Change in the functioning of the Tribunal

The Tribunal will start the year 2022 with an important change in its functioning. As of 1 January 2022, there will be one “resident judge” in Geneva, and this role will be performed by the Tribunal’s Vice-President, the Honourable Judge Patrick Frydman.

This administrative arrangement, proposed initially by the Tribunal itself, was approved by the ILO Governing Body at its 343rd session on the basis of document GB.343/PFA/15/1.

The “resident judge” will basically perform, in addition to dealing with the individual cases as all other judges, the procedural responsibilities mentioned in the Statute and the Rules of the Tribunal.

The Tribunal decided to nominate its Vice-President to perform this new role and the President of the Tribunal will delegate some of his powers to the Vice-President between the sessions of the Tribunal.