Antony Catherine,
Ms. |
Branch Secretary & administrative assistant.
0041-22-799-6635 |
Mr. T. Nkanagu
Multidisciplinary Advisory Team for Sahelian Africa (OIT/EMAS)
Senior Social Security Specialist
B.P. 414
Dakar, Senegal
E-mail: nkanagu@ilo.org
Tel.: 00221 822 1633 / 00221 823 3326 / 00221 823 4478
Fax.: 00221 821 0956 / 00221 823 6874
Street address: 22, rue El Hadj Amadou Assane N'Doye
Dakar, Senegal
[countries covered: Cap Vert, Gambia,
Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal,
Sierra Leone].
Christine Bockstal
STEP Coordinator for Africa
B.P. 414
Dakar, Sénégal
E-mail: Step_afr@telecomplus.sn
Tel. and fax: 00221 637 1501(00221 860 1125
Street address: 8 cité Pyrotechnie - Mermoz
Dakar, Senegal
Ginette Forgues
Principal technical adviser
Project STEP-Gambia
P.O. Box 553
Banjul, The Gambia
E-mail: giforg@ganet.gm
or forguesg@hotmail.com
Tel.:00220 495071/074
Fax: 00220 495089
Street address: Koffi Annan Street, Cape Point
P.O. Box 553
Banjul, The Gambia
E-mail: ilo@qanet.gm
Ms. A. Drouin
Social security specialist
Multidisciplinary Advisory Team for East Asia and the Pacific
P.O. Box 2-349, Rajamnern
Bangkok 10200, Thailand
E-mail: drouina@bangkok.ro
Tel.: 0066 2 2881735
Fax.: 0066 2 2801735
Street address: 10th floor, United Nations Building
Rajamnern Avenue
Bangkok 10200, Thailand
[countries covered: Cambodia, China, Republic
of Korea, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Mongolia,
Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand.]
Mr. J. Woodall
Senior social security specialist
Multidisciplinary Advisory Team for South Asia (ILO/SAAT)
Theatre Court, 3rd floor
India Habitat Centre
Lodi Road
New Delhi 110 003, India
E-mail: woodall@delhi.ao
Tel.: 0091 11 460 21 01 / 0091 11 460 21 02 / 0091 11 460
21 03
Fax.: 0091 11 460 2111 / 0091 11 464 7973
[countries covered: Afghanistan,
Bangladesh, India, Islamic Republic of Iran, Maldives, Nepal,
Pakistan, Sri Lanka.]
Ms. Lotte Nycander
Chief Technical Adviser
Project STEP - Bangladesh
ILO Area Office
House 12 Road 12 Dhanmondi Residential Area
Dhaka 1209, Bangladesh
E-mail: nycander@ilo.org
Tel: 00880-2811 4705
Fax: 00880-2811 4211
Ms. E. Fultz
Senior social security specialist
Multidisciplinary Advisory Team for Central and Eastern
European (ILO/CEET)
Pf. 936
Budapest 1386, Hungary
E-mail: fultz@budapest.ao
Tel.: 0036 1 301 4900
Fax.: 0036 1 353 3683
Street address: Mozàr utca 14
1066 Budapest, Hungary
[countries covered: Albania, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia,
Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, the former Social Federal Republic
of Macedonia, Republic of Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Ukraine, the former Social Federal Republic of
F. Bertranou
Multidisciplinary Advisory Team for Latin America
Senior social security specialist
Casilla 19034, Correo 19
Santiago, Chile
E-mail: bertranou@scl.oitchile.cl
Tel.: 00562-2012727
Fax.: 00562-2012031
Street address: Luis Carrera 1131
Comuna de Vitacura
Santiago, Chile
S. Velasco
Senior social security specialist
Multidisciplinary Advisory Team for Central America
Apartado postal 10170
San José 1000, Costa Rica
E-mail: velasco@sjo.oit.or.cr
Tel.: 00506-2537667/2537622/2536747/2537802
Street address: Ofiplaza del Este
Edificio B, 3er piso
Barrio Betania/Montes de Oca
San José, Costa Rica
Mr. Pedro Crocco
Coordination Office STEP-LAC
c/o ILO
Louis Thayer Ojeda
0130 0F 504 Santiago, Chile
E-mail: crocco@ilo.org
International Training Centre of the
Ms. L. Villacorta
Senior social security specialist
10 Viale Maestri del Lavoro
Turin 10127, Italy
E-mail: l.villacorta@itcilo.it
Tel.: 0039 011 693 6790
Fax.: 0039 011 693 6548
Updated by JD. Approved by ER. Last update: 1 July 2000