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Cooperation agreement between the TUC (United Kingdom) and CGTP-IN (Portugal)


Portuguese migrants in the United Kingdom are chiefly employed in the hotel and catering industry, healthcare, domestic work and cleaning, and agriculture. Many of these workers are not members of, or are not affiliated with, UK trade unions. In 2001, the Trades Union Congress (TUC), which represents 54 unions in the United Kingdom, signed an agreement with the General Confederation of Portuguese Workers (CGTP-IN). The partnership's main objective is to encourage union membership and organisation among Portuguese workers in the UK through community engagement, so as to ensure their protection at work and promote knowledge of their rights. Several events have been organised in the framework of the agreement, including cultural gatherings as well as information and advice sessions on employment rights. The agreement has been renewed since then, most recently in August 2014. It now covers both migrants from Portugal and Portuguese speakers from non-European countries, such as Angola and Brazil, who are working in the UK.


last updated on 06.05.2015^ top