ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

271st Session
Geneva, March 1998


Appointment of the Director-General

1. At its 270th Session (November 1997), the Governing Body decided that the appointment of the Director-General should take place at the beginning of its 271st Session (March 1998) in public sitting, and confirmed that the Rules adopted in 1988, as set out in the Appendix, would apply to the appointment. The Governing Body also instructed the Office to notify all members of the Governing Body and all States Members of the Organization of the precise date and time at which the list of candidatures would be closed and of the date on which the 271st Session of the Governing Body would open.

2. By notes verbales dated respectively 10 and 11 December 1997, the Office notified the governments of member States and the members of the Governing Body that the election of the Director-General would take place on Monday, 23 March 1998, and that the deadline for the receipt of candidatures was set at Thursday, 23 February 1998, at noon Geneva time.

3. At the expiry of the deadline for the receipt of candidatures, the two following candidatures had been submitted to the Chairperson of the Governing Body:

4. These candidatures, together with the curriculum vitae of each candidate, were communicated to the members of the Governing Body on 23 December 1997 and 14 January 1998 respectively.

5. In accordance with paragraph 3 of article 17 of the Standing Orders of the Governing Body, the election of the Director-General will be conducted by secret ballot.

Geneva, 26 February 1998.


Rules governing the election of the Director-General
(adopted by the Governing Body on 23 June 1988,
at its 240th Session)

A. Candidatures

(1) Candidatures for the post of Director-General shall be sent to the Chairman of the Governing Body of the ILO at the latest one month prior to the date set by the Governing Body for the election.

(2) In order to be considered these candidatures must be submitted by a member State of the Organization or by a member of the Governing Body.

(3) Candidatures submitted in accordance with the above-mentioned conditions shall be made known to the members of the Governing Body by the Chairman immediately after they have been received.

B. Majority

(4) To be elected, a candidate must receive the votes of more than one-half of the members of the Governing Body entitled to vote.

C. Election procedure

(5) On the date set for the election, as many ballots shall be held as are necessary to determine which of the candidates has obtained the majority required by Rule (4) above.

(6) (i) After each ballot the candidate who has obtained the lowest number of votes shall be eliminated.

     (ii) If two or more candidates obtain simultaneously the lowest number of votes, they shall be eliminated together.

(7) If in the ballot between the remaining candidates they receive the same number of votes and a further ballot still does not produce a majority for one of them, or if one candidate remains but does not obtain the majority required by Rule (4) above in a further ballot in which his or her name is submitted to the Governing Body for a final vote, the Governing Body may postpone the election and freely set a new deadline for the submission of candidatures.

Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 26 January 2000.