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Employment Security: Conceptual and Statistical Issues
Sukti Dasgupta, April 2001

As labour markets become more flexible, employment security is negatively affected. Protected formal employment has fallen, and various kinds of non-standard employment have emerged.

This paper explores some conceptual and related empirical issues surrounding employment security in the light of recent developments in the labour market. It takes into account subjective and objective elements of employment security, and differentiates between contractual, behavioural and governance indicators at the national, enterprise and individual levels.

I am grateful to Maria Jeria Caceres, Jose Figueiredo, Eivind Hoffmann, Sriram Natrajan and Guy Standing for their comments on an earlier draft and to Walter Onubagu for help in preparing Table 1.
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Updated by LD. Approved by GS. Last update: 1 August 2001.