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Judgment No. 3242


The complaint is dismissed.


The complainant contests the investigation report made pursuant to her allegations of harassment on the ground that it was procedurally flawed.

Judgment keywords


inquiry; flaw; harassment; investigation; complaint dismissed

Consideration 9


[The complainant] submits that her allegation of harassment is substantiated because she felt harassed by the general attitude and specific actions of Dr K., and because her illness was a consequence of the harassment. However, proof of harassment insofar as it is based on the perceptions of a complainant, requires the staff member to demonstrate that the contested conduct could objectively be reasonably regarded as harassment. It is the Tribunal’s view that the Headquarters Grievance Panel was correct in not treating the medical records as proof of harassment. The medical records prove the illness exists but do not prove the cause. The illness by itself does not prove harassment. The complainant’ allegation is therefore unfounded.



Dernière mise à jour: 23.09.2020 ^ haut