OSH Thesaurus
Information System on OSH terminology
A - occupational safety and health view »
B - physics, chemistry and natural phenomena view »
C - inorganic chemicals view »
D - organic compounds view »
E - enzymes view »
F - natural products and substances view »
G - industrial products view »
H - equipment, workplaces and operations view »
I - equipment, workplaces and operations (2) view »
J - equipment, workplaces and operations (3) view »
K - work and industrial organization view »
L - fire, explosions view »
M - occupational pathology view »
N - occupational pathology (cont.) view »
 Na - diseases of nervous system view »
  Nac - diseases of central nervous system view »
   Naca - meningitis view »
   Nace - encephalopathy view »
    Nacet - toxic encephalosis view »
   Nacg - myelopathy view »
    Nacga - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis view »
   Naci - circulatory disorders of the brain view »
    Nacih - cerebral haemorrhage view »
    Nacim - cerebral embolism view »
   Nacl - Alzheimer's disease view »
   Nacm - migraine view »
   Naco - epilepsy view »
   Nacp - Parkinson's disease view »
   Nacs - multiple sclerosis view »
   Nacy - brain tissue damage view »
   Nacz - brain cancer view »
  Nad - diseases of autonomic nervous system view »
  Naf - diseases of peripheral nervous system view »
   Nafa - radiculitis view »
   Nafe - neuritis view »
    Nafen - peripheral neuritis view »
    Nafep - polyneuritis view »
    Nafes - stress neuritis view »
   Nafi - nervous conduction disorders view »
   Nafp - paresis view »
    Nafpa - compression paresis view »
     Nafpac - carpal-tunnel syndrome view »
  Nam - mental disorders view »
   Namb - Burnout view »
   Name - mental illness view »
   Nami - psychoses view »
    Namic - psychosis due to intracranial infection view »
    Namif - psychosis due to brain trauma view »
    Namig - schizophrenia view »
    Namim - manic-depressive psychosis view »
    Namip - paranoid states view »
   Namo - neurosis view »
    Namob - anxiety view »
    Namod - depressive neurosis view »
    Namon - occupational neurosis view »
    Namop - personality disorders view »
    Namor - psychosomatic disorders view »
     Namora - mass psychogenic illness view »
    Namos - neurasthenia view »
    Namot - traumatic neurosis view »
     Namota - concussion syndrome view »
     Namoti - malingering view »
  Nap - functional nervous disorders view »
   Napa - insomnia view »
   Napc - coma view »
   Nape - unconsciousness view »
   Napf - disturbances of memory view »
   Napi - disturbances of coordination view »
    Napim - movement disorders view »
   Napo - disturbances of speech view »
   Napu - reflex modifications view »
   Napv - neurovegetative disorders view »
   Napy - electroencephalographic changes view »
  Nar - neuromuscular disorders view »
   Nara - convulsions view »
   Nare - spasmophilia view »
    Narec - cramps view »
     Narece - writer's cramp view »
    Naret - tremor view »
  Nas - sense organ diseases view »
   Nasa - diseases of eyes and related structures view »
    Nasab - inflammatory diseases of the eye view »
     Nasaba - blepharitis view »
     Nasabb - blepharophthalmia view »
     Nasabc - conjunctivitis view »
     Nasabe - keratitis view »
     Nasabg - scleritis view »
     Nasabi - iritis view »
     Nasabo - choroiditis view »
    Nasac - leukoma view »
    Nasad - corneal damage view »
    Nasaf - lens and cornea opacities view »
     Nasafe - electric cataract view »
     Nasaff - cataract view »
     Nasafi - infrared radiation cataract view »
     Nasafm - microwave cataract view »
     Nasafr - ionizing radiation cataract view »
     Nasaft - toxic cataract view »
    Nasag - aphakia view »
    Nasah - mercurialentis view »
    Nasai - glaucoma view »
    Nasal - lacrimal system diseases view »
    Nasam - oculomotor dysfunction view »
     Nasama - strabismus view »
     Nasami - nystagmus view »
    Nasap - palpebral motor dysfunction view »
    Nasar - diseases of retina and optic nerve view »
     Nasara - retinitis view »
     Nasard - detachment of retina view »
     Nasarh - retinal haemorrhage view »
     Nasarr - retinal damage view »
     Nasaru - optic neuritis view »
     Nasary - atrophy of the optic nerve view »
   Nasd - visual function disorders view »
    Nasda - amblyopia view »
     Nasdad - colour vision deficiency view »
     Nasdan - night blindness view »
     Nasdar - traumatic amblyopia view »
     Nasdat - toxic amblyopia view »
    Nasdc - asthenopia view »
    Nasde - hemianopia view »
    Nasdi - diplopia view »
    Nasdj - binocular anomalies view »
    Nasdn - disorders of ocular accommodation view »
    Nasdo - refractive errors view »
     Nasdoa - astigmatism view »
     Nasdoh - hypermetropia view »
     Nasdom - myopia view »
    Nasdp - presbyopia view »
    Nasdu - blindness view »
   Nase - diseases of ear and mastoid process view »
    Naseb - diseases of outer ear view »
     Naseba - otitis externa view »
    Nased - diseases of middle ear view »
     Naseda - otitis media view »
     Nasede - cholesteatoma view »
     Nasedi - mastoiditis view »
     Nasedu - tympanic membrane changes view »
    Nasef - diseases of internal ear view »
     Nasefa - otitis interna view »
     Nasefe - cochleitis view »
     Nasefh - hair-cell damage view »
     Nasefi - labyrinthitis view »
    Naseh - hearing disorders view »
     Naseha - hearing loss view »
     Nasehb - presbycusis view »
     Nasehc - temporary threshold shift view »
     Nasehd - difference limen shift view »
     Nasehe - deafness view »
     Nasehi - tinnitus view »
     Nasehp - permanent threshold shift view »
    Naseq - vestibular disorders view »
     Naseqa - vertigo view »
     Naseqe - Meniere's disease view »
   Nasi - loss of smell view »
   Naso - loss of taste view »
   Nasu - loss of touch view »
    Nasup - paraesthesia view »
  Nat - neuroma view »
 Ne - cardiovascular diseases view »
 Ni - respiratory diseases view »
 No - skin diseases view »
 Nu - musculoskeletal diseases view »
 Nx - environmental illness view »
 Ny - traumatology view »
P - physiology, anatomy, psychology view »
Q - measurement and investigation view »
R - medical prevention and treatment view »
S - safety and health engineering view »
T - personal protective equipment view »
V - safety and health organization view »
W - groups of persons view »
X - industries view »
Y - occupational accidents view »
Z - generalities view »
1 - Africa view »
2 - America view »
3 - Asia view »
4 - Europe view »
5 - Oceania view »
6 - geographical areas view »
7 - international governmental organizations (non UN) view »
8 - UN organizations view »
9 - international non-governmental organizations view »
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