Young man stands before orange washing machines

Decent work, brighter futures

Global Employment Trends for Youth 2024

This report represents the 20th anniversary publication of the ILO’s Global Employment Trends for Youth (hereafter “GET for Youth”). As an anniversary edition, this GET for Youth looks back on what has been achieved since the dawn of the twenty-first century while also looking ahead to what may lay in store for youth employment in an era characterized by crises and uncertainties.

A young garment worker stands in the washing department of a clothing factory in Lesotho. © ILO
Video introduction to the ILO report Global Employment Trends for Youth 2024
Default Caption

Presentation of the report by Sara Elder, Head of ILO Employment Analyses & Economic Policies Unit
Alternative text
Recovery from the COVID-19: Youth unemployment rates

Recovery from the COVID-19: Youth unemployment rates

Decent work for youth: Any progress?

Decent work for youth: Any progress?

Youth school attendance and overeducation

Youth school attendance and overeducation

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Number of youth not in employment, education, or training (NEET) a cause for concern, despite falling jobless rate

Global Employment Trends for Youth 2024: In figures

ILO Data

Global Employment Trends for Youth 2024: In figures

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Youth employment