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An Evaluation Methodology for Minimum Income Programmes in Brazil
João Saboia and Sonia Rocha, September 2002

This article evaluates, based on the experience in the Paranoá area, the minimum income programme implemented by the Federal District Government in May 1995. The evaluation concerns three aspects. First, an analysis of the means test applied, that is, the system of scores used for the selection of the families among those who have registered as candidates. Second, an examination of the results of the selection process, through the comparison of characteristics of selected and not selected families. Data from the programme files show that the selection process was successful and that the use of scores prevented bias that would have certainly been derived from the use of income as the only selection variable. Third, the comparison of the pool of selected poor families and those defined according to the same characteristics in the National Sample Survey of Households (PNAD) for the Federal District. The fair correspondence of characteristics of the two populations evidences the programme's excellent targeting.

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Updated by LD. Approved by GS. Last update: 17 September 2002.