Webinar: Dynamics of paid and unpaid domestic work in urban India

Webinar on the Dynamics of Paid and Unpaid Domestic Work in India – presentation of key findings of an ILO-IIHS study of employers in Bengaluru and Chennai followed by Q&A.

In collaboration with Indian Institute of Human Settlements, ILO’s Work in Freedom programme has conducted a study in 2020-2022 to learn the dynamics of paid and unpaid domestic work across different urban households in the cities of Bengaluru and Chennai in India. Covering approximately 10,000 households in both cities, the focus of the study is on employers of domestic workers as their perceptions and practices are essential to understanding the contours of the demand and working conditions of the sector and critical to engage with to prepare sustainable regulation and policy for domestic work.

The findings of the ILO-IIHS two-year long study are presented in three reports, each diving into a particular thematic. The webinar will present the key findings of these three reports followed by a Q&A to discuss the lessons that can be drawn form the ILO-IIHS study towards relevant interventions at the grassroot level and for policymaking relevant to the sector specifically and, women in the informal and formal workforce in general.

Registration Link - https://ilo-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_tt0P4ykRRYSlXw0vCa4DMw