Training Indian trade union leaders on the issue of international labour migration
While India is a significant country of origin of labour migrants, social dialogue on the issue has been very limited. As part of the ILO's European Union-funded 'Decent Work Across Borders' (DWAB) project, a training course for trade union leaders was organised in May 2014. The objective of the course was to strengthen the capacity of trade unions to participate in the shaping of migration policies, promote sound labour migration practices, reach out to migrant workers, and ensure that the benefits of migration, when it occurs, are maximised for all. The training encouraged trade unions to sign bilateral trade union agreements with countries of destination and to enhance efforts to promote the wider ratification of relevant ILO Conventions. With the knowledge generated by DWAB on migrant health professionals, the training also provided an opportunity to engage the unions in the migration of health workers. Twenty-six participants from 13 trade unions were trained during the 5-day course, which was run in collaboration with the ILO's International Training Centre (ITC-ILO).