ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations


Governing Body 

270th Session
Geneva, November 1997

Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee PFA


Proposed 1998-99 budgets for extra-budgetary accounts

(b) Inter-American Research and Documentation Centre on
Vocational Training (CINTERFOR)

1. As in previous biennia, and under the provisions relating to the establishment of the extra-budgetary account of the Inter-American Research and Documentation Centre on Vocational Training (CINTERFOR), the Committee is called upon to examine the budgetary estimates for this account.

2. The budget for the extra-budgetary account is presented in Appendix I. Details of all expenditure proposed are given in Appendix II. The programme of activities is described in paragraphs 3 to 13.

3. CINTERFOR's programme proposals for 1998-99 focus on strengthening the capacity of ministries of labour, training institutions and authorities, and employers' and workers' organizations of Latin American and Caribbean countries, to increase the effectiveness of their skill development systems so as to respond to the challenges of competitiveness and social equity. The programme attempts to respond to the priority demands of member States, as approved at the 33rd Meeting of the CINTERFOR Technical Committee (Santiago, May 1997). The proposed programme is closely linked with major programmes 60 (Employment and training), and 260 (Field programmes in the Americas).

4. The main objective of the programme 1998-99 is the adoption of efficient and relevant vocational training policies, the design or redesign of adequate institutional arrangements and the implementation of programmes that address the current socio-economic context, labour market conditions and the requirements of socially disadvantaged groups in member countries of the region. For this purpose, CINTERFOR will act on the basis of the following main instruments: the promotion of horizontal cooperation and debate between the countries of the region, research, advisory services, technical cooperation, information exchange and dissemination, and publications. The programme is an integral part of the Active Partnership Policy of the ILO and will be developed in close cooperation with the MDTs and area offices in the region, the Regional Office for the Americas, and the technical units in headquarters, in particular the Employment and Training Department, and more specifically with the Training Policies and Systems Branch (POLFORM).

Organization and management of training systems

5. The redefinition of the new roles of governments in training and the active role that several actors in the private sector play in the field of training are leading to a new pattern for the institutionalization of training in the region. There is an explosion in the number of training providers and of programmes offered -- public and private -- while some traditional vocational training institutions are showing a decline in the traditional leadership they once had. At the same time, new responsibilities are conferred to ministries of labour in certain countries.

6. CINTERFOR will contribute to the design of new institutional arrangements based on recent experience gained by ministries of labour and vocational training institutions. Activities will focus on supporting the institutional development of training systems, bodies and institutions, so as to make them increasingly decentralized, flexible and responsive to the demands of production and to the requirements of social integration. The programme will help ministries of labour take a leading role in policy-making in relation to training, and in promoting, assisting and supporting better coordination between the supply and demand of training, and between training providers. Emphasis will be given to the training dimension in the modernization of labour relations, employment promotion, occupational health, working conditions and environment, wages, labour legislation, social security and others.

7. The ongoing processes of modernization of training institutions in the region will continue to be assisted, in particular through the promotion of decentralized management at local and sectoral levels. Research will be conducted on innovative schemes such as training initiatives managed on a bipartite arrangement, carried out by employers' and workers' organizations for specific economic sectors, and training programmes designed at the city, state or regional level. Studies will be conducted on innovative financing policies and practices for such schemes.

Training policies and strategies

8. The objective of this subprogramme is the formulation and adoption by member States of public training policies and a regulatory framework favouring institutional strategies and programmes able to meet the demands of the labour market and to increase equality of opportunity in access to training for all workers. Special attention will be paid to research and debate on means and policy measures to enhance the contribution of training to subjects such as: raising productivity and competitiveness; protection of the environment; technological innovation; social inclusion; and poverty alleviation. Particular attention will be given to training and labour market policies that enhance the employability of unemployed persons in the urban and rural areas, young people, women workers and disabled persons.

9. A critical dimension of training policies in the region is linked to the processes of subregional integration and trade groupings such as MERCOSUR, NAFTA, the Andean countries, Central America and Caribbean countries and territories. CINTERFOR will focus attention on the impact of integration on training needs in order to respond to the requirements of the free circulation of workers, occupational health and working conditions.

Tripartism and social dialogue on training

10. The objective of this programme is to strengthen the technical capacity of the social partners to actively participate in designing, negotiating and implementing training policies, programmes and schemes. In this connection, CINTERFOR activities will contribute to strengthening the linkages between employers' and workers' organizations, ministries of labour and training institutions, and the establishment and modernization of effective dialogue and coordination mechanisms among them.

11. One expected outcome of this programme is the improvement and widening of both tripartism and social dialogue instruments in the field of training. Specifically, it is intended to strengthen the participation mechanisms at the national, local and sectoral levels by means of: technical assistance programmes for the actors involved, mainly ministries of labour, vocational training institutions, and employers' and workers' organizations; the inclusion of vocational training components in collective bargaining; and the dissemination of successful experience from training programmes carried out by employers' and/or workers' organizations.

Quality of training

12. The increasing and diversifying demand for skills emerging from the globalization of the economy, the pressure on enterprises to be competitive and the multiplication of training providers active in the market have brought attention to the need for higher training quality. In the past, CINTERFOR has assigned considerable resources to the technical-pedagogical field (training methodology and technology, the preparation of teaching materials, and the evaluation of programmes, etc.). At present, the main focus of attention foreseen for the 1998-99 biennium is to move to new areas: quality standards for training delivery; and standards of competency and certification.

13. CINTERFOR will provide its technical assistance in the implementation of training and certification systems based on competencies; mechanisms for the accreditation of training centres, based on international standards such as ISO 9000 or on national ones; methodologies for the adoption of standards on environmental protection, based on ISO 13000; the training of teachers, directors of training centres and managers of vocational training institutions and systems.

Technical cooperation

14. In recent years relations with other international organizations of the United Nations system and those of a regional nature have been strengthened. It is also expected to broaden cooperation links with other international agencies and donors interested in training, especially from Europe. The Centre already implements two technical cooperation projects, with extra-budgetary resources from Germany (Network of Information, Research and Management on Vocational Training in Latin America and the Caribbean), and from Spain (Rehabilitation of Disabled Workers), and the initiation of a third project financed by the Inter-American Development Bank is foreseen (Training and Employment for Low-Income Women).

Summary of proposed 1998-99 income and expenditure

15. The main sources of income are contributions from the ILO, the Government of Uruguay and the countries of the region.

16. The ILO's contribution of $1,700,000 for 1998-99 is the same in real terms as in 1996-97. As in previous biennia, the ILO's contribution covers the financing of the post of Director, an expert and part of the cost of local staff.

17. The contribution of the Government of Uruguay will be $100,000, as in 1996-97. In addition, the Government provides the Centre with rent-free premises.

18. The countries of the region have continued to make voluntary contributions, which it is hoped will remain at approximately the same level of $600,000, as in previous biennia.

19. The level of the proposals shows a decrease of 2/05 local staff work-years compared with the 1996-97 approved budget. The level of the proposals is made on the understanding that the Director of the Centre is authorized to use the budget approved by the Governing Body only in so far as the estimated resources indicated therein are made available.

20. The Committee may wish to recommend that the Governing Body approve the income and expenditure estimates for 1998-99 of the Inter-American Research and Documentation Centre on Vocational Training (CINTERFOR) extra-budgetary account, as set out in Appendix I.

Geneva, 3 November 1997.

Point for decision: Paragraph 20.

Appendix I

Inter-American Research and Documentation Centre
on Vocational Training (CINTERFOR)

The proposed income and expenditure for the extra-budgetary account for the financial period from 1 January 1998 to 31 December 1999 are given below, together with comparative figures for 1996-97 budgeted and estimated actual income and expenditure.


1996-1997 approved budget 1996-1997 forecasted income and expenditure 1998-1999 proposed budget




A. Funds brought forward from previous period 0 73,941 0
B. Income
ILO contributions (including RBTC) 1,543,000 1,543,000 1,700,000
Host country contribution 100,000 200,000 1 100,000
Contributions from other countries in the region 600,000 600,000 600,000
Sales of publications 20,000 27,689 4,000
Miscellaneous income 2 40,000 45,500 42,000

Total income 2,303,000 2,416,189 2,446,000

C. Total funds available 2,303,000 2,490,130 2,446,000

D. Total expenditure 2,303,000 2,490,130 2,446,000

E. Funds to be carried forward to next period - - -
1 Includes US$100,000 for 1994 and 1995 contributions.
2 Interest, exchange gains/losses, etc. 

Appendix II

Inter-American Research and Documentation Centre
on Vocational Training (CINTERFOR)

Summary of proposed 1998-99 expenditure by subprogramme
(extra-budgetary account and ILO contribution)


Subprogramme Work-year/months Cost in US$

Professional General service Staff Non-staff Total

Technical services 2/00 2/00 406,664 20,000 426,664
Research studies and seminars 8/00 440,000 200,000 640,000
Publications, documents and general information 8/00 440,000 30,000 470,000
Administrative services 6/00 330,000 262,672 592,672
Programme management 2/00 296,664 20,000 316,664

1998-99 proposals 4/00 24/00 1,913,328 532,672 2,446,000
1996-97 budget 4/00 26/05 1,866,126 436,874 2,303,000

Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 4 February 2000.