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InFocus Programme on Socio-Economic Security

Health Care Workers' Insecurities in Eastern Europe

Package of documents available

  1. Workshop Report (available in English and Russian)
  2. Socio-Economic Status of Health Care in the Russian Federation (available in English and Russian)
  3. Failing Health Systems: Failing Health Workers in Eastern Europe (available in English and Russian)
  4. Health Care in Central and Eastern Europe: Reform, Privatization and Employment in Four Countries (available in English and Russian)
  5. World of Work, Issue #42, March 2002, pages 11-13.
  6. ILO Press Release, 10 December 2001, ILO/01/53
  7. REUTERS Health, 12 March 2002
  8. WHO Bulletin, May 2002, No.5, Vol. 80, page 421.

Please indicate language preference (for documents 1 to 4)

Julie Lim
InFocus Programme on Socio Economic Security
International Labour Office
4 rte des Morillons
CH 1211 Geneva 22
Tel: +41.22.799.7537
Fax: +41.22.799.7123
Julie Lim

Updated by LD. Approved by GS. Last update: 15 November 2002.