ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

273rd Session
Geneva, November 1998

Committee on Employment and Social Policy



Progress report on preparations for the
Second ILO Enterprise Forum

1. Since the last report to the Committee in March 1998,(1) two working group sessions have been held with representatives of the International Organization of Employers, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, the ILO's Bureau for Employers' and Workers' Activities and its Entreprise and Cooperative Development Department. The discussions took place in a positive and constructive atmosphere and confirmed the structure for the Forum discussed by the Committee in March. A number of arrangements for the Forum were discussed, including candidates for keynote speakers and resource persons and case-studies likely to create an effective and stimulating programme on the various themes set out in the concept paper which was supported by the Committee in March. Practical arrangements for the Forum have been confirmed.

2. While most of the specific suggestions for keynote speakers, resource people and case-studies are still being examined, the Executive Office of the Secretary-General of the United Nations has agreed for the Secretary-General to endorse the Second ILO Enterprise Forum. The possibility of the Secretary-General also delivering a keynote statement through a satellite link is being explored.

3. Efforts to disseminate information widely about the Forum concept and its major themes have begun within the ILO and will form the basis of detailed discussions concerning the involvement of other technical departments in the further development of specific themes and technical papers and the identification of resource inputs and other preparatory activities. As at the first Forum, particularly close collaboration with the International Institute of Labour Studies will be ensured.

4. In order to secure a wide range of inputs to the Forum, constituents and other actors are invited to submit articles, research findings and other materials on the main topics covered by the major Forum sessions. These are:

5. External mailing has begun in order to inform potential participants from enterprises, ILO constituents and other concerned organizations and individuals of the timing and major themes of the Forum. This is the first stage in efforts to disseminate information widely about the Forum using direct mailing, the Internet and other appropriate channels.

Geneva, 12 October 1998.

1. GB.271/ESP/2.

Updated by VC. Approved by RH. Last update: 26 January 2000.