
The ILO Decent Work Technical Support Team for South Asia and Country Office for India (DWT/CO-New Delhi) operates a wide range of programmes and projects in the sub-region focusing on relief and development challenges. Details of each programme and project can be found below.


  1. Working with Employers' Organizations on Youth Employment and Social Dialogue

    1 January 2007 - 30 April 2010

    This project is aimed at enhancing the capacity of Employers' Federation of Southern India to address youth employment issues with a view to enhancing the employability of youth, in dialogue with other stake holders and the trade unions in particular.

  2. Working with Trade Unions on Youth Employment and Child Labour

    1 January 2007 - 30 April 2010

    To strengthen trade unions in the fight to eliminate child labour, and enable the unions to address youth employment issues through social dialogue.


  1. Factory Improvement Programme - Faridabad, a pilot approach in India

    1 November 2006 - 31 December 2007

    The Factory Improvement Programme (FIP) combines high-calibre workshop training with in-factory consultations to help factories increase competitiveness, improve working conditions and strengthen collaboration and communications between workers and managers.

  2. Labour-Related Laws and the MSE Growth Trap in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh

    1 January 2006 - 30 June 2011

    Dialogue amongst ILO constituents and other stakeholders on required improvements and simplification of labour-related laws and their implementation leading towards greater job creation potentialities. Three studies in India were conducted on: macro-level analysis of the impact (direct and indirect) of labour laws on MSEs; micro-level assessment of costs and benefits of doing business (labour and non labour laws) on MSEs; and ways of enhancing compliance of labour laws (sanctions and incentives) by MSEs Indian component. Technical Advisory Group guiding preparation of India studies.


  1. Targeting the Worst Forms of Child Labour: Combating Child Labour and Economic Exploitation among Adolescents in the Sericulture Industry in Karnataka

    15 August 2005 - 31 August 2010

    Contribute to GOI’s efforts to combat child labour and reduce the vulnerability of adolescents to economic exploitation through an integrated package of technical assistance.

  2. Working with Workers' Organizations for Improved Working and Living Conditions and Increased Voice and Representation through Expansion of Employment and Income Generation Activities for Vulnerable Groups in the Tsunami Affected Areas of Southern India

    1 January 2005 - 31 December 2006

    To enable poor and excluded groups to recover from the impact of the tsunami and participate in, and fully benefit from, economic activity and to promote workers' rights through education on labour law and International Labour Standards.

  3. Working through Employers' Organizations and their Members to Support Recovery and Rehabilitation of Persons in Tsunami Affected Areas

    1 January 2005 - 31 December 2006

    To provide support to employer organizations, trade associations and local chambers of commerce and industry to facilitate their linkages with SHGs and small and micro enterprises to recover from the tsunami impact.

  4. Strengthening Labour Market Analysis, Job Counselling and Matching Job Seekers with Opportunities through Job Centres

    1 January 2005 - 31 December 2006

    To start the process of strengthening employment services in selected centres in the aftermath of the tsunami.


  1. Coordinated HIV/AIDS & STD Response through Capacity Building and Awareness (Charca)

    1 January 2004 - 31 December 2005

    This programme with a joint UN System partnership, aims to reduce vulnerability of young women by providing information, improving their skills and access to quality services.

  2. Strengthening the Capacity of ILO Constituents and Stakeholders including PLWHA to expand World of Work Response to HIV and AIDS

    1 January 2004 - 31 December 2005

    To contribute to the prevention of HIV/AIDS in the world of work by strengthening the capacity of the tripartite partners and other relevant key actors.