(Beijing, 28-30 APRIL 2004)
"The forum creates a space where ideas and knowledge can be shared between specialists, governmental bodies, unions and others who have ideas as to how to work towards an employment agenda for China" Objective of the Forum - Reaching common understanding The ILO and the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of the People's Republic of China (MOLSS), with active involvement of ACFTU and CEC, co-organized the Forum taking up the issues and challenges which are relevant to the context of employment strategies in China. At the end of the Forum, Common Understanding on elements of an Employment Agenda for China was adopted, identifyning work areas for follow-up that can guide continuing development in China. The Summary of Proceedings of the Forum is available on-line. The Global Employment Agneda The "Common Understanding" states that the Government of China and the ILO, together with all the participants of the Forum, make concrete efforts, drawing on the core elements of the Global Employment Agenda (GEA) in promoting full and decent employment as the means to improve living standards and aspirations of all men and women in the world of work. The GEA was adopted by the ILO's Governing Body in its March 2003 session. The Agenda's main aim is to place employment at the centre of economic and social policies. GEA promotes both the quantitative and qualitative dimension of employment. The way forward in the implementation of the Agenda lies at both the national and international level, acting in support of one another towards the aim of putting producive employment first in the design of social and economic policy. The Memorandum of Understanding A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed in May 2001 in order to launch a programme of cooperation between the ILO and the MOLSS, based on the ILO's goal of Decent Work, to support national reform in China and social progress worldwide. The China Employment Forum was convened as part of the follow-up the MOU in order to discuss future strategies for employment in China.
Updated by MM. Last updated:24 May 2005