ILO C.190

Ending Violence and Harassment

Advancing ILO Convention No. 190 on Ending Violence and Harassment at the Workplace

Uganda (ILO News) The Government of Uganda, in August 2023, made a significant step forward in protecting its workforce by ratifying the 2019 violence and harassment Convention No. 190, established by the International Labour Organization. This made Uganda join the ranks of 38 countries worldwide, becoming the 8th country in Africa to embrace the Convention.


Violence and harassment at work is a widespread phenomenon around the world, with more than one in five (22.8 per cent) persons in employment having experienced at least one form of violence and harassment at work during their working life (ILO global survey of experiences of violence at work, 2022). Psychological violence and harassment was the most common form of violence and harassment reported by both men and women, with nearly one in five (17.9 per cent) people in employment experiencing it in their working life. The survey further revealed that one in fifteen (6.3 per cent) people in employment has experienced sexual violence and harassment at work in their working life. Women were particularly exposed to sexual violence and harassment at work. The data around sexual violence and harassment demonstrate the largest gender difference by far (8.2 per cent of women compared to 5.0 per cent of men) among the three forms of violence and harassment. 

The ILO acknowledge that there are multiple factors and barriers that may prevent people from disclosing incidents of violence and harassment at work, for instance “waste of time” and “fear for their reputation” were the most common barriers discouraging people from talking about their own experiences of violence and harassment at work.

Violence and harassment at work causes harm to individuals, families, businesses and societies. It affects people’s lives, dignity, health and wellbeing. It also exacerbates inequality in societies and undermines business productivity. There should be no place for and no tolerance of violence and harassment at work – anywhere.

One of the significant efforts undertaken by the ILO in Uganda, is to raise awareness and advocacy on the Convention No. 190 among the Government, workers and employers’ organizations. The initiative has continuously defined the roles of the workers’ and employers’ organization in combating violence and harassment at the workplace. The ILO has also been able to foster implementation of the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA) policy among social partners and other implementing partners.

ILO Convention C.190 © ILO

At a recent event, the ILO conducted a training of resources persons from the fraternity of workers’ and employers’ organization on combating workplace violence and harassment. A number of measures were articulated for advancing the Convention No. 190, and these included raising awareness on the effects of violence and harassment at the workplace, integrating measures for combating violence and harassment in the Human Resource policy manuals, organize awareness training sessions for human resource officers, integrating measures for addressing workplace violence and harassment during the negotiations of the workers’ Collective Bargaining Agreements, and to introduce a feature item in the Employers' Annual Awards on best practices on workplace violence and harassment. Most important is the on-going work on setting and integrating assessment and monitoring parameters on ending workplace violence and harassment into the National Labour Inspection checklist (under review).

It is clear that the work environment has an enormous impact on all of us. If a person’s work environment is healthy and safe, that person tends to have a higher degree of satisfaction, a better relationship with colleagues and management and better effectiveness and productivity. It is in the interest of all parties – employers, employees and political decision-makers – to create a violence-free working environment, thus contributing to Decent Work.


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