ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

271st Session
Geneva, March 1998


Report of the Director-General


I. Obituary

II. Composition of the Governing Body

III. Progress in international labour legislation

IV. Internal administration

V. Publications and documents

I. Obituary

Dr. Aurelio Periquet, Jr.

1. The Director-General announces with deep regret the death, on 24 February 1998, of Dr. Aurelio Periquet, former Employer member of the Governing Body.

2. After graduating with a bachelor's degree in commercial science, Mr. Periquet took graduate studies in industrial management and attended training courses in insurance, industrial relations, community service and regional development, which were conducted in the Philippines, other Asian countries, the United States and Switzerland. He also received the degree of Doctor of Technology, honoris causa, and Doctor of Industrial Education Management, honoris causa.

3. During his brilliant career Mr. Periquet was the president of several corporations and director of other enterprises engaged in insurance, banking, publishing, manufacturing and resort hotels. He also served two terms as President of the Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (CCP) and five terms as President of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI). Moreover, he was President of the Confederation of Asia-Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CACCI) and the ASEAN Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASEAN-CCI). At the time of his death, he was honorary Chairperson of the Periquet-Kessel Corporation and Chairperson of the PCCI and the Employers' Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP). He was a co-founder of both the PCCI and the ECOP, and it was primarily due to his vision and leadership that ECOP has become the dynamic umbrella organization of employers that it is today.

4. Mr. Periquet was the first person from his country to have been appointed President of the ASEAN Confederation of Employers, President of the General Council of the International Organization of Employers and as a regular Employer member of the Governing Body.

5. Among the honours received by Mr. Periquet are the Order of the Brilliant Star with Violet Grand Cordon from Taiwan, China, and a Special Citation for International Trade Promotion from the Government of Japan.

6. In the Governing Body he was known for his good judgement and integrity, for his courtesy and distinguished nature, as well as his constructive relations with the Government and Workers' groups. He will be remembered with gratitude, affection and respect.

7. The Governing Body will no doubt request the Director-General to convey its sympathy to the family of Mr. Periquet and to the Employers' Confederation of the Philippines.

II. Composition of the Governing Body

Government group

Regular members

8. The Government of Argentina has appointed as its representative Dr. José Alberto Andrés Uriburu, Secretary of State for Labour, and as its deputy representative Dr. José María Angel Iñiguez, Under-Secretary of State for Industrial Relations.

III. Progress in international labour legislation

Ratification of Conventions

9. Since the preparation of the document submitted to the 270th Session of the Governing Body, the Director-General has registered the following 44 ratifications of international labour Conventions, bringing the total number registered on 13 February 1998 to 6,514:










Republic of Korea



Republic of Moldova



Russian Federation



Following the admission of Uzbekistan to the International Labour Organization, the Government of Uzbekistan recognized that Uzbekistan continued to be bound by the obligations arising under the above-mentioned Conventions, which had been previously applicable to its territory.

Viet Nam

Denunciation of a Convention


10. The Director-General registered, on 3 October 1997, the denunciation by Chile of the Maternity Protection Convention, 1919 (No. 3). This denunciation was made in response to the recommendation regarding the policy of revision of standards made by the Governing Body.

Declarations concerning the application of
Conventions to non-metropolitan territories
(article 35 of the Constitution)

11. The Director-General has registered the following declarations concerning the application of international labour Conventions to non-metropolitan territories:


Instrument for the Amendment of the Constitution of
the International Labour Organization, 1986

12. Since the 270th Session of the Governing Body, the Director-General has received the following ratification of the instrument:

Constitution of the International Labour Organization
Instrument of Amendment, 1997

13. Since the 270th Session of the Governing Body, the Director-General has received the following acceptances of the instrument:

IV. Internal administration

14. Article 4.2(d) of the Staff Regulations states:

15. The following appointments and promotions are accordingly reported to the Governing Body:

Mr. E. Andoh (Ghana)

Mr. E. Blenk (Germany)

Mr. C. Castro Almeida (Portugal)

Mr. M. Cichon (Germany)

Ms. M.A. Ducci Budge (Chile)

Mr. V. Gruat (France)

Ms. E. Frierson (United States)

Mr. F. Lisk (Sierra Leone)

Mr. W. Momm (Germany)

Mr. A. Oberai (India)

Mr. M. Ozaki (Japan)

Mr. P. Peek (Netherlands)

Mr. E. Reynaud (France)

Mr. G. Rodgers (United Kingdom)

Mr. A. Touré (Mali)

Ms. N. de Warlincourt (France)

V. Publications and documents

16. Items listed below are sale publications produced at ILO headquarters and do not include non-sale publications, or those publications produced by the field offices or commercial and governmental publishers. Approximately 400 items are documented each year as being published globally.

International Labour Conference

17. The following reports for the 86th (1998) Session of the International Labour Conference have been issued in English, French and Spanish:

18. The following reports for the 86th (1998) Session of the International Labour Conference have been issued in English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Arabic and Chinese:

Sectoral Activities Programme

19. The following reports have been issued in English, French and Spanish:

Periodical publications

20. The following issues have been published or are in the press in the languages indicated:

Non-periodical publications

21. The following volumes have been issued or are in the press in the languages indicated:

Agreements with commercial and non-profit-making
publishers and distributors

22. The following agreements have been signed since the 270th Session of the Governing Body:

Equal pay in Europe? Closing the gender wage gap (original English edition)

Macmillan Press Ltd., United Kingdom

Social security for all Indians (original English edition)

Oxford University Press India, India

Post-conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina: Integrating women's special situation and gender perspectives in skills training and employment promotion programmes (reprint)

Briefing on Development and Gender, United Kingdom

Post-conflict Mozambique: Women's special situation, population issues and gender perspectives to be integrated into skills training and employment promotion (reprint)


Introducción al estudio del trabajo. Cuarta edición (revisada) (reprint)

Editorial Limusa SA, Mexico

Assisting disabled persons in finding employment. A practical guide (reprint, Vietnamese edition)

Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA), Viet Nam

Disability and employment in Asia (reprint, Vietnamese edition)


Towards equalizing opportunities for disabled people (reprint, Vietnamese edition)


Collective bargaining and the law in Central and Eastern Europe: Some comparative issues (reprint)

Research Institute of the Italian Trade Union Confederation, Italy

Improve Your Business Basics. Practical management for small businesses. Kit (international edition) (adaptation)

ISO Swedish Management Group, Sweden

Modules of Employable Skills (MES) learning elements (reprint)

Youth Training and Employment Partnership Programme Ltd., Trinidad and Tobago

Modules of Employable Skills (MES) learning elements (reprint)

ABV Rock Group, Saudi Arabia

Improve Your Business Basics. Practical management for small businesses. Kit (international edition) (Arabic adaptation)

ISO Swedish Management Group, Sweden

Consumer price indices. An ILO manual (Croatian edition)

Central Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Croatia, Croatia

How to select and use consultants. A client's guide (German edition)

Rosenberger Fachverlag, Germany

An ABC for public relations officers in trade unions. An instructional aid for workers' educators and trade unionists (Greek edition)

Ermogenis Publications, Cyprus

Making a case. An instructional aid for workers' educators and trade unionists (Greek edition)


Simple methods of document storage and retrieval. An instructional aid for workers' educators and trade unionists (Greek edition)


Theory of communication. An instructional aid for workers' educators and trade unionists (Greek edition)


Collective bargaining and the law in Central and Eastern Europe: Some comparative issues (Italian edition)

Research Institute of the Italian Trade Union Confederation, Italy

Accident prevention and investigation (Lithuanian edition)

Ministry of Social Security and Labour, Lithuania

World Employment 1996/97. National policies in a global context (Polish edition)

Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Poland

World Labour Report 1997-1998. Industrial relations, democracy and social stability (Polish edition)


Financial and economic analysis of enterprises. A workers' education manual (Romanian edition)

National Trade Union Bloc (BNS), Romania

Productivity and quality management. A modular programme (Russian edition)

National Training Foundation, Russian Federation

World Labour Report 1997-1998. Industrial relations, democracy and social stability (Russian edition)

Institute of Labour, Russian Federation

We can make it. Stories of disabled women in developing countries (Serbian edition)

OXFAM, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

First things first in child labour. Eliminating work detrimental to children (Turkish edition)

Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Turkey

Maximum weights in load lifting and carrying (Occupational Safety and Health Series) (microform and CD-ROM)

Barbour Index, United Kingdom

Working with visual display units (Occupational Safety and Health Series) (microform and CD-ROM)


Accident prevention on board ship at sea and in port. An ILO code of practice (microform and CD-ROM)


Recording and notification of occupational accidents and diseases. An ILO code of practice (microform and CD-ROM)


Management of alcohol and drug-related issues in the workplace. An ILO code of practice (microform and CD-ROM)


Combining work and elder care. A challenge for now and the future (microform and CD-ROM)


Working time around the world. Conditions of Work Digest, Vol. 14, 1995 (microform and CD-ROM)


Employment policies and programmes in Central and Eastern Europe (microform)

Congressional Information Service, United States

HIES (Household income and expenditure statistics) (database on diskette)

Kansas World Trade Center, United States

LABOCT (October Enquiry results) (database on diskette)

Economist Intelligence Unit, United Kingdom

LABPROJ (Economically active population estimates and projections, 1950-2010). Fourth edition (database on diskette)


LABPROJ (Economically active population estimates and projections, 1950-2010). Fourth edition (database on diskette)

Human Development Report Office, United States

LABPROJ (Economically active population estimates and projections, 1950-2010). Fourth edition (database on diskette)

Institute of Social Studies Advisory, Netherlands

LABPROJ (Economically active population estimates and projections, 1950-2010). Fourth edition (database on diskette)

J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc., United States

Geneva, 5 March 1998.

Point for decision: Paragraph 7.

Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 26 January 2000.