ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

273rd Session
Geneva, November 1998

Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee



Financial questions relating to the
International Institute for Labour Studies

Authorization to accept contributions and gifts
(Second paper)

1. The Board of the International Institute for Labour Studies considered, at its Fortieth Session on 13 November 1998, the acceptance of contributions and gifts to the current activities of the Institute as set forth in a paper already circulated to the Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee.(1) In accordance with the provisions of article V, paragraph 4, of the Regulations of the Institute, the Board recommends that the Governing Body accept these contributions, made for purposes in keeping with the aims and functions of the Institute.

2. The Committee may wish to recommend that the Governing Body accept these contributions and gifts.

Geneva, 13 November 1998.

Point for decision: Paragraph 2.

1. GB.273/PFA/2/1.

Updated by VC. Approved by RH. Last update: 26 January 2000.