Sri Lanka Overseas Workers Welfare Fund
- Responsible Organisations: Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE) (Government)
- ILO Regions: Asia and the Pacific
- Country(ies): Sri Lanka
- Thematic areas: Protection
- MLFLM: 8.; 9.(a),(b),(c); 11.
The Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE) was formed by an Act of Parliament in 1985, one of its objectives being the establishment of an Overseas Workers Welfare Fund (OWWF). The OWWF aims to meet all expenses incurred in providing assistance to Sri Lankan migrant workers and their families. The Fund offers a compulsory insurance scheme, coverage of cost of repatriation of migrant workers, scholarships for children, and loan schemes with partner banks to cover migrants' pre-departure costs and start-up of self-employment schemes. In 2012, the Fund provided 2,720 scholarships for children of migrant workers amounting to Rs. 53 million and paid out almost Rs. 109 million in insurance compensation to 2,362 beneficiaries. The Fund also supports returnees who have been rendered disabled while being employed overseas.