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Senegal's Integrated National Strategy for the Formalization of the Informal Economy (SNIFEI) and Operational Action Plan for the Transformation of the Informal Sector (PAOTSI)

The development of the Integrated National Strategy for the Formalization of the Informal Economy (SNIFEI) stems from a desire to achieve the orientations of the Emerging Senegalese Plan (PSE), in particular, those related to a structural transformation of our economy in order to promote sustainable and inclusive growth, which creates decent jobs. (Document in French only)

It is also based on the conventions and recommendations of the International Labour Organization (ILO), notably Recommendation 204 on the transition from the informal to the formal economy and the decent work agenda.

This strategy is also a powerful lever that can contribute positively to the success of our many ongoing initiatives, such as the Decent Work Country Program (DWCP2018-2022), the National Strategy for Gender Equity and Equality (SNEEG 2016-2026) and the National Social Protection Strategy (SNPS2015-2035).

The elaboration of such a document was naturally preceded by an in-depth diagnosis of the informal sector. In Senegal, various statistical studies by the ANSD have shown that the proportion of informal economic units is close to 97% and that 96.4% of the active population is in the informal sector, including the rural world. This sector faces many obstacles, particularly administrative, fiscal, social, financial, organizational and managerial. It is also marked by a strong deficit in terms of decent work. This shows the extent of the challenge posed by the formalization of all the economic activities carried out, particularly in view of their heterogeneity and diversity.

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