Composition of the Twelfth Asian Regional Meeting
(Bangkok, 9-11 December 1997)
I. Invitation of member States
1. At its 267th Session (November 1996), the Governing Body adopted a set of Rules for Regional Meetings, and decided to give effect to them as from 1997 for the above meeting.(1) Article 1, paragraph 1 of those Rules states: "Each Regional Meeting shall be composed of two Government delegates, one Employers' delegate, and one Workers' delegate for each State or territory invited by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office to be represented at it".
2. The Governing Body may accordingly wish to approve the following list of countries, based on that used for the Eleventh Asian Regional Conference (Bangkok, 1991) and including the four States that have joined the organization since then, to be invited to be represented at the Twelfth Asian Regional Meeting (Bangkok, 9-11 December 1997):
Republic of Korea
II. Invitation of non-governmental international organizations
3. In addition to the organizations that have general and regional consultative status, the Governing Body may also wish to authorize the Director-General to invite the following non-governmental international organizations to be invited to be represented by observers at the meeting:
Geneva, 17 June 1997.
Points for decision:
Paragraph 2;
Paragraph 3.