Key publications


  1. Trade Union Action on Decent Work for Persons with Disabilities

    03 December 2017

    Trade unions are working all over the world on disability issues. This research captures and summarises trade union action on disability from over 50 countries, including developed, emerging and developing economies. The research offers a new perspective to trade unions who have not worked on this issue, and points to opportunities for others to develop their work further.

  2. Trade Union Reference Manual on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

    08 May 2017

    This reference manual, seeks to assist trade union leaders, members and sympathizers, in their engagement in these national strategies for sustainable development.


  1. Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association

    19 October 2016

  2. Guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all

    02 February 2016

    These Guidelines are both a policy framework and a practical tool to help countries at all levels of development manage the transition to low-carbon economies and can also help them achieve their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.


  1. Full report: Evaluation of mainstreaming of full and productive employment and decent work by the United Nations system organizations

    21 September 2015

    This evaluation report aims to provide information to the General Assembly/Economic and Social Council and to the legislative and governing bodies of the participating organizations and to the members of the United Nations Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) on how the United Nations system organizations have implemented the resolutions aimed at mainstreaming or supporting the decent work agenda with a view to using the lessons learned in the finalization of the post-2015 agenda. The purpose of the evaluation is not to review ILO activities to mainstream decent work, but rather the United Nations system’s response.

  2. Summary report: Evaluation of mainstreaming of full and productive employment and decent work by the United Nations system organizations

    21 September 2015

    This report summarizes the background, methodology, findings, conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations of the “Evaluation of mainstreaming of full and productive employment and decent work by the United Nations system organizations” conducted in 2014 by the Joint Inspection Unit.

  3. Bilateral Agreements and Memoranda of Understanding on Migration of Low Skilled Workers: A Review

    23 July 2015

    ILO instruments have long recognized the potential of bilateral cooperation in the good governance of labour migration flows, and in contributing to the protection of migrant workers. In the recent past, bilateral labour arrangements (BLAs) such as bilateral agreements (BAs) and Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) on labour migration have gained significance as tools to facilitate the cross-border movement of workers. Through a systematic comparison of BAs and MOUs on low-skilled labour migration across regions, and using a set of good practice criteria based on international standards and norms as a benchmark, ILO/KNOMAD research undertaken in 2014 throws light on major issues involved. It places particular emphasis on provisions ensuring good governance in facilitating labour migration processes, protecting human and labour rights of migrant workers, and reaping development benefits of migration.

  4. © AFP/P. Lopez 2024

    The ILO Response to the Nepal Earthquake

    07 May 2015

    Following the worst earthquake in Nepal over the last 80 years, there is an urgent demand for assistance to poor households to help them rebuild their lives. This includes support to rebuilding infrastructure as well as securing poor households with income – through employment opportunities created by reconstruction efforts. The ILO has been asked by the Government of Nepal to contribute to such efforts.

  5. Mainstreaming the strategic objectives of the Decent Work Agenda in UNDAFs and UN Joint Programming (2013-2015)

    15 April 2015

    The present desk review has been prepared in response to the need for greater UN system-wide policy coherence in development cooperation and country-level operational modalities established and/or recommended by the Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review of the United Nations (December 2012). This study analysed in a qualitative manner the mainstreaming of the Decent Work Agenda in the UNDAFs and One Programmes in a sample of 43 countries from five regions over the period January 2013 to March 2015 (active UNDAFs). The review illustrates how the efforts in joint programming are aligned and reflected in the activities and results of 95 components which have been implemented by the ILO in the framework of 15 joint programmes.

  6. World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2015

    20 January 2015

    The World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2015 includes a forecast of worsening global unemployment levels and explains the factors behind it, such as continuing inequality and falling wage shares. The report looks at the drivers of the rising middle class in the developing world as well as the risk of social unrest, especially in areas of elevated youth unemployment. It also addresses structural factors shaping the world of work, including an aging population and shifts in the skills sought by employers.