Consultations with labour attachés in Malaysia
- Responsible Organisations: International Labour Organization (ILO) (International Organisation)
- ILO Regions: Asia and the Pacific
- Country(ies): Malaysia; Thailand
- Thematic areas: Protection
- MLFLM: 8.; 9.(a),(b),(c); 11.
Since 2013, the ILO has supported a series of consultations with labour attachés and consular officials from 12 countries sending workers to Malaysia. The consultations have been organised under the projects on 'Tripartite Action to Protect the Rights of Migrant Workers within and from the Greater Mekong Subregion from Labour Exploitation' (GMS TRIANGLE, funded by the Australian Government), and 'Tripartite Action for the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers in the ASEAN Region' (ASEAN TRIANGLE, funded by the Canadian Government). The objectives of the consultations are to provide attachés with a better understanding of Malaysia's laws and procedures, and to improve cooperation with the Government and social partners. The trainings and consultations cover recruitment regulation, complaint channels, trafficking in persons, and the Comprehensive Settlement of Foreign Workers programme. The gathering of labour attachés also allows for the sharing of information on case management and other issues. Because of the demonstrated value of the initiative in Malaysia, the projects have replicated the consultations with labour attachés in Thailand. The first meeting was held in June 2014, and will continue to be convened regularly to provide a better understanding of laws and procedures, and improve cooperation among attachés themselves and with government and social partners.