Predeparture information for Indians going to the European Union

This pre-departure handbook serves as a comprehensive information guide for Indians who want to go to any of the European Union Member States.

The handbook covers various aspects of the migration process aiming at sensitizing migrants to better prepare them for their migration process to the EU.

The topics covered in this handbook include - an introduction to the European Union, clarifying expectations and considerations for moving to the EU, information on how to select a country to migrate to, details of the different visas and criteria for obtaining them; how to find a job and the rules for migrating from India. It also highlights irregular migration and the risks and dangers of trafficking and smuggling. It provides much information on what living in the EU would mean from the immediate arrival to issues of culture and integration as well as how to plan for return and reintegration to India. It ends with useful contact and links to Embassies of EU Member States in India.

The entire book includes links to official government webpages so that people can always have access to officially correct and the most up-to-date information, making it a resource for the long-term.