Tripartite Meeting on the Iron and Steel Workforce
of the Twenty-first Century
Geneva, 27-31 October 1997
List of participants
Liste des participants
Lista de participantes
Representative of the Governing Body
of the International Labour Office
Représentant du Conseil d'administration
du Bureau international du Travail
Representante del Consejo de Administración de la Oficina Internacional del Trabajo
Mr. Max Arbesser-Rastburg, Professor, Vienna
Members representing Governments
Membres représentant les gouvernements
Miembros representantes de los gobiernos
Canada Canadá
Mr. Ron Saunders, Director, Employment and Labour Policy, Ontario Ministry of Labour, Toronto
Chile Chili
Sr. Francisco Rivas Gómez, Agregado Laboral, Misión Permanente de Chile en Ginebra
China Chine
M. Zhang Wei, conseiller, mission permanente de Chine à Genève
Advisers/Conseillers techniques/Consejeros técnicos
Mr. Huang Changlu, Ministry of Metallurgical Industry, Beijing
Mr. Liu Xiao Feng, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Labour, Beijing
Mr. Liu Xu, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Labour, Beijing
Mr. Li Mingfu, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of China in Geneva
Czech Republic République tchèque República Checa
Mr. Josef Jarabica, Director, Department of Industry, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Prague
Adviser/Conseiller technique/Consejero técnico
Mr. Stanislav Benes, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Prague
France Francia
Mme Joëlle Ory, Chargée de mission aux affaires internationales (DGSI/SERIBE), ministère de l'Economie, des Finances et de l'Industrie, Secrétariat d'Etat à l'industrie, Paris
Germany Allemagne Alemania
Ms. Brigitte Lampersbach, Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung, Bonn
Adviser/Conseiller technique/Consejero técnico
Mr. Werner Ringkamp, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Germany in Geneva
India Inde
Mr. Naresh Narad, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Steel, New Delhi
Japan Japon Japón
Mr. Shigeo Kojima, Head, Employment Measures for Job Transition and Creation Office, Ministry of Labour, Tokyo
Adviser/Conseiller technique/Consejero técnico
Mr. Kenji Tsunekawa, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Japan in Geneva
Republic of Korea République de Corée República de Corea
Mr. Youn-Chul Kim, Counsellor for Labour Affairs, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea in Geneva
Adviser/Conseiller technique/Consejero técnico
Mr. Dae Hwan Kim, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea in Geneva
Poland Pologne Polonia
Mr. Wiktor Laszczyk, Deputy Director, Industrial Policy Department, Ministry of Economy, Warsaw
Advisers/Conseillers techniques/Consejeros técnicos
Mr. Stanislaw Padykula, Vice President, Industrial Development Agency, Warsaw
Mr. Woyciech Szulc, Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy of Gliwice, Gliwice
Sweden Suède Suecia
Mr. Rune Andersson, Head of the Engineering Department, National Board of Occupational Safety and Health, Solna
United Kingdom Royaume-Uni Reino Unido
Mr. Jack McCann, Development Manager, Department for Education and Employment, Sheffield
United States Etats-Unis Estados Unidos
Mr. Jesse Brumfield, European Area Adviser, US Department of Labor, Washington, DC
Adviser/Conseiller technique/Consejero técnico
Mr. John D. Long, Permanent Mission of the United States in Geneva
Sr. Alfredo Rivas Lairet, Presidente, CVG Siderúrgica del Orinoco C.A. (SIDOR), Caracas
Adviser/Conseiller technique/Consejera técnica
Sra. Damelis Cermeño, Vicepresidenta de Personal, CVG Siderúrgica del Orinoco C.A., Bolívar
Members representing the Employers
Membres représentant les employeurs
Miembros representantes de los empleadores
Sr. Enrique Alvarez, Director, FEDECAMARAS, Caracas
Sr. José María Alvaro Villar, Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales, Madrid
M. Daniel Atlan, directeur des ressources humaines, SOLLAC DAS, la Défense
Mr. Robert Avis, Director of Human Resources, Confederation of British Industry, London
Mr. Harvey Bowen, General Manager Employee Relations, BHP Steel, Sydney
Adviser/Conseiller technique/Consejera técnica
Ms. Di Kelly, Department of Economics, University of Wollongong, Wollongong
Mr. David Carson, Industrial Relations Director, Steel and Engineering Industries Federation of South Africa (SEIFSA), Johannesburg
Mr. Alessandro Falchero, FEDERACCIAI, Milan
Mr. Shigehiro Kaneda, General Manager, Kawasaki Steel Corporation, Tokyo
Advisers/Conseillers techniques/Consejeros técnicos
Mr. Hiroshi Miyahara, General Manager, Human Resources Department, NKK Corporation, Tokyo
Mr. Masami Oshima, Senior Manager, Japan Iron and Steel Federation, Tokyo
Mr. Urban Levál, Executive Vice President, Employers Association of the Swedish Steel and Metal Industry, Metallgruppen, Stockholm
Sr. Enrique S. Mantilla, Unión Industrial Argentina, Buenos Aires
Adviser/Conseiller technique/Consejero técnico
Sr. Norberto Díaz, Unión Industrial Argentina, Buenos Aires
Mr. Musdiono, Director of Human Resources, Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (APINDO), Jakarta
Mr. Gurushant Phatate, General Manager (Personnel), Caribbean Ispat Ltd., Couva, Trinidad and Tobago
M. Jean-Pierre Rousseau, conseiller principal, Groupement de la sidérurgie (ASBL), Bruxelles
Mr. Josef Fidelis Senn, Managerial Director, Arbeitgeberverband Stahl e.V., Düsseldorf
Adviser/Conseiller technique/Consejero técnico
Mr. Arne Meiswinkel, Arbeitgeberverband Stahl e.V., Düsseldorf
Mr. Ashwini Kumar Singh, Managing Director, Steel Authority of India Limited, New Delhi
Mr. Thomas Sterling, Vice President, Employee Relations, U.S. Steel Group, Pittsburgh
Adviser/Conseiller technique/Consejero técnico
Mr. Peter Hernandez, Vice-President, Employee Relations, American Iron and Steel Institute, Washington
Mr. Stephen O. Uku, Executive Secretary, Association of Metal Products, Iron and Steel Employers of Nigeria, Lagos
Mr. Serge Wagner, Vice President, Human Resources, Ispat Sidbec Inc., Verdun, Québec
Members representing the Workers
Membres représentant les travailleurs
Miembros representantes de los trabajadores
Mr. Ravi Chandra Arya, President, Steel Workers' Union, Bhilai, Madhya Pradesh
Mr. Rainer Barcikowski, Industriegewerkschaft Metall, Düsseldorf
Mr. David Brookman, General Secretary, Iron and Steel Trades Confederation, London
Adviser/Conseiller technique/Consejero técnico
Mr. Leif Nyström, National Secretary, Industritjanstemanneförbundet (SIF), Stockholm
Sr. Edvaldo Da Paz, Director, Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores Metalúrgicos, Ouro Branco, Minas Gerais
Mr. Adam Ditmer, President, Metalworkers' Secretariat - NSZZ Solidarnosc, Katowice
Mr. Ben-Ichiro Eto, President, Tekko Roren - Japan Federation of Steel Workers Unions, Tokyo
Advisers/Conseillers techniques/Consejeros técnicos
Mr. Haruo Shiozaki, Vice President, Federation of Nippon Kokan Workers' Unions, Tokyo
Mr. Yasuto Hasebe, President, Federation of Kawasaki Steel Workers Unions, Tokyo
Mr. Seigo Kojima, Vice President, Japan Council of Metalworkers' Unions, Tokyo
Mr. Xiao Guoji, All-China Federation of Trade Unions, Beijing
Adviser/Conseiller technique/Consejero técnico
Mr. Hanquan Li, All-China Federation of Trade Unions, Beijing
Sr. Antonio Jara, Director, Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales, Unión Obrera Metalúrgica, Buenos Aires
Mr. Ho-Chang Lee, Senior Research Officer, Federation of Korean Metalworkers' Trade Unions, Seoul
Mr. Karel Macura, Member of Presidium, Czech Metalworkers' Federation, Ostrava-Hrabuvka
M. Michel Mainguy, secrétaire fédéral, Fédération confédérée FO de la métallurgie, Paris
Adviser/Conseiller technique/Consejero técnico
M. Pierre Caremiaux, Secrétaire fédéral, FGMM-CFDT, Paris
Mr. Neil Marshall, National Organiser, Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union (AMWU), Surry Hills NSW
M. Sergio Migliorini, Secretario, FLM-CISL, Federazione Lavoratori Metalmeccanici, Roma
Mr. Stephen Nhlapo, Basic Metal and Energy Sector Co-ordinator, National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa, Johannesburg
Mr. Douglas Olthuis, Research Department, United Steelworkers of America, Toronto
Mr. Aurel Radi, President, Federatia Nationala Sindicala Metarom, Bucarest
Ms. Patti Seehafer, Director of Research and Benefits, Assistant to the President, United Steelworkers of America, Pittsburgh
M. Mikhail Tarassenko, président, Syndicat des travailleurs des mines et métallurgie de Russie, Moscou
Adviser/Conseiller technique/Consejero técnico
M. Erich Litchman, directeur du Service des affaires intérieures, Syndicat des travailleurs des mines et métallurgie de Russie, Moscou
Representatives of United Nations, specialized agencies and other official international organizations
Représentants des Nations Unies, des institutions spécialisées et d'autres organisations internationales officielles
Representantes de las Naciones Unidas, de los organismos especializados y de otras organizaciones internacionales oficiales
Arab Labour Organization
Organisation arabe du travail
Organización Arabe del Trabajo
M. Adnan El-Telawi, chef de la délégation permanente, Genève
Representatives of non-governmental international organizations
Représentants d'organisations internationales non gouvernementales
Representantes de organizaciones internacionales no gubernamentales
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
Confédération internationale des syndicats libres
Confederación Internacional de Organizaciones Sindicales Libres
Mr. Guy Ryder, Director, Geneva
Mr. Dan Cunniah, Deputy Director, Geneva
International Iron and Steel Institute
Institut international du fer et de l'acier
Mr. Ian Christmas, Deputy Secretary-General, Brussels
International Metalworkers' Federation
Fédération internationale des organisations de travailleurs de la métallurgie
Federación Internacional de Trabajadores de las Industrias Metalúrgicas
Mr. Marcello Malentacchi, Secretary General, Geneva
Mr. Hiroshi Kamada, Senior Executive Officer, Geneva
Ms. Anne-Marie Mureau, Economic and Social Research Head, Geneva
Ms. Katherine Livas, Secretary, Geneva
Mr. Len Powell, Director, Iron and Steel Department, Plan-les-Ouates
Mr. Peter Unterweger, Head of Auto and Mech. Engineering, Geneva
Ms. Lyn Tate-Clark, Administrative Assistant, Economic and Social Department, Geneva
M. André Delory, secrétaire général, Centrale chrétienne des métallurgistes de Belgique (CCMB), Bruxelles
M. J. Bernard Wilmotte, secrétaire national, Centrale chrétienne des métallurgistes (CMC-Métal), Bruxelles
Sr. Ricardo Pinheiro, Assessor Económico, DIEESE/CNM-CUT, Sao Paulo
Mr. Abdel-Moneim Al-Azaly, Union of Workers in Engineering, Metal and Electrical Industries, Cairo
Mr. Salah Hassan Haikal, Union of Workers in Engineering, Metal and Electrical Industries, Cairo
Mr. Taher Abdel Ghany, Union of Workers in Engineering, Metal and Electrical Industries, Cairo
Mr. Vasile Chitari, "U Metal", UNIREA, Federatia Sindicatelor Nationala, Bucarest
Mr. Merian Petru, Federatia "U Metal", Timisoara
Mr. Dorel Sasu, Federatia "U Metal", Turda Jud. Cluj.
Sr. Augusto Ramón Merayo, Asociación Supervisores Industria Metalmecanica (ASIMRA), San Nicolas, Argentina
Sr. Edgardo Holstein, Secretario de Organización, Unión Obrera Metalurgica, San Nicolas
Mr. Jan-Ake Olsson, National Officer, Svenska Metallindustriarbetareförbundet, Stockholm
International Organization of Employers
Organisation internationale des employeurs
Organización Internacional de Empleadores
Mr. Jean Dejardin, Deputy Executive Secretary, Cointrin/Geneva
World Confederation of Labour
Confédération mondiale du travail
Confederación Mundial del Trabajo
Mme Béatrice Fauchère, représentante permanente, Genève
World Federation of Trade Unions
Fédération syndicale mondiale
Federación Sindical Mundial
M. Albert Potapov, représentant permanent, Genève