ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

267th Session
Geneva, November 1996


Programme of meetings as approved by the
Officers of the Governing Body

Meetings for the remainder of 1996 and for 1997

Date Title of meeting Place
28 November-13 December Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations Geneva
27-29 January Symposium on Multimedia Convergence Geneva
6-27 March1 268th Session of the Governing Body and its committees Geneva
21-25 April Tripartite Meeting of Experts on Future ILO

Activities in the Field of Migration

12-16 May Tripartite Meeting on the Effects of New Technologies on Employment and Working Conditions in the Hotel, Catering and Tourism Sector Geneva
29-30 May Governing Body Committee on Freedom of Association Geneva
3-19 June 85th Session of the International Labour Conference Geneva
20 June 269th Session of the Governing Body Geneva
2-9 September Meeting of Experts on Workers' Health Surveillance Geneva
23-30 September Meeting of Experts on Safety and Health in Forest Work Geneva
14-23 October Meeting of Experts on Labour Statistics Geneva
27-31 October Tripartite Meeting on the Iron and Steel Workforce of the Twenty-first Century Geneva
6-20 November
(21 November if necessary)
270th Session of the Governing Body and its committees Geneva
27 November-
12 December
Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations Geneva
9-11 December Asian Regional Meeting Bangkok
15-19 December Tripartite Meeting on Breaking through the Glass Ceiling: Women in Management Geneva
Second half Joint ILO/UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers (CEART) Paris


1 The attention of the members of the Governing Body is drawn to the fact that these dates partly coincide with those of the International Motor Show (6-16 March). The members concerned are therefore strongly advised to make their hotel reservations now for the period under consideration.

Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 4 February 2000.