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EPO - European Patent Organisation

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Judgment No. Session No. Full text
4899 138th Session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainant contests modifications made to the healthcare insurance contribution.
4898 138th Session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainant contests the abolition of the permanent invalidity lump sum.
4897 138th Session, 2024 EN, FR
La requérante conteste son rapport d’évaluation pour l’année 2018.
4896 138th Session, 2024 EN, FR
Le requérant conteste son rapport d’évaluation pour l’année 2018.
4895 138th Session, 2024 EN, FR
Le requérant conteste la date de sa promotion avec effet rétroactif et demande à être promu à une date antérieure.
4894 138th Session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainant challenges his staff report for 2009.
4893 138th Session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainant challenges his staff report for 2008-2009.
4892 138th Session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainant challenges her staff report for 2008-2009 and the decision not to initiate a harassment procedure against her reporting officer.
4891 138th Session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainant challenges his staff report for 2004-2005.
4890 138th Session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainant challenges his staff report for 2004-2005.
4889 138th Session, 2024 EN, FR
Les requérants contestent leur transposition dans un nouveau grade par suite de l’introduction d’un nouveau système de carrière.
4888 138th Session, 2024 EN, FR
Le requérant a formé des recours en révision des jugements 4710, 4711 et 4712.
4887 138th Session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainants filed applications for execution of Judgment 4551.
4807 137th Session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainant contests the report of the Medical Committee which extended her sick leave until 31 May 2016 and concluded that she was not suffering from invalidity.
4806 137th Session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainant, acting in his capacity as staff representative at the material time, challenges the appointment of the Principal Director of Human Resources.
4805 137th Session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainant contests Circular No. 359 on the European Patent Office closure policy in 2015.
4804 137th Session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainant impugns the decision to reject his appeal seeking, in the main, moral damages for breach of confidentiality and defamation.
4803 137th Session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainant contests amendments made to the procedure for adjusting remuneration as reflected in his payslips.
4802 137th Session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainant contests the European Parent Office closure policy in 2015 and 2016.
4801 137th Session, 2024 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the appointment of the Principal Director of Human Resources.

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Last updated: 14.07.2024 ^ top