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Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee |
Matters relating to the ILO Administrative Tribunal
Composition of the Tribunal
1. Article III, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the ILO Administrative Tribunal states: "the judges shall be appointed for a period of three years by the Conference". The Tribunal currently has the following composition:
Mr. Michel Gentot (France), President: term of office expires in July 2001;
Ms. Mella Carroll (Ireland), Vice-President: term of office expires in July 1999;
Mr. Julio Barberis (Argentina): term of office expires in July 2001;
Mr. Seydou Ba (Senegal): term of office expires in July 2000;
Mr. Jean-François Egli (Switzerland): term of office expires in July 2001;
Mr. Mark Fernando (Sri Lanka): term of office expires in July 1999;
Mr. James K. Hugessen (Canada): term of office expires in July 2000.
2. It is proposed to renew for a period of three years the appointment of Ms. Mella Carroll, which expires in July 1999.
3. Mr. Mark Fernando has informed the Office that his commitments do not permit him to continue as a judge of the Administrative Tribunal. The Committee may wish to recommend to the Governing Body and, through it, to the Conference, that they convey to Mr. Mark Fernando their appreciation for the services he has rendered to the work of the Administrative Tribunal over the last seven years. On the expiry of Mr. Fernando's mandate, there will be a vacant position on the Tribunal.
4. In keeping with the long-standing practice of appointing to the Tribunal persons who hold or have held high judicial office, account being taken of the need for overall linguistic balance and equilibrium in terms of different systems of law and geographical representation, the Director-General, after consulting the Officers of the Governing Body, proposes the following appointment:
Mrs. Justice Ruma Pal (India, born 1941), appointed to the Bench since August 1990, is currently the Senior Judge in the High Court of Calcutta, which is the Supreme Court of the State of West Bengal. From 1968 to 1990, she practised law as an advocate specialized in civil law cases and constitutional matters. She holds a postgraduate law degree from Oxford University and has participated in several international conferences on human rights and gender-related issues. She is a member of the Executive Council of the Indian Law Institute, and also a member of the Management Team of the Asia-Pacific Advisory Forum on Judicial Education on Equality Issues.
5. The Committee is accordingly invited to recommend to the Governing Body that it submit to the International Labour Conference, for adoption at its forthcoming session, the following resolution:
The General Conference of the International Labour Organization,
Decides, in accordance with Article III of the Statute of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization, to renew the term of office of Ms. Mella Carroll (Ireland) for a period of three years;
Expresses its appreciation to Mr. Mark Fernando for the services which he has rendered to the work of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization over the last seven years;
Decides, in accordance with Article III of the Statute of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization, to appoint as judge of the Administrative Tribunal, for a term of three years with effect from July 1999, Mrs. Justice Ruma Pal (India).
Geneva, 16 March 1999.
Points for decision:
Paragraph 3;
Paragraph 5.