ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations
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Governing Body Collection

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ILO Conventions: background and preparatory work

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Services & Digital Collections
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ILO Library brochure
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ILO activities in the post-war world (Part 2: 1960-1988)

Francis Blanchard, ILO Director-General (1974-1989)

Select to magnify the image “There shall be a Director-General of the International Labour Office, who shall be appointed by the Governing Body, and, subject to the instructions of the Governing Body, shall be responsible for the efficient conduct of the International Labour Office and for such other duties as may be assigned to him. The Director-General or his deputy shall attend all meetings of the Governing Body.” (article 8 of the ILO Constitution)
  1. Biography of Francis Blanchard

  1. Francis Blanchard: Former ILO Director-General Dies at age 93
    Francis Blanchard: Former ILO Director-General Dies at age 93
  1. 1960-1988:
    ILO activities in the post-war world (Part 2: 1960-1988)
    1. 1960
    2. 1964
    3. 1965
    4. 1968
    5. 1969
    6. 1970
    7. 1973
    8. 1974
    9. 1977
    10. 1982
    11. 1986
  2. 1919-1939
  3. 1940-1945
  4. 1946-1959
  5. 1989-1998
  6. 1999-

ILO Century Project

ILO Century Project Timeline

The ILO and the Quest for Social Justice

Video: The ILO and the Quest for Social Justice

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Last update: 23.02.2015 ^ top