanisms for incorporating a gender perspective through the Office's sectors, departments, programmes and field offices as they plan, implement, monitor and evaluate their work.

The Bureau for Gender Equality advocates ILO policies, instruments, work and activities on gender and gender equality. It disseminates information about gender issues in the world of work to ILO staff, constituents, and the international community. It acts as liaison in relations concerning gender issues with the UN system, NGOs, and academic and women's organizations. In addition, the Bureau acts as liaison with the ILO Governing Body concerning gender issues within the organization.
See also
Definition of Gender Mainstreaming
ILO Action Plan
ILO Gender Audit
