ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

270th Session
Geneva, November 1997


Composition and agenda of standing bodies and meetings


Twelfth Asian Regional Meeting
(Bangkok, 9-11 December 1997)

Representation of Palestine

1. Palestine has requested an invitation to be represented at the above meeting, as it has been at previous Asian Regional Conferences.

2. The Officers of the Governing Body recommend that the Governing Body decide that, under the authority delegated to it by the Conference as regards the rules to govern regional meetings, Palestine should be invited to be represented as a liberation movement at the Twelfth Asian Regional Meeting, with the right to address the meeting with the permission of the Chairperson, as was previously the case under the Rules applicable to Regional Conferences.

Requests to be represented at the Twelfth Asian Regional Meeting
submitted by non-governmental international organizations

3. The Director-General has received requests from ATD Fourth World, the General Confederation of Trade Unions and from the International Federation of Commercial, Clerical, Professional and Technical Employees to be represented by observers at the meeting. These two organizations regularly participate in ILO conferences and meetings.

4. he Officers of the Governing Body recommend that the Governing Body invite the above organizations to be represented by observers at the meeting, in accordance with article 1, paragraph 6, of the Rules for Regional Meetings.

Meeting of Experts on Labour Statistics: Occupational Injuries
(Geneva, 30 March-3 April 1998)

5. The Programme and Budget for 1998-99 (paragraph 120.10) includes provision for a tripartite Meeting of Experts on Labour Statistics, with the aim of producing guidelines for a resolution on statistics of occupational injuries for submission to the Sixteenth International Conference of Labour Statisticians, to be held in October 1998. The provision is for a meeting lasting five calendar days and involving 18 participants.


6. The Director-General proposes the following agenda for the meeting:

1. Methods of measurement of occupational injuries.

2. Classifications of occupational injuries.

7. The Officers of the Governing Body recommend that the Governing Body approve the above agenda.


8. The Director-General proposes that, as stated in the programme and budget, the meeting should be attended by six experts nominated after consultations with governments, six after consultations with the Employers' group, and six after consultation with the Workers' group of the Governing Body.

9. The Officers of the Governing Body recommend that the Governing Body approve the above composition formula.

10. In order to obtain the government nominations, the Director-General intends to approach the Governments of Australia, Canada, Finland, the Philippines, Spain and Zimbabwe. Should any of those governments prove unable to nominate a participant, then the Director-General intends to approach the Governments of Argentina, Poland, the United Kingdom or the United States.

Invitation of international organizations

11. The Director-General intends to invite the following organizations to be represented by observers at the meeting:

Invitation of non-governmental international organizations

12. The Governing Body may wish to authorize the Director-General to invite the following non-governmental international organizations to be represented by observers at the meeting:

Sixteenth International Conference of Labour Statisticians
(Geneva, 6-15 October 1998)

13. Provision is included in the Programme and Budget for 1998-99 (paragraph 120.6) for the Sixteenth International Conference of Labour Statisticians. The Conference would be held in Geneva for a period of ten calendar days. Based on the experience of the Fifteenth International Conference of Labour Statisticians, the expected number of participants is about 250.


14. The Director-General proposes the following agenda for the Conference:

1. Measurement of underemployment.

2. Measurement of income from employment.

3. Statistics of occupational injuries.

4. General discussion on a number of other topics, including the past and future work of the ILO Bureau of Statistics.

15. The Officers of the Governing Body recommend that the Governing Body approve the above agenda.

16. The reports prepared by the Office will examine concepts, statistical definitions and measurement methods and, except for the general discussion, will provide draft resolutions for examination and adoption by the Conference.


17. In accordance with the practice at previous International Conferences of Labour Statisticians, the governments of all member States will be invited to nominate participants, who will attend at the expense of their respective governments. It is expected that the great majority, if not all, will be statisticians.

18. As stated in the Programme and Budget for 1998-99, the Director-General proposes to invite six experts nominated by the Employers' group of the Governing Body and six nominated by the Workers' group. The experts nominated should have adequate technical qualifications to enable them to participate actively in the Conference. Their expenses will be paid by the Office.

Invitation of intergovernmental organizations and bodies

19. The Director-General intends to invite the following intergovernmental organizations and bodies to be represented at the Conference:

Invitation of non-governmental international organizations

20. The Officers of the Governing Body recommend that the Governing Body authorize the Director-General to invite the following non-governmental international organizations to be represented at the Conference:

Meeting of Experts on Safety in the Use of Insulation Wools
(Geneva, October 1999)

21. The Programme and Budget for 1998-99 (paragraph 90.26) includes provision for a meeting of experts, the purpose of which is to discuss and adopt a code of practice on safety in the use of synthetic vitreous fibre insulation wools (glasswool, rockwool and slagwool). It will last ten calendar days and involve 21 experts nominated by the Governing Body. The expected output of the meeting is a code of practice covering the potential hazards of such fibres, the protection of workers against them, and safety measures necessary for their use and handling. Preparatory work will be carried out by the Office as described in the Programme and Budget for 1998-99.


22. Two-thirds of the overall cost of the meeting will be financed from extra-budgetary resources.


23. The Director-General proposes the following agenda for the meeting: Examination and adoption of a code of practice on safety in the use of synthetic vitreous fibre insulation wools (glasswool, rockwool and slagwool).

24. The Officers of the Governing Body recommend that the Governing Body approve the above agenda.


25. The Director-General proposes that the meeting should be attended by seven experts nominated after consultations with governments, seven after consultations with the Employers' group, and seven after consultations with the Workers' group.

26. The Officers of the Governing Body recommend that the Governing Body approve the above composition formula.

Appointment of Governing Body representatives

Tripartite Meeting on Breaking through the Glass Ceiling:
Women in Management

(Geneva, 15-19 December 1997)

27. The Governing Body may wish to appoint its representative, who will also chair the above meeting. In accordance with the established practice, the appointment should be made from among the Worker members of the Governing Body.(1)

Tripartite Meeting on Employment and Industrial Relations
Issues in Oil Refining
(Geneva, 23-27 February 1998)

28. The Governing Body may wish to appoint its representative, who will also chair the above meeting. In accordance with the established practice, the appointment should be made from among the Government members of the Governing Body.

Geneva, 18 November 1997.

Points for decision:

1.  The last such appointment, made at the Governing Body's 269th Session (June 1997), was that of Mr. Arbesser Rastburg (Employer, Austria), who represented the Governing Body at the Tripartite Meeting on the Iron and Steel Workforce of the Twenty-first Century (Geneva, 27-31 October 1997).

Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 26 January 2000.