The Programme in Morocco centres on the textile and garment sector. This sector has been in the forefront of the export-led industrial growth in Morocco and generates 42 per cent of total industrial employment. It constitutes a heterogeneous chain of highly structured establishments and informal economy units, employing over 200,000 workers of which 71 per cent are women. The textile sector has been facing serious challenges on the domestic front, with growing social conflicts and on the external front with preserving its competitive edge in global competition.
The Pilot Programme was launched in June 2002, following intensive consultations and the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (pdf 138 Kb) between the Government and the ILO. It has set itself the ambitious goal of integrating a decent work dimension into the restructuring efforts of the textile and garment sector. To that effect, the Programme seeks to demonstrate that promoting decent work is not only a social goal but can be a productive factor for growth and upgrading in the prevailing global and competitive environment. The Programme proceeded from laying a shared analytical basis for discussions to fostering a tripartite agreement on the measures to be taken. The next stage will be assisting national programme partners with the implementation of an action plan for the restructuring of the industry.
Starting from a rather confrontational environment, the pilot programme has succeeded in initiating a constructive dialogue amongst major partners in the textile and garment sector. The Government and the social partners have agreed on the main elements of a new strategy for this industry that integrates both the economic and social dimensions of the sector's development. The Pilot Programme now continues to support informed tripartite discussions on issues such as the links between productivity and working conditions; enterprise restructuring, adjustment and access to markets; employment policies and the role of the social partners in the design and implementation of skills development programmes, and the increasing attention paid to the respect of workers' rights and working conditions in the global market. A case study (pdf 60 Kb)also spelles out the lessons learned for ILO in terms of integrated programming (étude de cas, pdf 106 Kb).
Programme activities
Programme outcomes
Updates on the Programme
Issues covered by the Programme
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