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Minimum Income Schemes in Europe
Edited by Guy Standing, December 2003

This new volume examines the recent trends and developments in minimum income schemes in Western Europe. In the early years of the 21st century, even the richest countries in the world have levels of poverty that few social thinkers would have anticipated a century ago if told what their countries' per capita income would be today.

In contrast, many countries contend that the eradication of poverty is the primary goal of social and economic policy.

This book investigates how current income transfer policies often fall short and shows why countries need mechanisms to reduce wage inequality and provide universal benefits instead of systems of selective benefits targeted at the poor. Along with inter-country comparisons, the volume presents analysis of the minimum income schemes in effect in France, Portugal, Italy, Finland, Ireland, Belgium and Greece.

Order this book at ILO Publications, Price: 35 Swiss francs

Created by LD. Approved by GS. Last update 12 January 2004