ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

268th Session
Geneva, March 1997

Symposia, seminars and other meetings as approved
by the Officers of the Governing Body


International labour standards

  1. Latin American Subregional Seminar on International Labour Standards in the Maritime Sector
  2. Central and Eastern European Tripartite Subregional Seminar on National Legislation and International Labour Standards: Additional information
  3. Tripartite French-speaking Subregional Seminar on the Promotion of Equality of Opportunity and Treatment in Employment: Additional Information
  4. Latin American Tripartite Subregional Seminar on National Legislation and International Labour Standards: Additional information
  5. Tripartite Subregional Seminar on National Legislation and International Labour Standards for CIS countries: Additional information
  6. Seminar for Arab States on Equality of Opportunity and Treatment for Women Workers in the Light of the Beijing Conference: Additional information

Employment and human resources development

  1. Workshop for the Follow-up and Evaluation of the Consequences of the Devaluation of the CFA Franc
  2. 33rd Technical Committee Meeting of CINTERFOR/ILO and Regional Seminar on Strategic Alliances for Training
  3. Tripartite Meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean on the Integration of the Informal Sector in the Process of Modernization
  4. Regional Seminar on Experiences concerning Institutional Transformation in Latin America and Spain
  5. Subregional Technical Seminar on Employment in the Context of Human Resources Development in Countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
  6. Subregional Technical Meeting on Employment and Emerging Changes in the Arab Region, Including the Enhancement of the Role of the Private Sector
  7. Latin American Regional Workshop concerning the Accreditation of Vocational Training Centres
  8. MERCOSUR Subregional Seminar on the Linkage of Increased Productivity with the Creation and Improvement of Employment Opportunities: Additional information
  9. 13th Annual Meeting of Heads of Vocational Training Institutions in the Caribbean: Additional information
  10. Seminar for Arab States on Vocational Rehabilitation Services for Persons with Disabilities resulting from Work Accidents: Additional information
  11. South-East Asian Subregional Seminar on: "An Integrated Approach to Employment Generation: Experience from the Cambodia Employment Generation Programme": Additional information

Industrial relations

  1. Subregional Seminar on Labour Law Reform in Selected French-speaking African Countries
  2. Latin American Subregional Technical Meeting of Advisers in Social Dialogue
  3. High-level Subregional Meeting on Tripartism in the South Pacific
  4. South-East Asian Subregional Seminar on Wage Policy: Additional information

Labour administration

  1. Tripartite Meeting on the Reform of Labour Administrations and New Roles of Labour Ministries for Selected Latin American Countries
  2. ARLAC Seminar for English-speaking African Countries on Employment Services within Labour Market Information Systems
  3. ARLAC Seminar on Regional Integration and Labour Administration in English-speaking African Countries
  4. Subregional Technical Meeting on the Development of the Role of Employment Services in Selected Arab States
  5. ARLAC Seminar on Performance Improvement in Employment Services for Selected English-speaking African Countries: Additional information

Sectoral activities

  1. Subregional Workshop on Employment and Labour Practices in Health Care in Central and Eastern Europe
  2. Latin American Subregional Seminar on Labour Adjustment Issues of Privatization (Railways and Steel): Additional information
  3. ILO/UNESCO Subregional Symposium on Structural Adjustment and Teachers for Selected French- and Portuguese-speaking Countries of West Africa: Additional information
  4. Tripartite Subregional Consultation with Central and Eastern European Countries on the Development of an ILO Approach to the Reform and Development of Pension Systems
  5. Asian Subregional Tripartite Seminar on Social Protection in Economies in Transition: Additional information

Employers' activities

  1. Subregional Employers' Workshop on the Elimination of Child Labour for Selected English-speaking African Countries
  2. Fourth High-level Conference for Asian and Pacific Employers
  3. Subregional Employers' Seminar on Free Trade Zones in Central Americaand the Dominican Republic: Additional information
  4. Seminar for Arab States on the Role of Employers' Organizations in Dealing with Economic and Social Changes at the Regional and International Levels: Additional information
  5. East African Business Forum: Additional information

Workers' activities

  1. ILO/RENGO African Leadership Workshop on Workers' Benefits from Productivity Improvement
  2. Asian Regional Seminar on Trade Union Action on Effects of Modern Technologies and Chemicals on Agricultural Workers
  3. Asian-Pacific Regional Seminar for Trade Union Organizations on Contract Labour: Additional information
  4. Latin American Regional Seminar for Trade Union Organizations on Contract Labour: Additional information
  5. Asian Regional High-level Symposium on "Trade unions in the 21st Century: Challenges and Options": Additional information
  6. Workshop on the Protection of Workers' Rights and Working Conditions in Export Processing Zones and the Promotion of the Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy for French-speaking African Countries: Additional information

Timetable of forthcoming symposia, seminars and similar meetings

International labour standards

1. Latin American Subregional Seminar on International Labour Standards
    in the
Maritime Sector

Proposed date: 12-16 May 1997

Place: Panama City, Panama

Financing: ILO regular budget and Government of Spain

Geographical coverage: Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama and Venezuela

Composition of participants:



Relevance to international labour standards:

Working language: Spanish

2. Central and Eastern European Tripartite Subregional Seminar
    on National Legislation
and International Labour Standards:
    Additional information(2)

Original date: First half of 1997

New date: Second half of 1997

Original place: To be determined

New place: Bucharest, Romania

3. Tripartite French-speaking Subregional Seminar on the Promotion of Equality
    of Opportunity and
Treatment in Employment: Additional information(3)

Original date: April or May 1997

Precision of date: 29 April-3 May 1997

Original place: To be determined

New place: Saint-Denis de la Réunion

4. Latin American Tripartite Subregional Seminar on National Legislation
    and International
Labour Standards: Additional information(4)

Original date: First half of 1997

New date: September 1997

Place: To be determined

5. Tripartite Subregional Seminar on National Legislation and
    International Labour Standards
for CIS countries: Additional information(5)

Original date: First half of 1997

New date: September 1997

Original place: To be determined

New place: Baku, Azerbaijan

6. Seminar for Arab States on Equality of Opportunity and Treatment
    for Women Workers
in the Light of the Beijing Conference:
    Additional information(6)

Original date: June 1997

New date: Second half of 1997

Employment and human resources development

7. Workshop for the Follow-up and Evaluation of the Consequences
    of the Devaluation
of the CFA Franc(7)

Proposed date: 23-25 April 1997(8)

Place: Yaoundé, Cameroon

Financing: ILO regular budget

Geographical coverage:

Composition of participants:



Working language: French

8. 33rd Technical Committee Meeting of CINTERFOR/ILO and Regional Seminar
    on Strategic Alliances for Training

Proposed date: 15-17 May 1997

Place: Santiago, Chile

Financing: ILO regular budget, CINTERFOR, Government of Chile and participating organizations

Geographical coverage:

Composition of participants:


Working languages: English and Spanish

9. Tripartite Meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean on the Integration
    of the Informal
Sector in the Process of Modernization

Proposed date: 5-6 August 1997

Place: Santiago, Chile

Financing: ILO regular budget

Geographical coverage: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, El Salvador, Jamaica, Mexico and Peru

Composition of participants:




Working languages: English and Spanish

10. Regional Seminar on Experiences concerning Institutional Transformation
      in Latin America
and Spain

Proposed date: 3-5 September 1997

Place: San José, Costa Rica


Geographical coverage:

Composition of participants:


Relevance to international labour standards:

Working language: Spanish

11. Subregional Technical Seminar on Employment in the Context
      of Human Resources Development
in Countries
      of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)

Proposed date: 8-10 September 1997

Place: Manama, Bahrain

Financing: ILO regular budget and UNDP

Geographical coverage: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates

Composition of participants:




Relevance to international labour standards:

Working languages: Arabic and English

12. Subregional Technical Meeting on Employment and Emerging Changes
      in the Arab Region, Including
the Enhancement of the Role of the Private Sector

Proposed date: 13-16 October 1997

Place: Amman, Jordan

Financing: ILO regular budget and Arab Labour Organization

Geographical coverage: Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syrian Arab Republic and Yemen

Composition of participants:



Relevance to international labour standards:

Working languages: Arabic and English

13. Latin American Regional Workshop concerning the Accreditation
      of Vocational Training Centres

Proposed date: Second half of 1997

Place: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Financing: CINTERFOR, Government of Brazil and participating organizations

Geographical coverage:

Composition of participants:


Relevance to international labour standards:

Working language: Spanish

14. MERCOSUR Subregional Seminar on the Linkage of Increased Productivity
      with the Creation and
Improvement of Employment Opportunities:
      Additional information(9)

Original date 24-26 April 1996, later postponed to the second half of 1996

New date: 7-9 May 1997

Original place: Montevideo, Uruguay

New place: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Original financing: ILO regular budget and European Commission

New financing: ILO regular budget

15. 13th Annual Meeting of Heads of Vocational Training Institutions
      in the Caribbean: Additional information

Original date: 29-30 September 1995, later postponed due to financial constraints

New date: Second half of 1997

Original place: Jamaica

New place: Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles (to be confirmed)

16. Seminar for Arab States on Vocational Rehabilitation Services
      for Persons with Disabilities
resulting from Work Accidents:
      Additional information(11)

Original date: April 1997

New date: Second half of 1997

17. South-East Asian Subregional Seminar on: "An Integrated Approach to Employment
      Generation: Experience from the Cambodia Employment Generation Programme":

      Additional information(12)

Original date: Third quarter of 1995

Original place: Pnom Penh, Cambodia

Cancellation: Cancelled in 1997

Industrial relations

18. Subregional Seminar on Labour Law Reform in
      Selected French-speaking African Countries

Proposed date: 30 June-3 July 1997

Place: Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire

Financing: ILO regular budget and World Bank

Geographical coverage:

Composition of participants:

Resource persons:


Relevance to international labour standards:

Working language: French

19. Latin American Subregional Technical Meeting of Advisers in Social Dialogue

Proposed date: 1-5 June 1997

Place: Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia

Financing: ILO regular budget, Government of Spain and Government of Bolivia

Geographical coverage: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela

Composition of participants:



Relevance to international labour standards:

Working language: Spanish

20. High-level Subregional Meeting on Tripartism in the South Pacific

Proposed date: August 1997

Place: Fiji

Financing: ILO regular budget

Geographical coverage:

Composition of participants:


Purpose: To promote the development of active tripartism in South Pacific countries

Relevance to international labour standards:

Working language: English

21. South-East Asian Subregional Seminar on Wage Policy:
      Additional information

Original date: September or October 1994, later postponed due to financial constraints

New date: 22-25 October 1997

Precision of place: Phuket, Thailand

Labour administration

22. Tripartite Meeting on the Reform of Labour Administrations and New Roles
      of Labour
Ministries for Selected Latin American Countries(15)

Proposed date: 7-8 May 1997

Place: San José, Costa Rica

Financing: ILO regular budget

Geographical coverage:

Composition of participants:

Resource persons: 3 experts


Relevance to international labour standards:

Working language: Spanish

23. ARLAC Seminar for English-speaking African Countries on Employment
within Labour Market Information Systems

Proposed date: 17-28 November 1997

Place: Harare, Zimbabwe

Financing: ILO regular budget and Government of Germany

Geographical coverage:

Composition of participants:

Resource persons: 4 labour market information experts from public employment services dealing with labour market information systems


Relevance to international labour standards: Employment Service Convention, 1948 (No. 88)

Working language: English

24. ARLAC Seminar on Regional Integration and Labour Administration
      in English-speaking
African Countries

Proposed date: 25-29 August 1997

Place: Harare, Zimbabwe

Financing: ILO regular budget

Geographical coverage:

Composition of participants:

(a) Governments: 16
(b) Employers: 8
(c) Workers: 8

Resource person: 1 non-governmental specialist on regional integration


Working language: English

25. Subregional Technical Meeting on the Development of the Role of Employment
      Services in Selected Arab States

Proposed date: 12-14 May 1997

Place: Beirut, Lebanon

Financing: ILO regular budget

Geographical coverage:

Composition of participants:



Working languages: Arabic and English

26. ARLAC Seminar on Performance Improvement in Employment Services
      for Selected English-speaking African Countries:
Additional information(17)

Original date: First half of 1997

New date: 19-30 May 1997

Sectoral activities

27. Subregional Workshop on Employment and Labour Practices in Health Care
Central and Eastern Europe(18)

Proposed date: 15-17 May 1997(19)

Place: Prague, Czech Republic

Financing: ILO regular budget and Public Services International

Geographical coverage:

Composition of participants:



Working languages: Czech, English and Russian

28. Latin American Subregional Seminar on Labour Adjustment Issues
      of Privatization
(Railways and Steel): Additional information(20)

Original date: 26-28 March 1997

New date: 28-29 April 1997

29. ILO/UNESCO Subregional Symposium on Structural Adjustment and Teachers
Selected French- and Portuguese-speaking Countries of West Africa:
      Additional information

Original date: May 1997

New date: 23-26 June 1997

30. Tripartite Subregional Consultation with Central and Eastern European Countries
the Development of an ILO Approach to the Reform and Development
      of Pension Systems

Proposed date: 14-18 April 1997

Place: Budapest, Hungary

Financing: ILO regular budget

Geographical coverage:

Composition of participants:

Resource persons:



Working languages: English and Russian (if necessary)

31. Asian Subregional Tripartite Seminar on Social Protection in Economies
      in Transition:
Additional information(23)

Original date: End of 1994, postponed in 1995 due to financial constraints

New date: 1998

Employers' activities

32. Subregional Employers' Workshop on the Elimination of Child Labour
Selected English-speaking African Countries

Proposed date: 20-22 May 1997

Place: Nairobi, Kenya

Financing: ILO regular budget

Geographical coverage:

Composition of participants:

Employers: 1 senior representative from the employers' organization of each of the above-mentioned countries


Relevance to international labour standards:

Working language: English

33. Fourth High-level Conference for Asian and Pacific Employers(24)

Proposed date: 4-6 September 1997

Place: Seoul, Republic of Korea

Financing: ILO regular budget and the Japanese employers

Geographical coverage:

Composition of participants:

Employers: 36, the President and Chief Executive of the employers' organization of each of the above-mentioned countries

Resource person: 1

Observers: ASEAN Confederation of Employers

Purpose: To analyse the role of enterprise in shaping Asia's future, and its implications for employers' organizations

Working language: English

34. Subregional Employers' Seminar on Free Trade Zones in Central America
      and the Dominican Republic: Additional information (25)

Original date: April 1997

Precision of date: 21-22 April 1997

Original place: Guatemala, exact venue to be determined

Precision of place: Guatemala City, Guatemala

35. Seminar for Arab States on the Role of Employers' Organizations in Dealing
Economic and Social Changes at the Regional and International Levels:
      Additional information

Original date: February 1997

New date: 17-19 November 1997

Original place: Dubai, United Arab Emirates

New place: Abou Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

36. East African Business Forum: Additional information(27)

Original date: First half of 1997

New date: Second half of 1997

Workers' activities

37. ILO/RENGO African Leadership Workshop on Workers' Benefits
      from Productivity Improvement

Proposed date: 28-31 July 1997

Place: Harare, Zimbabwe

Financing: ILO regular budget, Japanese Trade Union Confederation (RENGO)

Geographical coverage:

Composition of participants:

Workers: 40

Resources persons: 4 experts from RENGO


Relevance to international labour standards:

Working language: English

38. Asian Regional Seminar on Trade Union Action on Effects
      of Modern Technologies
and Chemicals on Agricultural Workers

Proposed date: Last quarter of 1997

Place: To be determined

Financing: ILO regular budget

Geographical coverage:

Composition of participants:

Workers: 22 leaders and educational specialists of rural workers' organizations


Relevance to international labour standards:

Working language: English

39. Asian-Pacific Regional Seminar for Trade Union Organizations on Contract Labour:
      Additional information

Original date: April 1997

Precision of date: 21-25 April 1997

40. Latin American Regional Seminar for Trade Union Organizations on Contract Labour:
      Additional information

Original date: 6-10 May 1997

New date: 20-23 May 1997

Original place: Mexico, the exact venue to be determined

Precision of place: Mexico City, Mexico

41. Asian Regional High-level Symposium on "Trade unions in the 21st Century:
      Challenges and Options": Additional information(30)

Original date: October 1995

Cancellation: Cancelled in 1997

42. Workshop on the Protection of Workers' Rights and Working Conditions
      in Export Processing Zones
and the Promotion of the Tripartite Declaration
Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy
      for French-speaking African Countries:
Additional information(31)

Original date: Second trimester of 1997 (five days)

New date: Last quarter of 1997

Geographical coverage: In addition to the 19 French-speaking African countries listed in the original submission, Haiti would be invited to send participants to the Workshop

Timetable of forthcoming symposia, seminars and similar meetings

Date Title of meeting Place



23-25 April Workshop for the Follow-up and Evaluation of the Consequences of the Devaluation of the CFA Franc (ILO regular budget) Yaoundé, Cameroon
29 April-3 May Tripartite French-speaking Subregional Seminar on the Promotion of Equality of Opportunity and Treatment in Employment (ILO regular budget) Saint-Denis de la Réunion
13-16 May Subregional Seminar on Labour Law Reform in Selected French-speaking African Countries (ILO regular budget and World Bank) Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
19-30 May ARLAC Seminar on Performance Improvement in Employment Services for Selected English-speaking African Countries (Government of Germany) Harare, Zimbabwe
20-22 May Subregional Employers' Workshop on the Elimination of Child Labour for Selected English-speaking African Countries (ILO regular budget) Nairobi, Kenya
23-26 June ILO/UNESCO Subregional Symposium on Structural Adjustment and Teachers for Selected French- and Portuguese-speaking Countries of West Africa (ILO and UNESCO regular budgets) Dakar, Senegal
28-31 July ILO/RENGO African Leadership Workshop on Workers' Benefits from Productivity Improvement (ILO regular budget and Japanese Trade Union Confederation (RENGO)) Harare, Zimbabwe
25-29 August ARLAC Seminar on Regional Integration and Labour Administration in English-speaking African Countries (ILO regular budget) Harare, Zimbabwe
17-28 November ARLAC Seminar for English-speaking African Countries on Employment Services within Labour Market Information Systems (Government of Germany) Harare, Zimbabwe
Second half East African Business Forum (ILO regular budget) Arusha, Tanzania
Last quarter Workshop on the Protection of Workers' Rights and Working Conditions in Export Processing Zones and the Promotion of the Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy for French-speaking African Countries (ILO regular budget) To be determined



21-25 April Asian-Pacific Regional Seminar for Trade Union Organizations on Contract Labour (ILO regular budget) New Delhi, India
6-9 May Asian-Pacific Symposium on Standards-related Topics (Government of Japan) New Delhi, India
August High-level Subregional Meeting on Tripartism in the South Pacific (ILO regular budget) Fiji
4-6 September Fourth High-level Conference for Asian and Pacific Employers (ILO regular budget and NIKKEIREN) Seoul, Korea
22-25 October South-East Asian Subregional Seminar on Wage Policy (ILO regular budget) Phuket, Thailand
Last quarter Asian Regional Seminar on Trade Union Action on Effects of Modern Technologies and Chemicals on Agricultural Workers (ILO regular budget) To be determined
To be determined Asian Subregional Tripartite Seminar on Social Protection in Economies in Transition (ILO regular budget) To be determined



21-22 April Subregional Employers' Seminar on Free Trade Zones in Central America and the Dominican Republic (ILO regular budget) Guatemala City, Guatemala
28-29 April Latin American Subregional Seminar on Labour Adjustment Issues of Privatization (Railways and Steel) (ILO regular budget and Brazil's National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES)) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
7-8 May Tripartite Meeting on the Reform of Labour Administrations and New Roles of Labour Ministries for Selected Latin American Countries (ILO regular budget) San José, Costa Rica
7-9 May MERCOSUR Subregional Seminar on the Linkage of Increased Productivity with the Creation and Improvement of Employment Opportunities (ILO regular budget) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
12-16 May Latin American Subregional Seminar on International Labour Standards in the Maritime Sector (ILO regular budget and Government of Spain) Panama City, Panama
15-17 May 33rd Technical Committee Meeting of CINTERFOR/ILO and Regional Seminar on Strategic Alliances for Training (CINTERFOR, Government of Chile and participating organizations) Santiago, Chile
20-23 May Latin American Regional Seminar for Trade Union Organizations on Contract Labour (ILO regular budget) Mexico City, Mexico
1-5 June Latin American Subregional Technical Meeting of Advisers on Social Dialogue (ILO regular budget, Government of Spain and Government of Bolivia) Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
5-6 August Tripartite Meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean on the Integration of the Informal Sector in the Process of Modernization (ILO regular budget) Santiago, Chile
3-5 September Regional Seminar on Experiences concerning Institutional Transformation in Latin America and Spain (CINTERFOR, Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje (INA) of Costa Rica and participating organizations) San José, Costa Rica
September Latin American Tripartite Subregional Seminar on National Legislation and International Labour Standards (ILO regular budget) To be determined
Second half Latin American Regional Workshop concerning the Accreditation of Vocational Training Centres (CINTERFOR, Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje Industrial (SENAI) of Brazil and participating organizations) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Second half 13th Annual Meeting of Heads of Vocational Training Institutions in the Caribbean (ILO regular budget and CINTERFOR) Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles (to be confirmed)


12-14 May Subregional Technical Meeting on the Development of the Role of Employment Services in Selected Arab States (ILO regular budget) Beirut, Lebanon
8-10 September Subregional Technical Seminar on Employment in the Context of Human Resources Development in Countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) (ILO regular budget and UNDP) Manama, Bahrain
September Seminar for Arab States on the Mechanism of Vocational Training Curriculum Development in the Context of Rapid Changes in the Labour market (ILO regular budget and Arab Labour Organization) Amman, Jordan
13-16 October Subregional Technical Meeting on Employment and Emerging Changes in the Arab Region Including the Enhancement of the Role of the Private Sector (ILO regular budget and Arab Labour Organization) Amman, Jordan
17-19 November Seminar for Arab States on the Role of Employers' Organizations in Dealing with Economic and Social Changes at the Regional and International Levels (ILO regular budget and Arab Labour Organization) Abou Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Second half Seminar for Arab States on Vocational Rehabilitation Services for Persons with Disabilities resulting from Work Accidents (ILO regular budget and Arab Labour Organization) Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Second half Seminar for Arab States on Equality of Opportunity and Treatment for Women Workers in the Light of the Beijing Conference (ILO regular budget and Arab Labour Organization) Cairo, Egypt


14-18 April Tripartite Subregional Consultation with Central and Eastern European Countries on the Development of an ILO Approach to the Reform and Development of Pension Systems (ILO regular budget and participating social security institutions) Budapest, Hungary
24-25 April Subregional Tripartite Seminar on Gender Issues and Equality in Central and Eastern Europe (ILO regular budget) Budapest, Hungary
15-17 May Subregional Workshop on Employment and Labour Practices in Health Care in Central and Eastern Europe (ILO regular budget and Public Services International) Prague, Czech Republic
September Tripartite Subregional Seminar on National Legislation and International Labour Standards for CIS Countries (ILO regular budget) Baku, Azerbaijan
Second half Central and Eastern European Tripartite Subregional Seminar on National Legislation and International Labour Standards (ILO regular budget) Bucharest, Romania

Please note that the number of items listed in this timetable does not correspond to the number of items described in the paper itself. It includes the following:

New submissions: 16 (in the paper and in the timetable)

Submissions through the special procedure: 5 (in the paper and in the timetable)

Additional information: 21 (in the paper) , 19 (in the timetable because the two cancellations do not appear in the timetable)

Repeated information: 3 (none in the paper, because the information provided on these events has not changed since their inclusion in one of the former papers submitted to the Officers of the Governing Body)

Total in timetable: 43
Total in paper: 42

Geneva, 13 March 1997.

1. All Employer and Worker participants to be invited to the events referred to in this paper would be nominated in accordance with the usual procedure.

2. GB.267/Inf. 2, item 4.

3. GB.267/Inf.2, item 1.

4. GB.267/Inf.2, item 3.

5. GB.267/Inf.2, item 5.

6. GB.267/Inf.2, item 12.

7. This Workshop was submitted to the Officers of the Governing Body in December 1996 and was approved.

8. At the time of the submission of this Workshop to the Officers of the Governing Body the proposed date was February 1997.

9. GB.264/Inf.2, item 3; and GB.265/Inf.2, p. 1.

10. GB.262/Inf.2, item 14.

11. GB.267/Inf.2, item 7.

12. GB.262/Inf.2, item 8.

13. This Seminar was submitted to the Officers of the Governing Body in December 1996 and was approved.

14. GB.259/Inf.2, paras. 38 and 39; GB.260/Inf.2, para. 25; GB.261/Inf.2, item 32; GB.263/Inf.1.

15. This Meeting was submitted to the Officers of the Governing Body in December 1996 and was approved.

16. This technical meeting was submitted to the Officers of the Governing Body in January 1997 and was approved.

17. GB.266/Inf.2, item 6.

18. This Workshop was submitted to the Officers of the Governing Body in January 1997 and was approved.

19. At the time of the submission of this Workshop to the Officers of the Governing Body the proposed date was 17-19 April 1997.

20. GB.267/Inf.2, item 17.

21. GB.267/Inf.2, item 18.

22. This regional consultation was submitted to the Officers of the Governing Body in February 1997 and was approved.

23. GB.259/Inf.2, paras. 83 and 84; and GB.261/Inf.2, item 49.

24. The Third High-level Conference for Asian and Pacific Employers was held in Kuala Lumpur in October 1994.

25. GB.267/Inf.2, item 27.

26. GB.267/Inf.2, item 24.

27. GB.267/Inf.2, item 28.

28. GB.267/Inf.2, item 31.

29. GB.267/Inf.2, item 32.

30. GB.262/Inf.2, item 54.

31. GB.267/Inf.2, item 33.

Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 26 January 2000.