Promotion of Decent Employment and Entrepreneurship for Young and Women Coffee Farmers through Environmentally Sustainable Productions of Specialty and Organic Coffee

This project focuses on promoting decent work and improving the living and working conditions for small producers of organic forest coffee in small pilot area of Shan State.


This project focuses on promoting decent work and improving the living and working conditions for small producers of organic forest coffee. The project activities are expected to contribute to an improvement of skills and tools necessary to strengthen cultivation, transformation and marketing processes in the coffee supply chain in order to improve its quality and allow small farmers, particularly women and youths working in the coffee industry, to have an adequate income that allows better living conditions.


The objectives of this project include; improving local coffee production and processing systems with a view to Certified Special Coffee (CSC) certification; enhancing economic empowerment of coffee farmers through improved incomes and living and working conditions.


Outputs include
  • Capacity building of small coffee farmers through training and awareness-raising
  • Empowerment of women through training and awareness-raising on various technical topics
  • Economic empowerment of small farmers through the production of quality coffee and promotion of eco-tourism, where possible.
  • Improvement of standards of living through the promotion of social enterprises