Pacific entrepreneurs join Commonwealth Alliance of Young Entrepreneurs

The establishment of Young Entrepreneur Councils (YEC) in the Pacific has paved the way to network with the Commonwealth Alliance of Young Entrepreneurs (CAYE)

News | 07 April 2018
CAYE Asia-Pacific Young Entrepreneurs with the Secretary General of the Commonwealth
A bilateral meeting between the ILO and Commonwealth Secretariat during the Commonwealth Education Ministers Meeting in Fiji in February 2018 , saw a vision in expanding the CAYE Asia chapter to include the Pacific.
This was also in line with the meeting outcomes statement relating to entrepreneurship promotion among young people.

At the fringes of the Commonwealth Games in Australia in April this year, the Asia-Pacific chapter of CAYE was launched. YEC pacific was represented by the Chair of YEC Fiji Ms. Patricia Mallam and supported by the CEO of the Samoa Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCI) Mr. Hobart Va’ai.

“It would have been difficult for individual pacific young entrepreneurs to join this important network outside our region. YEC has given us a legitimate platform to be able to join the CAYE Asia-Pacific chapter and we are also grateful for the Commonwealth Secretariat." said Ms. Mallam.

Through ILO’s collaboration with the Commonwealth’s Youth Programme, there are plans to link other YEC’s in the Pacific to the CAYE Asia-Pacific.