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Judgment No. 2152



Considerations 11 and 14


"The requirement of good faith dealings is a two-way street. While staff members are under no obligation to assist the administration in any actions the latter may wish to take against them, they do have a duty not to so conduct themselves as to deliberately frustrate normal dealings with their employer. The latter is entitled to assume that the employees will receive and accept written communications sent to them in the normal course of affairs. [...] The fact that the complainant, by his own conduct, only took possession of the letter and became aware of his dismissal [the day after the expiry of his probation] cannot prevent the [Organisation] from having given him valid notice of dismissal."


date of notification; good faith; probationary period; separation from service; termination of employment; notice; staff member's duties

Dernière mise à jour: 04.08.2014 ^ haut