OSH Thesaurus
Information System on OSH terminology
A - occupational safety and health view »
B - physics, chemistry and natural phenomena view »
C - inorganic chemicals view »
D - organic compounds view »
E - enzymes view »
F - natural products and substances view »
G - industrial products view »
H - equipment, workplaces and operations view »
 Ha - premises and workplaces view »
 Hb - workplaces view »
 Hc - seats and working surfaces view »
 Hd - radiation equipment and processes view »
 He - electrical equipment view »
 Hf - prime movers view »
 Hg - power transmission view »
 Hh - pressure vessels and systems view »
 Hi - refrigerating equipment view »
 Hj - heating equipment view »
  Hja - fuel burning equipment view »
   Hjab - stokers view »
   Hjad - pulverized-fuel systems view »
   Hjag - gas-fired furnaces view »
    Hjagb - gas burners view »
   Hjam - oil-fired furnaces view »
    Hjamb - oil burners view »
   Hjas - ash and slag removal equipment view »
   Hjat - soot blowers view »
   Hjax - catalytic combustion equipment view »
   Hjaz - solid fuel stoves view »
  Hje - electric heating view »
   Hjeb - electric radiators view »
   Hjeh - high-frequency heating view »
   Hjei - immersion heaters view »
   Hjep - thermal storage water heaters view »
  Hji - gas heating view »
   Hjid - direct-fired air make-up equipment view »
  Hjo - oil stoves view »
  Hjt - transfer heating view »
   Hjto - oil baths view »
  Hju - heating systems view »
   Hjua - air heating systems view »
   Hjuh - hot-water heating systems view »
   Hjus - steam heating systems view »
   Hjux - central heating systems view »
   Hjuz - district heating systems view »
  Hjy - transportable space heaters view »
 Hk - industrial furnaces view »
 Hl - tools and work holding devices view »
 Hm - machinery view »
 Hn - roll machines view »
 Ho - forming view »
 Hp - machining view »
 Hr - shearing and cutting view »
 Hs - heat treatment view »
 Ht - comminution view »
 Hu - separating, sorting view »
 Hv - cleaning view »
 Hw - welding and cutting view »
 Hx - joining and fastening view »
 Hy - surface coating view »
 Hz - packing, filling view »
I - equipment, workplaces and operations (2) view »
J - equipment, workplaces and operations (3) view »
K - work and industrial organization view »
L - fire, explosions view »
M - occupational pathology view »
N - occupational pathology (cont.) view »
P - physiology, anatomy, psychology view »
Q - measurement and investigation view »
R - medical prevention and treatment view »
S - safety and health engineering view »
T - personal protective equipment view »
V - safety and health organization view »
W - groups of persons view »
X - industries view »
Y - occupational accidents view »
Z - generalities view »
1 - Africa view »
2 - America view »
3 - Asia view »
4 - Europe view »
5 - Oceania view »
6 - geographical areas view »
7 - international governmental organizations (non UN) view »
8 - UN organizations view »
9 - international non-governmental organizations view »
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