Heide I.: Gender roles and sex equality: European solutions to social security disputes (Geneva, 2004) xi, 117 p. ISBN 92-2-115771-7. 25 Sw. Fr.
Kannan K.P., Social security, poverty reduction and development, ESS 21, (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Policy and Development Branch, 2004, vi, 40 p.
Financial, Actuarial and Statistical Services Branch: A global social trust network: Investing in the World's social future. (Geneva, 2003, xxii, 186 p.) ISBN 92-2-113637-X.
Ferge, Z.; Tausz, K.; Darvas,A.: Combating poverty and social exclusion - Tome 1: A case study of Hungary. (Budapest, ILO, Central and Eastern Europe Team, 2003, 154 p.) ISBN 92-2-213214-5 (Also available in French)
Arenas de Mesa, A.; Benvides Salazar P.: Protección social en Chile - Financiamiento, cobertura y desempeño 1990-2000. (Santiago, OIT, 2003, 285 p.) ISBN 92-2-313716-0.
OIT; Bertanou, F.; Arena de Mesa: Protección social, pensiones y género. (Santiago, 2003, 225 p.) ISBN 92-2-313562-1
BIT: Répertoire des instruments internationaux de sécurité sociale. (Genève, dernière mise à jour août 2003, version électronique) ISBN 92-2-213535-0.
ILO: Social security and coverage for all: restructuring the social security scheme in Indonesia - issues and options. (Jakarta, 2003, xxii, 394 p.) ISBN 92-2-113568-3.
ILO: Social Security Policy and Development Branch; Dethée, B.: Social security glossary - English, French, Spanish; Glossaire de sécurité sociale - anglais, français, espagnol; Glosario de seguridad social - inglés, francés, español. (Geneva, 2003, 89 p.)
Fultz, E.; Ruck, M.; Steinhilber,S, Ed.: The gender dimensions of social security reform in Central and Eastern Europe: case studies of the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. (Budapest, ILO, Subregional Office for Central and Eastern Europe, 2003, 325 p.) ISBN 92-2-113701-5.
Drouin, A; Binet, G; Cichon, M. et al.: Actuarial Practice in Social Security. (Geneva, ILO, 2002, xxviii, 513 p.) ISBN 92-2-110863-5. Sw. Frs. 85.-
ILO: Central and Eastern European Team; Fultz, E.(Ed.): Pension reform in Central and Eastern Europe. Volume 1: Restructuring with privatization - case studies of Hungary and Poland. (Budapest, 2002, 205 p.) ISBN 92-2-112980-2. (Also available in French).
ILO: Central and Eastern European Team; Fultz, E.(Ed.): Pension reform in Central and Eastern Europe. Volume 2: Restructuring of public pensions schemes - case studies of the Czech Republic and Slovenia. (Budapest, 2002, 145 p.) ISBN 92-2-112981-0. (Also available in French)
OIT; Bertranou, F.; Solorio, C.; Van Ginneken, W.: Pensiones no contributivas y assistenciales: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Costa Rica y Uruguay. (Santiago, 2002, 264 p.) ISBN 92-2-313259-2.
ILO: Central and Eastern European Team; Fultz E.; Ruck M., (Ed.): Reforming Workers Protections: Disability Pensions in Transformation. (Budapest, 2002, 296 p.,) ISBN 92-2-113465-2. (Also available in French).
ILO: Report of the Committee on the Informal Economy; sixth item on the agenda: general discussion. Conclusions. (Geneva, International Labour Conference, 98th session, 2002, 62p.). (also available in French and in Spanish). Conclusions in French and Spanish.
ILO, World Bank; Dror, D.; Preker, A.S., Ed.: Social Re Insurance: A new approach to sustainable health financing. (Geneva and Washington, D.C., 2002, xx, 518 p.) ISBN 92-2-112711-7. Sw. Frs. 80.- (Also available in French).
Humblet, M.; Silva, R.: Standards for the XXIst century - social security. (Geneva, 2002 70 p.) ISBN 92-2-113471-7. (Also available in French and in Spanish).
OIT; Bertranou, F.M., Ed. : Cobertura previsional en Argentina, Brasil y Chile. (Santiago, 2001, 131 p.) ISBN 92-2-312744-0.
ILO: Reflexions on reform strategies
for social protection - In English-speaking african countries.
(Geneva, 2000, 197 p.) ISBN 92-2- 111978-5.
E. (ed.): Social dialogue and pension reform, United Kingdom, United States, Germany, Japan, Sweden, Italy, Spain. (Geneva,
ILO, Social Security Department, 2000,107 p., ISBN 92-2-110835-X)
Frs Suisses 20 (Also available in French).
Bureau of Workers' Activities: Social protection: What workers and trade unions should know. (Geneva, 2000, Labour Education 2000/4, N°. 121, 48 p.) (Also available in French and in Spanish)
Gillion, C. et al. (eds): Social security pensions
- development and reform.(htm) (Geneva,
ILO, 2000, 769 p.). ISBN 92-2-110859-7, Sw. Frs. 120.
Gillion, C. et al. (eds): Social security pensions - development
and reform: executive summary. (htm) (Geneva, ILO, 2000,43 p.) ISBN 92-2-112054-6. (Also available in French and in Spanish)
ILO: World Labour Report 2000 - income security and social protection in a changing world. (Geneva, 2000, 321p. ) ISBN 92-2-110831-7. Sw. Frs. 45.
BIT; Plamondon P.: L'investissement des réserves de la sécurité
sociale: Québec, Etats-Unis, Japon. (Genève, 1999, iii, 94 p.)
Van Ginneken, W. (ed.): Social
security for the excluded majority, case studies of developing countries.
(Geneva, ILO, 1999, 198 p.) ISBN 92-2-110856-2. Sw. frs. 30. Also available in French and in Spanish.
A series on financial, actuarial and statistical aspects of social security.
Plamondon, P.; Drouin A.: Actuarial practice in social security. (Geneva, ILO/ISSA, 2002) ISBN 92-2-110863-5. Sw. Frs 85.- (Also published in Portuguese by Ministério de Previdência e Assistência Social, Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco F, 70.059-900, Brasilia DF, Brazil)
Scholz, W.; Hagemejer, C. Cichon, M.: Social budgeting.
(Geneva,ILO/ISSA, 2000, 328p.) ISBN 92-2-110861-9 Sw. Frs. 65.
Iyer, S.: Actuarial mathematics of social security pensions.
(Geneva, ILO/ISSA, 1999, 136 p.) ISBN 92-2-110866-X. Sw. Frs. 55.
Cichon, M.; Newbrander, W.; Yamabana, H.; Weber, A.; Normand, C.; Dror, D.; Preker, A:. Modelling in health care finance: A compendium of quantitative techniques for health care financing. (Geneva, ILO/ISSA, 1999, 378 p.) ISBN 92-2-110862-7 Sw. Frs. 85.

| |
Kannan, K.P.: Social Security, poverty Reduction and development ESS N° 21. (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Policy and Development Branch, 2004, vi, 40 p.) ISBN 92-2-116048-3
Bailey, C.: Extending Social Security Coverage in Africa ESS N° 20. (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Policy and Development Branch, 2004, v, 22 p.) ISBN 92-2-115879-9
Scheil-Adlung, X.: Sharpening the Focus on the Poor: Policy Options for Advancing Social Health Protection in Indonesia ESS N° 19. (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Policy and Development Branch, 2004, v, 24 p.) ISBN 92-2-115877-2.
Krishnamurthy V.; Nair, R.P.: The Welfare for construction workers in Tamil Nadu. ESS N° 18. (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Policy and Development Branch, 2003, v, 22 p.) ISBN 92-2-113745-7.
Velásquez Pinto, M.: The Bono Solidario in Ecuador: An exercise in targeting. ESS N° 17, (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Policy and Development Branch, 2003, iv, 22 p.) ISBN 92-2-113436-9. (Also available in Spanish).
Sabates-Wheeler, R.; Kabeer, N.: Gender equality and the extension of social protection. ESS N° 16, (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Policy and Development Branch, 2003, v, 26 p.) ISBN 92-2-113746-5
Ferreira, O.: Extending social security: Challenges for Cape Verde. ESS N° 15, (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Policy and Development Branch, 2003, v, 26 p.) ISBN 92-2-113430-X - Also available in Portuguese: Extensão da segurança social: Desafios para Cabo Verde
Palomino, J.F.: Social programmes, food security and poverty in Peru. ESS N° 14, (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Policy and Development Branch, 2003, vi, 30 p.) ISBN 92-2-113434-2. (Also available in Spanish).
Van Ginneken W.: Extending social security: policies for developing countries. ESS N° 13, (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Policy and Development Branch, 2003, iv, 81 p.) ISBN 92_2_113487-3.
Gbossa, G.L.; Gauthé B.: Social protection and crises in the Congo: from humanitarian aid to sustainable development. ESS N° 12. (Geneva, ILO, Social Protection Sector, 2003, 36 p. + appendix.) ISBN 92-2-113190-4. Also available in French.
Scharzer, H.; Querino, Ana Carolina: Non-contributory pensions in Brazil: The impact on poverty reduction. ESS N° 11. (Geneva, ILO, Social Protection Sector, 2002, viii, 49 p. + appendix.) ISBN 92-2-113188-2.
Jütting, J.: Public-private Partnerships in the Health Sector: Experiences from developing countries ESS N° 10, (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Policy and Development Branch, 2002, v, 31 p.) ISBN 92-2-113151-3.
Fall, C.: Extending Health Insurance in Senegal: Options for statutory schemes and mutual organisations. ESS N° 9, (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Policy and Development Branch, 2002, vii, 37 p.) ISBN 92-2-113142-4. Also available in French.
Durán-Valverde, F.: Anti-Poverty Programmes in Costa Rica: The Non-Contributory Pension Scheme ESS N° 8, (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Policy and Development Branch, 2002, ix, 33 p.) ISBN 92-2-113140-8.
Steinwachs, L.: Extending Health Protection in Tanzania: Networking between health financing mechanisms. ESS N° 7, (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Policy and Development Branch, 2002, vii, 34 p.) ISBN 92-2-113186-X.
Schleberger, E.: Namibia's universal pension scheme: Trends and challenges. ESS N° 6, (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Policy and Development Branch, 2002, viii, 21 p.) ISBN 92-2-113135-1.
Bertranou, F.; Grushka C.O.: The non-contributory pension programme in Argentina: Assessing the impact on poverty reduction. ESS N° 5, (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Policy and Development Branch, 2002, v, 37 p.) ISBN 92-2-113069-X.
Chaabane, M.: Towards the universalization of social security: The experience of Tunisia. ESS N° 4. (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Policy and Development Branch, 2002, iv, 29 p.) ISBN 92-2-113067-3 - Also available in French.
Reynaud, E.; The extension of social security coverage: The approach of the International Labour Office. ESS N° 3. (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Policy and Development Branch, 2002, iv, 27 p.) ISBN 92-2-113071-1. Also available in French and in Spanish.
Cruz-Saco, M.A.: Labour markets and social security coverage: The Latin American experience. ESS N° 2. (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Policy and Development Branch, 2002, v, 39 p.) ISBN 92-2-112947-0
Kwon S.; Achieving health insurance for all: Lessons from the Republic of Korea. ESS N° 1. (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Policy and Development Branch, 2002, iv, 25 p.) ISBN 92-2-112795-8.

ILO: Actuarial mathematics and actuarial practice in social protection. Maastricht University. (Maastricht, 2002, 19 p.)
ILO, Financial, Actuarial and Statistical Services Branch: The ILO Population Model, a Technical Guide. ILO-Facts, version 1.0, 9/2001. (Geneva, 2001, v, 52 p.) ISBN 92-2-112749-4. (Also available in French)
ILO, Financial, Actuarial and Statistical Branch: ILO
Facts: A brief portrait.
(Geneva, 2000, 20 p.).
OIT; Bonilla, A.; Querenghi, G.: Protección social - guía de
formación. (Ginebra, Lima, 2000, CD Rom).
ILO, Financial, Actuarial and Statistical Branch: Social security data required for the valuation of a national social security system - old age and survivors pensions, sickness and maternity benefits, work injury benefits, health care benefits, unemployment benefits.( Geneva, 2000, 109 p.) ISBN 92-2-111994-7.
ILO, Financial, Actuarial and Statistical Branch: The
ILO social budget model,
a technical guide. ILO/FACTS, version 8/1999. (Geneva, 1999, 46
p.) ISBN 92-2-111778-2 .
Gbossa, F.L.; Tossa, J.;
Bachmann, R.: Banque africaine de données sur la
sécurité sociale (BADS). Guide statistique
no 7, document de travail. (Genève, BIT, Département
de la sécurité sociale, 1998, 60 p.) ISBN 92-2-211335-7.
Gbossa, F.L.: Indicateurs de gestion journalière des régimes
de sécurité sociale. Guide statistique no
9, document de travail. (Genève, BIT, Département
de la sécurité sociale, 1998, 19 p.) ISBN 92-2-211336-5.
ILO, Financial, Actuarial and Statistical Branch : International guidelines for the actuarial analysis of a national social security pension scheme. ILO Facts. (Geneva, 1998, 33 p.) ISBN 92-2-111314-0.
ILO. Social Security Department, Financial, Actuarial and Statistical Branch. The ILO Pension Model, a Technical Guide. (Geneva, October 1997, 103 p. + annex.) (Also available in Spanish).
Normand, C.; Weber A.: Social health
insurance: A guidebook for planning. WHO-SHS/NHP/94.3 (Geneva,
WHO/ ILO, 1994, 136 p.)
ILO: Social
security: a workers' education guide. (Geneva, 1992, 103
p.) ISBN 92-2-108004-8 Sw. frs. 15. Also available in French, Spanish,
Thai and Turkish.
ILO, Planning, Development and Standard Branch: The trainers guide. Social Security Serie No. 6. (Geneva, 1998) ISBN 92-2-110739-6 (forthcoming)
ILO, Planning, Development and Standard Branch: Social health insurance. Social Security Serie No. 5. (Geneva, 1999,VI,167 p.) ISBN 92-2-110738-8 Sw. Frs 16.
ILO, Planning, Development and Standard Branch: Pension schemes. Social Security Serie No. 4. (Geneva, 1998, 111 p.) ISBN 92-2-110737-X Sw. Frs 16.
ILO, Planning, Development and Standard Branch: Social security financing. Social Security Serie No 3. (Geneva, 1998,119 p.) ISBN 92-2-110736-1 Sw. Frs 16. (Also available in Spanish, Portuguese distributed by Ministério do Trabalho e da Solidariedade, Departamento de Cooperação, Rua Castilho 24, P/1250-069 Lisbon).
Planning, Development and Standard Branch: Administration of social security. Social Security Serie No. 2.
(Geneva, 1998, 181 p.) ISBN 92-2-110735-3 Sw. Frs 16.
Planning, Development and Standard Branch.: Social Security principles. Social Security Serie No. 1. (Geneva, 1998, 126 p.) ISBN 92-2-110734-5 Sw. Frs 16; US$ 12,95 ; £ 6,95. (Also available in Spanish, Portuguese distributed by Ministério do Trabalho e da Solidariedade, Departamento de Cooperação, Rua Castilho 24, P/1250-069 Lisbon).
Contains a list of technical cooperation reports including some 900 reports covering 137 countries available online.
(Some reports may be restricted. Enquiries can be made directly to our social security documention unit. )
Actuarial technical cooperation reports available online: Click here!
Fultz, E.: Recent Trends in Pension Reform and Implementation in the EU Accession Countries. A paper presented at the Informal Meeting of Ministers at the International Labour Conference, Geneva, 10 June 2003 (Budapest, ILO, Central and Eastern Europe team, 2003, 25 p.) ISBN 92-2-114-303-1 (Also available in French).
Fultz, E.; Ruck, M.; ILO. Central and Eastern European Team: Pension Reform in Central and Eastern Europe: an Update on the Restructuring of National Pension Schemes in Selected Countries. (Budapest, 2000, ILO-CEET report N°. 25, 23 p.) (Also available in Bulgarian, in Hungarian, in Romanian and in Russian.)
Conte-Grand, H.A.; Mychaszula, S.M.; Somoza J.L.: La demografía y los regímenes de pensiones, material de capacitacíon. (Santiago de Chile, OIT, 1999, 63 p.) ISBN 92-2-311838-7.
Fultz, E.; Pieris, B.: Social security schemes in Southern Africa: An overview and proposals for future development. Discussion paper No. 11. (Harare, ILO/SAMAT, 1999, 57 p.).
Ryba, M.; Gbossa, L.: The role of the International Labour Organization and the World Bank with pension reforms in Africa. Working Document. (Kinshasa, ILO Area Office, 1998, 22 p.).

Barrientos, A.; Lloyd-Scherlock: Non-contributory pensions and social protection. Issues in social protection, discussion paper No. 12. (Geneva, ILO, International Financial and Actuarial Service (ILO FACTS), 2003, 24 p.) ISBN 92-2-113726-0.
Hirose, K.: On the stability of Pay-as-you-go Pension System in an Ageing Population - The Case of Japan. Issues in Social Protection, discussion paper 10. (Geneva, ILO, Social Protection Sector, 2002, 94 p.)ISBN 92-2-113261-7.
Plamondon, P.; Osborne, D.: Social security financing and investment in the Caribbean. Issues in Social Protection, discussion paper 9. Report of the Caribbean Sub-Regional Tripartite meeting on Social Security Financing and Investment Policies for Pension Funds, Bridgetown, Barbados, 24-25 October 2001. (Geneva, ILO, Social Protection Sector, 2002, 82 p.) ISBN 92-2-113249-8.
Drouin, A.; Plamondon P.: Issues in Social security financing in the Caribbean. Issues in Social Protection, discussion paper 8. (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Department, 2000, 94 p.) ISBN 92-2-112044-9.
Scherman, K.G.: The Swedish Pension Reform. Issues in Social Protection, discussion paper 7, ILO, (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Department, 1999, 94 p.) ISBN 92-2-111776-6.
Hirose, K.: Topics in quantitative analysis of social protection systems. Issues in social protection, discussion paper 6. (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Department, 1999, 163 p.) ISBN 92-2-110860-6.
Van Ginneken, W.: Social Security for the informal sector: investigating the feasibility of pilot projects in Benin, India, El Salvador and Tanzania. Issues in Social Protection, discussion paper 5, (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Department, 1997, 94 p.) ISBN 92-2-110556-3
Gruat, J.-V.: Thompson K.: Extending coverage under basic pension schemes: general and chinese considerations : Review of policy issues; review of strategic and technical issues. Issues in Social Protection, discussion paper 4. (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Department, 1997, 33 p.) ISBN 92-2-110524-5.
Cichon, M.: Are there better ways to cut and share the cake? The European welfare states at the crossroads. Issues in Social Protection, discussion paper 3. (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Department, 1997, 36 p.) ISBN 92-2-110525-3.
Latulippe, D.: Effective Retirement age and duration of retirement in the industrial countries between 1950 and 1990. Issues in social protection, discussion paper 2. (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Department, 1996, 53 p.) ISBN 92-2-110435-4
Nitsch, M.; Schwarzer, H.: Recent development in financing social security in Latin America. Issues in Social Protection, discussion paper 1. (Geneva, ILO, Social Security Department, 1996, 59 p.) ISBN 92-2-110275-0

Auer, P.; Daniel, C., eds: The future of Work, Employment and Social Protection - The search for new securities in a world of growing uncertainties. Proceedings of the France / ILO symposium, Annecy, 2001. (Geneva, 2002, ILO, International Institute for Labour Studies, Ministry of Employment and Solidarity, ix, 173 p.) ISBN 92-9014-645-1.
ILO: Social Security: Issues, Challenges and Prospects. International Labour Conference, 89th Session, 2001, Report VI. (Geneva, 2001, 84 p.) ISBN 92-2-111961-0. Sw. Frs. 15 (Also available in French and in Spanish).
Reynaud, E.: The extension of social security coverage: The approach of the International Labour Office. General Assembly, Stockhom, 9-15 September 2001. (International social security Association, 2001, p. 1-12). Also available in French and in Spanish.
Dror, D.: Financing Micro-Insurance: perspectives and prospective. 7th International Conference on System Science Health Care, Budapest, 29 May - 2 June 2000. Proceedings I, 2000, p.30-40.
Van Ginneken, W.: Health insurance for workers in the informal economy: exploring the potential of micro-insurance schemes. International conference on health system financing in low-income African and Asian countries, Clermont-Ferrant, 30 November - 1 December 2000.
ILO: Maternity protection atwork; Revision of the maternity protection Convention (revised), 1952 (N° 103), and Recommendation, 1952 (N°95). International Labour Conference, 88th session, 2000. Report IV(2A), replies received and commentaries. (Geneva, 2000, 150 p.) ISBN 92-2-111511-9. Sw. Frs. 20.- Also available in French and Spanish.
Van Ginneken, W.: Social protection for workers in the informal economy: new challenges for Asia and the Pacific. Twelfth Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific, Towards more effective social security in Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, 20-23 November 2000. (Geneva, International Social Security Association, 2000, 20 p.).
Dror, D.; Duru, G.: Stabilizing Community Health Financing through re-insurance. Conference on Social Security: Social Security in the Global Village, Helsinki, 25-27 September 2000. (Geneva, International Social Security Association, 2000, 18 p.).
ILO/PAHO Latin American and Caribbean Regional Tripartite Meeting on the Extension of Health Care to Excluded Groups, Mexico 29 November to 1 December 1999.
ILO: Maternity protection at work; Revision of the maternity protection Convention (revised), 1952 (No. 103), and Recommendation, 1952 (No.95), International Labour Conference, 87th session, 1999. Report V(1). (Geneva, 1999, 15 p.). ISBN: 92-2-110336-6. Sw. Frs. 15. (Also available in French and Spanish).
ILO: Maternity protection at work; Revision of the maternity protection Convention (revised), 1952 (No. 103), and Recommendation, 1952 (No. 95). International Labour Conference, 87th session, 1999. Rreport V(2). (Geneva. 1999, 247 p.) ISBN 92-2-110814-7. Sw. Frs. 30. (Also available in French and Spanish).
Van Ginneken, W.: Pensions for women in the informal economy: options for developing countries. ILO workshop on social protection for women in the informal economy, Geneva, 6-8 December 1999. (Geneva, 1999, 11 p.).
Bailey, C.; Turner, J.: "Contribution evasion and social security: Causes and remedies in summing up the evidence; The impact of incentives and targeting in social security". 2nd international research conference on social security, Jerusalem, 25-28 Jan. 1998. (Geneva, International Social Security Association, 1998, 18 p).
Cichon, M.: "Standards of Practice for social security actuaries: Merging Professional traditions: from compartmentalization to synergy in social security". Meetings of the Permanent Committee on Statistical, Actuarial and Financial Studies,General Assembly, 28-29 October 1998. (Geneva, International Social Security Association, 1998, 17 p.).
Dror, D.; Fonteneau, R.; Jacquier, C.: Analyse d'un nouveau concept: la micro-assurance (pour combler le chainon manquant des interventions sanitaires). Le financement de la santé dans les pays d’Afrique et d’Asie à faible revenu. (Paris, édition Karthala, 2003, pp. 205-222) ISBN 2-84586-414-0.
Bertranou, M.; Rofman, R.; Grushka, C.O.: From reform to crisis: Argentina's pension system. International Social Security Review. (Geneva, International Social Security Association, 2003, vol. 56, N° 2, pp. 103-115) ISSN: 020-871-X Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, United Kingdom. (Also available in French and in Spanish)
Van Ginneken, W.: Health insurance for workers in the informal economy. Le financement de la santé dans les pays d'Afrique et d'Asie à faible revenu. (Paris, edition Karthala, 2003, pp. 223-236) ISBN 2-84586-414-0.
Plamondon, P.; Cichon, M.: Le SIDA - Gérer les conséquences financières d'une pandémie dans le contexte d'un pays en développement. Documentation de sécurité sociale, série africaine. (Abidjan, Association internationale de la sécurité sociale, 2003, n° 24, pp. 61-96) ISSN 0379-7058.
Hagemejer, K.: Challenges facing financing of social security systems from the European Union enlargement and opening the inner borders in Europe: Results of simulations with a simple model. European Series, Social Security Documentation: Social Security and Changes in the World of Work. (Geneva, 2002, International Social Security Association, No. 28, p. 111-124) ISSN: 92-843-1158-6. (Also available in French)
Fultz, E.: La reforma de las pensiones en Hungría y Polonia: una revisión comparativa. La reforma de las pensiones en Europa Central y Oriental. (Budapest, ILO/CEET, 2002, p: 3-14).
Fultz, E.: La réforme des pensions en Hongrie et en Pologne: aperçu général et comparatif. La réforme des pensions en Europe centrale et orientale. (Budapest, ILO/CEET, 2002, p: 3-12).
Chambers, I.; Drouin, A.: Managing across levels of government - with particular reference to the cases of PT China, Thailand and Lao PDR. Towards Asia's sustainable development - The role of social protection. (Paris, OECD, 2002, p. 337-354) .
Hu, A.: "China: from public health insurance to a multi-tiered structure". Building social security: the challenge of privatization. (New Brunswick, International social security series, Transaction publishers, vol. 6, 2001, p. 215-222). ISBN 0-7658-0878-1.
Hu, A.: "China: innovations in health care financing - mixing individual and collective responsibility". Recent health policy innovations in social security. (New Brunnswick, transactions publishers,vol.5, 2001, p. 107-132). ISBN 0-7658-0753-X.
Van Ginneken, W.: "Health protection for informal sector workers". Recent health policy innovations in social security. (New Brunnswick, transactions publishers, vol.5,2001, p. 59-79). ISBN 0-7658-0753-X.
Dror, D.; Fonteneau, R; Jacquier, C.: "La micro-assurance pour combler le chaînon manquant des interventions sanitaires". Journale d'économie médicale. (Paris, Editions Alexandre Lacassagne, mai 2001, vol. 19, N° 3, p. 201-214). ISSN 0294-0736.
Fonteneau, R.; Dror, D.; ILO: Social Security Department: "Les enjeux de la coopération sanitaire (aider ceux qui s'aident)". (Paris, Journal d'économie médicale, Editions Alexandre Lacassagne, 2001, vol. 19, N@. 4, p. 279-292).
Fultz, E.; Ruck, M.: "Pension reform in Central and Eastern Europe: Emerging issues and patterns". International Labour Review. (Geneva, International Labour Office, 2001, Vol. 140, N° 1, p. 19-44) ISSN 0020-7780. Also available in French and Spanish.
Dror, D.: "Reinsurance of health insurance for the informal sector". Bulletin of the World Health Organization. (Geneva, WHO, 2001, vol. 79, N° 7, p. 672-678)
Cichon, M.; Hagemejer, K.; Scholz, W.: "Social budgeting in transition economies". International Labour Review. (Geneva, International Labour Office, 2001, N° 2-3, pp. 191-215) ISSN 0020-871X. (Also available in French and Spanish).
Van Ginneken, W.: "Social protection for workers in the informal economy: new challenges for Asia and the Pacific". Social Security Documentation: Asia and Pacific Series. (Manila, International Social Security Association, 2001, N° 26, pp. 65-97)
Giuliano, A.: "Inventory of social protection in Portuguese-speaking African countries". Social Protection: What Workers and Trade Unions Should Know. (Geneva, ILO, Bureau of Workers' activities, 2000, Labour Education 2000/4, N°. 121, p. 23-27)
Van Ginneken, W.: "Extension of social protection: IlO's aim for the year to come". Social protection: new directions of donor agencies. (London, Social Development Department, June 2000, p. 33-47)
Gbossa, L.; Gauthé, B.: "From humanitarian aid to sustainable protection". Social Protection: What Workers and Trade Unions Should Know. (Geneva, ILO, Bureau of Workers' activities, 2000, Labour Education 2000/4, N°. 121, p. 17-22)
Bonilla Garcia A.: "Globalization and social protection: myths, uotpias and realities". Social Protection: What Workers and Trade Unions Should Know. (Geneva, ILO, Bureau of Workers' activities, 2000, Labour Education 2000/4, N°. 121, p. 1-5)
Bailey, C.: "Governance of Social Security Scheme". African Series. Social Security Documentation. (Abidjan, International Social Security Association, 2000, N° 21, pp. 71-113) ISSN 0379-704X (Also available in French).
Drouin, A.: "Improving public financing of social protection in Asia: the case of China, Thailand, and Lao People's Democratic Republic". Social Protection: What Workers and Trade Unions Should Know. (Geneva, ILO, Bureau of Workers' activities, 2000, Labour Education 2000/4, N°. 121, p. 29-37)
Fultz, E.; Ruck, M.: "Pension restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe: an analysis of recent trends". Social Protection: What Workers and Trade Unions Should Know. (Geneva, ILO, Bureau of Workers' activities, 2000, Labour Education 2000/4, N°. 121, p. 39-49)
Dror D.: "Reforming health insurance: A question of principles". International Social Security Review. (Geneva, International Social Security Association, 2000, vol. 53, part 2, pp. 75-99) ISSN:0020-871X, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, United Kingdom. (Also available in French, German and Spanish).
Reynaud, E. "Social dialogue on pensions: the experience of industrialised countries". Social Protection: What Workers and Trade Unions Should Know. (Geneva, ILO, Bureau of Workers' activities, 2000, Labour Education 2000/4, N°. 121, p. 6-10)
Beattie, R.A.: "Social protection for all: but how?" International Labour Review. (Geneva, International Labour Office, 2000, N° 2, pp. 129-148) ISSN 0020-7780. (Also available in French and Spanish).
Gillion, C.: "The development and reform of social security pensions: The approach of the International Labour Office". International Social Security Review. (Geneva, International Social Security Association, 2000, vol. 53, part 1, pp. 35-64) ISSN:0020-871X, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, United Kingdom. (Also available in French, German and Spanish).
Cichon, M.; "Deontología en el trabajo del actuario de la seguridad social; fusionando las profesionales: de la divisíon en categorías a la sinegia en la seguridad social". (Geneva, ILO, Departamento de Seguridad Social, Servicio de Actividades Financieras, Actuariales y Estadisticas, 1999, 14 p.) HTM
Scholz, W.: "Economic crisis, employment and social protection in Southeast Asia". Asien, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde = German Association for Asian Studies. (Germany, 1999, part 70, pp. 48-53) ISSN:0721-5231.
Dror, D.; M.; Jacquier, C.: "Micro-insurance: Extending health insurance to the excluded". International Social Security Review. (Geneva, International Social Security Association, 1999, vol. 52, part 1, pp. 71-97) ISSN:0020-871X Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, United Kingdom. (Also available in French, German and Spanish).
Cichon, M.: "National Defined-contribution schemes: old wine in new bottles ?" International Social Security Review. (Geneva, International Social Security Association, 1999, vol. 52, part 4, pp. 87-105) ISSN:0020-871X, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, United Kingdom. (Also available in French, German and Spanish).
Van Ginneken, W.: "Seguridad social para el sector informal: temas, opciones y perspectivas". Estudios de la Seguridad Social, (Buenos Aires, Asociación Internacional de la Seguridad Social, 1999, Serial Part 85; pages 5-27). ISSN:0379-0266.
Van Ginneken, W.:"Social security for the informal sector: A new challenge for the developing countries". International Social Security Review. (Geneva, International Social Security Association, 1999, vol. 52, part 1, pp. 49-69) ISSN:0020-871X Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, United Kingdom. (Also available in French, German and Spanish).
Van Ginneken, W.: "Including informal sector workers through social security". Social exclusion: an ILO perspective. (Geneva, International Institute for Labour Studies, 1998, Research series N°. 111, pp. 75-78). ISBN 92-9014-577-3.
Reynaud,E.: "Pensions in the European Union: Adapting to economic and social changes". International Social Security Review. (Geneva, International Social Security Association, 1998, vol. 51, part 1, pp. 31-46) ISSN:0020-871X. Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, United Kingdom. (Also available in French, German and Spanish).
Beattie, R.: "Pension systems and prospects in Asia and the Pacific". International Social Security Review. (Geneva, International Social Security Association, 1998, vol.51, part 3, pp. 63-87) ISSN: 0020-871X Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, United Kingdom. (Also available in French, German and Spanish).
Cichon, M.; Jesse, A.; Pal, K.: "Preparing for ageing societies? An attempt to evaluate pension and long-term care reforms in Europe". Social security documentation. European series. (Geneva, International Social Security Association, 1998, No. 26, pp. 23-58).
Scholz, W.; Drouin, A.: "Regular adjustment of financial parameters of social protection systems in volatile inflationary environments". International Social Security Review (Geneva, International Social Security Association, 1998, vol 51, part 1, pp. 47-71) ISSN:0020-871X. Blackwell Publishers , Oxford, United Kingdom. Also available in French, German and Spanish.

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