ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

270th Session
Geneva, November 1997

Committee on Employment and Social Policy



The second ILO Enterprise Forum:
Preliminary information on preparations

1. The first Enterprise Forum was held in Geneva on 8 and 9 November 1996. At the Governing Body's 267th Session (November 1997), the Committee and the Governing Body took note of a report by the Assistant Director-General on the outcome, and in March 1997 the Committee discussed policy issues arising out of the first Enterprise Forum in the context of its examination of an Office paper entitled The role of enterprise development in employment promotion and social progress: An ILO strategy.(1) 

2. The Programme and Budget for 1998-99 includes provision (paragraph 65.6) for the organization of a second Enterprise Forum which will bring together entrepreneurs, senior managers, representatives of governments, and employers' and workers' representatives for an open exchange on the emerging role of enterprises, governments and employers' and workers' organizations in relation to a number of key concerns.

3. The agenda for the second Forum will probably centre around such issues as how enterprises can cope with rising competition, quality, productivity and the need to adjust to markets resulting from a global market place. These issues will be examined against the mounting challenges of unemployment, social stability and the emerging standards in consumer markets and civil society. The implications for overall corporate strategy, as well as for human resource management and development, and the role of smaller enterprises, are likely to emerge as key areas for discussion.

4. Preparations for the second Enterprise Forum will be carried out with continuous tripartite consultations and will take into account the views of the Committee on Employment and Social Policy.

5. It is proposed that the second Enterprise Forum be held in Geneva during the first half of 1999, at a time that will allow for the participation of private sector participants and enterprise representatives while ensuring adequate representation of ILO constituents. It is proposed that the second Enterprise Forum will have a total duration of two days.

6. It is suggested that the Office should explore various mechanisms to attract extra-budgetary resources. Such alternatives could include sponsorships and registration fees.

7. It should also be recalled that the Programme and Budget for 1998-99 provides for the organization of a "Social Forum". The preparations for the Enterprise Forum will ensure coordination with this initiative.

Geneva, 7 October 1997.

1.  GB.268/ESP/1 and GB.268/10, paras. 37-50.

Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 26 January 2000.