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Delay in payment (691,-666)
You searched for:
Keywords: Delay in payment
Total judgments found: 11
Judgment 4492
133rd Session, 2022
European Patent Organisation
Extracts: EN,
Full Judgment Text: EN,
Summary: The complainant seeks compensation for the alleged financial consequences of the decision taken in March 2003 to grant her an invalidity pension with retroactive effect from 1 July 2000.
Judgment keywords
complaint dismissed; delay in payment;
Judgment 4487
133rd Session, 2022
European Patent Organisation
Extracts: EN,
Full Judgment Text: EN,
Summary: The complainant challenges the fact that the arrears owed to him in respect of his invalidity allowance, related benefits and unused leave following a retroactive modification of the monthly gross salary scales in December 2012 were not paid to him until January 2013.
Consideration 8
The Tribunal notes that a delay in payment can be contested if it is unlawful and/or it adversely affects the party. The party challenging the delay bears the burden of proof.
delay in payment;
Judgment keywords
allowance; complaint dismissed; delay in payment; invalidity;
Judgment 4093
127th Session, 2019
World Health Organization
Extracts: EN,
Full Judgment Text: EN,
Summary: The complainant filed an application for execution of Judgment 3689.
Consideration 8
WHO is required to pay the complainant interest on arrears as ordered by the Tribunal in Judgment 3689. It should be recalled in this regard that such interest simply represents an objective form of compensation for the time that has elapsed since the date on which the principal amount was due, and that the mere fact that there was a delay in the payment of that amount is sufficient to justify payment of interest, whether or not the debtor was at fault (see, for example, Judgment 1403, consideration 8).
ILOAT Judgment(s): 1403, 3689
delay in payment; execution of judgment; interest on arrears; interest on damages;
Judgment 4079
127th Session, 2019
Universal Postal Union
Extracts: EN,
Full Judgment Text: EN,
Summary: The UPU filed an application for interpretation and review of Judgment 3930 and the complainant in that case filed an application for execution of that judgment.
Consideration 24
The delay in fully executing Judgment 3930 has caused the complainant moral injury. In awarding moral damages, the Tribunal takes into particular account the following: the duration of the delay, the fact that there was no need to seek a decision from the Council of Administration to authorize the execution of a judgment of the Tribunal, particularly when the budget was already approved for payments of awards, and the misleading presentation made by the International Bureau (in the presentation to the Council of Administration debating whether or not to execute the judgment) that the complainant’s illness was feigned. The International Bureau acted without presenting any evidence from a medical board and without having completed a disciplinary proceeding with regard to that unproven allegation, in violation of its duty of care and in breach of the adversarial principle. The UPU must respect the dignity of its staff members and preserve their reputation.
ILOAT Judgment(s): 3930
delay in payment; duty of care; execution of judgment; moral injury; respect for dignity;
Judgment 4078
127th Session, 2019
Universal Postal Union
Extracts: EN,
Full Judgment Text: EN,
Summary: The UPU filed an application for interpretation and review of Judgment 3929 and the complainant in that case filed an application for execution of that judgment.
Consideration 24
The delay in fully executing Judgment 3929 has caused the complainant moral injury. In awarding moral damages, the Tribunal takes into particular account the following: the duration of the delay and the fact that there was no need to seek a decision from the Council of Administration to authorize the execution of a judgment of the Tribunal, particularly when the budget was already approved for payments of awards.
ILOAT Judgment(s): 3929
delay in payment; execution of judgment; moral injury;
Judgment 4076
127th Session, 2019
Universal Postal Union
Extracts: EN,
Full Judgment Text: EN,
Summary: The UPU filed and application for interpretation and review of Judgment 3927 and the complainant in that case filed an application for execution of that judgment.
Consideration 15
The unnecessary delay in executing Judgment 3927 has caused the complainant moral injury, for which she is entitled to moral damages that the Tribunal sets in the amount of 1,000 Swiss francs.
ILOAT Judgment(s): 3927
delay in payment; execution of judgment; moral injury;
Judgment 3180
114th Session, 2013
European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation
Extracts: EN,
Full Judgment Text: EN,
Summary: The complainant claims interest for the late payment of the back pay resulting from a salary adjustment.
Judgment keywords
adjustment; complaint allowed; decision quashed; delay in payment; interest on damages; salary;
Judgment 874
63rd Session, 1987
International Labour Organization
Extracts: EN,
Full Judgment Text: EN,
Consideration 3
"A debt of moneys is to be discharged by the date of payment stipulated either in the contract or by some general provision. Where payment is late, the rule is that there shall be a compensatory award of interest, the amount being set without making the creditor show specific injury."
ILOAT Judgment(s): 792
administrative delay; amount; date; delay in payment; execution of judgment; injury; interest on damages; judgment of the tribunal; payment;
Judgment 706
57th Session, 1985
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Extracts: EN,
Full Judgment Text: EN,
Consideration 10
The organization failed to give proper effect to Judgment 607. The complainant wins his case. He is entitled to interest on the amounts due him from the date on which he asked UNESCO to execute Judgment 607 and from which there was a demand to pay.
ILOAT Judgment(s): 607
date; delay in payment; execution of judgment; formal demand for payment; interest on damages; judgment of the tribunal; payment; penalty for delay;
Judgment 234
32nd Session, 1974
World Health Organization
Extracts: EN,
Full Judgment Text: EN,
"[T]here can be no claim in respect of currency devaluation as such." But there can be a claim for compensation for the delay in payment. "In the circumstances of [the] case this compensation should be assessed as the diminution in the amount of rupees eventually received by the complainant, the diminution being due to the change in the rupee/dollar rate during the period of delay."
administrative delay; amendment to the rules; competence of tribunal; consequence; currency of payment; delay in payment; exchange rate; execution of judgment; injury; judgment of the tribunal; material damages; moral injury; receivability of the complaint;
Judgment 82
14th Session, 1965
International Telecommunication Union
Extracts: EN,
Full Judgment Text: EN,
Consideration 5
"In accordance with a well-established and generally recognised principle of law, any judgment compelling one party to pay to the other party a sum of money implies, in itself, the obligation to pay that sum without delay. It could be otherwise only in the event that the judgment expressly mentioned that this sum would be payable only at a later date and where the Statutes of the court concerned make provision for the right to appeal against the judgments delivered by it and formally state that exercise of that right of appeal carries suspensory effect on execution of those judgments."
ILOAT Judgment(s): 61
delay in payment; exception; execution of judgment; judgment of the tribunal; organisation's duties; suspensory effects; time limit;
Consideration 6
The organisation "has the option of asking the International Court of Justice for an opinion, which is binding [...]. This option, which can [...] be used without any restriction as to time, does not affect, in the absence of any explicit provisions in [...] Article XII [of the Statute of the Tribunal], the immediately operative character of those judgments. With regard to the opinion which the organisation may possibly request from the Court by virtue of [...] the agreement between the United Nations and [the organisation], this opinion is only of an advisory character and could not, in any event, have any influence on the execution of the judgment by the Tribunal."
advisory opinion of icj; binding character; delay in payment; execution of judgment; icj; judgment of the tribunal; organisation; suspensory effects;
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