OSH Thesaurus
Information System on OSH terminology
A - occupational safety and health view »
B - physics, chemistry and natural phenomena view »
C - inorganic chemicals view »
D - organic compounds view »
E - enzymes view »
F - natural products and substances view »
G - industrial products view »
H - equipment, workplaces and operations view »
I - equipment, workplaces and operations (2) view »
J - equipment, workplaces and operations (3) view »
K - work and industrial organization view »
L - fire, explosions view »
M - occupational pathology view »
N - occupational pathology (cont.) view »
P - physiology, anatomy, psychology view »
 Pa - anatomy view »
  Pab - skeleton view »
   Paba - skull view »
   Pabe - spinal column view »
    Pabec - cervical column view »
    Pabed - thoracic column view »
    Pabel - lumbar column view »
   Pabi - thorax view »
   Pabo - pelvis view »
   Pabu - upper extremities view »
    Pabub - hand view »
    Pabud - fingers view »
    Pabuf - wrist view »
    Pabul - elbow view »
    Pabus - shoulder view »
   Paby - lower extremities view »
    Pabyf - foot view »
    Pabyt - tibia view »
   Pabz - bone structure view »
    Pabze - bone mineral density view »
  Pac - skin view »
   Pacc - horny layer view »
   Paci - skin appendages view »
    Pacih - hair view »
   Paco - mucous membranes view »
  Pad - cardiovascular system view »
   Pada - heart view »
    Padab - myocardium view »
    Padap - pericardium view »
   Pade - blood vessels view »
    Padea - aorta view »
    Padei - intima view »
   Padu - circulating blood volume view »
  Pae - blood view »
   Paeb - bone marrow view »
   Paec - spleen view »
   Paed - erythrocytes view »
   Pael - leukocytes view »
    Paely - lymphocytes view »
   Paep - phagocytes view »
    Paepo - macrophages view »
   Paer - reticuloendothelial system view »
   Paes - serum view »
    Paesi - immunoglobulins view »
    Paesp - serum precipitins view »
    Paess - sputum precipitins view »
   Paet - blood plasma view »
  Paf - respiratory system view »
   Pafa - upper respiratory tract view »
    Pafan - nose view »
    Pafap - pharynx view »
    Pafar - larynx view »
   Pafe - trachea view »
   Pafi - bronchi view »
   Pafo - lung view »
   Pafu - pleura view »
  Pag - digestive system view »
   Pagg - digestive tract view »
    Paggy - gastrointestinal mucosa view »
   Pago - digestive glands view »
    Pagol - liver view »
   Pagp - peritoneum view »
   Pags - saliva view »
  Pak - endocrine glands view »
   Pakt - thyroid gland view »
  Pal - lymphatic system view »
   Paln - lymph nodes view »
  Pan - nervous system view »
   Pana - autonomic nervous system view »
    Panas - sympathetic nervous system view »
   Panc - central nervous system view »
    Panca - brain view »
   Panp - peripheral nerves view »
    Panpm - median nerve view »
    Panpt - trigeminal nerve view »
    Panpu - ulnar nerve view »
   Pans - sense organs view »
    Pansa - eyes view »
     Pansac - cornea view »
     Pansal - lens view »
     Pansar - retina view »
    Panse - ear view »
     Pansec - Corti's organ view »
  Par - genito-urinary system view »
   Para - kidney view »
   Pare - bladder view »
   Parg - genitalia view »
  Pat - body tissues view »
   Patm - mitosis view »
   Pato - osmotic pressure view »
 Pg - body weight view »
 Ph - physiology view »
 Ps - occupational psychology view »
 Pu - adaptation of man to work view »
 Py - ergonomics view »
Q - measurement and investigation view »
R - medical prevention and treatment view »
S - safety and health engineering view »
T - personal protective equipment view »
V - safety and health organization view »
W - groups of persons view »
X - industries view »
Y - occupational accidents view »
Z - generalities view »
1 - Africa view »
2 - America view »
3 - Asia view »
4 - Europe view »
5 - Oceania view »
6 - geographical areas view »
7 - international governmental organizations (non UN) view »
8 - UN organizations view »
9 - international non-governmental organizations view »
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