OSH Thesaurus
Information System on OSH terminology
A - occupational safety and health view »
B - physics, chemistry and natural phenomena view »
C - inorganic chemicals view »
D - organic compounds view »
E - enzymes view »
F - natural products and substances view »
 Fa - plants view »
 Fe - plant products view »
  Feb - cocoa view »
  Fec - coffee view »
  Fed - tea view »
   Fedh - herbal teas view »
    Fedhm - mate view »
  Fef - plant fibres view »
   Fefa - cotton view »
    Fefalm - lacinilene C methyl ether view »
   Fefb - kapok view »
   Fefe - flax view »
   Fefi - jute view »
   Fefo - hemp view »
    Fefom - Manila hemp view »
   Fefu - sisal view »
   Fefy - coir view »
  Feg - grain products view »
   Fega - flour view »
   Fego - malt view »
  Feh - vegetable oils and fats view »
   Fehc - calamus oil view »
   Fehe - essential oils view »
    Feheg - geraniol view »
    Fehej - juniper oil view »
    Fehel - lavender oil view »
   Fehl - linseed oil view »
   Fehm - corn oil view »
   Feho - orange oil view »
   Fehp - perilla oil view »
  Fej - vegetable waxes view »
   Fejp - propolis view »
  Fek - starch view »
  Fel - sugar and sugar products view »
   Fela - sugar view »
    Felac - chloralose view »
    Felad - dextrose view »
    Felal - lactitol view »
    Felax - xylitol view »
   Fele - molasses view »
   Felo - syrup view »
   Fely - bagasse view »
  Fem - alcoholic beverages view »
  Fen - non-alcoholic beverages view »
   Fenc - carbonated beverages view »
  Fep - pyrethrins view »
   Fepp - pyrethrum view »
  Fer - rotenone view »
  Fes - food view »
  Fet - tobacco view »
  Few - wood and wood products view »
   Fewa - wood view »
    Fewah - hardwoods view »
     Fewahf - fraxinella view »
     Fewahm - maple view »
     Fewahw - white oak view »
    Fewas - softwoods view »
     Fewasc - cypress view »
     Fewasr - redwood view »
     Fewass - white pine view »
     Fewast - Thuja plicata view »
     Fewasu - juniperus virginiana view »
    Fewat - exotic woods view »
     Fewatm - Mansonia altissima view »
     Fewatt - teak view »
   Fewe - cork view »
   Fewo - wood products view »
    Fewob - blockboard view »
    Fewod - plywood view »
    Fewof - fibreboard view »
    Fewol - wood wool view »
    Fewon - woodpulp view »
    Fewop - paper view »
     Fewopc - carbonless copy paper view »
    Fewoq - cardboard view »
    Fewor - natural resins view »
     Feworb - vegetable gums view »
     Feworc - colophony view »
     Feworh - podophyllin view »
     Feworp - Peru balsam view »
    Fewos - tannins view »
    Fewot - turpentine view »
    Fewou - camphor view »
    Fewov - natural rubber view »
     Fewova - gum arabic view »
     Fewove - latex view »
     Fewovi - foamed rubber view »
    Fewox - charcoal view »
     Fewoxa - activated carbon view »
    Fewoy - wood tar view »
  Fey - humic acids view »
  Fez - compost view »
 Fg - genetically modified organisms view »
 Fi - animals view »
 Fm - microorganisms view »
 Fo - animal products view »
 Fr - biochemical substances view »
 Fu - minerals view »
 Fy - substances view »
G - industrial products view »
H - equipment, workplaces and operations view »
I - equipment, workplaces and operations (2) view »
J - equipment, workplaces and operations (3) view »
K - work and industrial organization view »
L - fire, explosions view »
M - occupational pathology view »
N - occupational pathology (cont.) view »
P - physiology, anatomy, psychology view »
Q - measurement and investigation view »
R - medical prevention and treatment view »
S - safety and health engineering view »
T - personal protective equipment view »
V - safety and health organization view »
W - groups of persons view »
X - industries view »
Y - occupational accidents view »
Z - generalities view »
1 - Africa view »
2 - America view »
3 - Asia view »
4 - Europe view »
5 - Oceania view »
6 - geographical areas view »
7 - international governmental organizations (non UN) view »
8 - UN organizations view »
9 - international non-governmental organizations view »
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