Report of the Standing Orders Committee |
Submission, discussion and adoption
Original French: The PRESIDENT — We shall now move on to the report of the Standing Orders Committee, contained in Provisional Record No. 20. I give the floor to Mr. Víctor Rodríguez Cedeño, Government delegate of Venezuela, Chairperson and Reporter of the Standing Orders Committee, to submit the report of the Standing Orders Committee.
Original Spanish: Mr. RODRÍGUEZ CEDEÑO (Government delegate, Venezuela; Chairperson and Reporter of the Standing Orders Committee) — I am indeed privileged to submit to you the Report of the Standing Orders Committee, which met on 3 June last, and you will find this in Provisional Record No. 20.
The Standing Orders Committee looked at three issues: amendments to the Standing Orders of the Conference, revision of the Rules for Regional Meetings, and an amendment to the provisions of article 10 of the Standing Orders of the Governing Body.
As regards the first item, the Committee, in pursuance of the recommendation made by the Governing Body, recommends that the Conference adopt a number of amendments to the Standing Orders of the Conference that consolidate the reforms introduced in 1996 which, as you well know, have been implemented since then for six sessions of the Conference by means of ad hoc derogations, which are adopted every year in pursuance of article 76.
These proposed amendments have to do with time limits for speeches, which is a revision of article 14, and this change is reflected in the report.
Other amendments include revision of article 4, paragraph 2, concerning the Selection Committee; article 9, adjustments to the membership of committees; article 56, paragraph 9, composition of committees and the right to participate in their work; deletion of article 75, procedure for the nomination of members of committees by the Government group; and, finally, the revision of article 52, procedure of voting.
As regards the second item, the Committee recommends that the Conference confirm the Rules for Regional Meetings adopted by the Governing Body in March of this year which, as you will note, includes an introductory note.
Finally, our Committee recommends that the Conference take note of the amendment adopted by the Governing Body in its Standing Orders and reproduced in article 34 of the Standing Orders of the Conference, so as to facilitate reference to the same.
This is the outcome of our work. I would like to thank the distinguished members of the Committee for their participation in its work, and, in particular, I would like to thank the Vice-Chairpersons, Mr. Boisson, from the Employers’ group, and Mr. Ahmed from the Workers’ group, who greatly contributed to the work. We would also like to reiterate our thanks to Mr. Parrot, Workers’ delegate of Canada, for the constant support he lent us in conducting the delicate work we have had to do in the Governing Body in recent years.
Original French: The PRESIDENT — The general discussion on the report is now open.
As no one has asked for the floor concerning the Report of the Standing Orders Committee, I suggest that we now proceed to the adoption of the report, which contains four parts, and an Appendix containing the Rules for Regional Meetings. We shall now proceed to the adoption of Part I of the Report, entitled “Proposed amendments to the Standing Orders of the International Labour Conference” (paragraphs 4-18). In this first part, the Conference is invited to adopt the amendments to the Standing Orders contained in paragraphs 9, 16 and 18. If there are no objections, may I consider that these amendments are adopted?
(The proposed amendments are adopted.)
We shall now move to Part II of the report entitled “Confirmation of the Rules for Regional Meetings” (paragraphs 19-21). If there are no objections, may I consider that the Conference confirms the Rules for Regional Meetings, contained in the Appendix to the report, in accordance with the recommendation of the Standing Orders Committee?
(It is so decided.)
We shall now move to Part III entitled “Corrections to the Standing Orders of the Conference” (paragraphs 22-25). If there are no objections, may I take it that the Conference takes note of the amendment made by the Governing Body and notes that the next edition of the Standing Orders will reflect the changes contained in paragraph 25?
(The amendment made by the Governing Body is noted.)
We have therefore taken note that the Standing Orders of the Conference will be amended accordingly. I now deem that the report of the Standing Orders Committee is adopted in toto.
(The report — paragraphs 1-3 — and Parts I, II, III, and IV, as well as the Appendix, are adopted.)
Last updated by HK on 19 June 2002.